Crossfire 2.01 Installation

There are 7 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Alli.

  • This is my first time on the Portal so forgive me if I posted this question in the wrong place.

    Re: Crossfire 2.01 Installation Instructions - All of the instructions I have seen say to install Freelancer first. Then install Freelancer Mod Manager. Then run the Crossfire installation EXE. After that, instructions say to open Mod Manager and Activate the Mod.

    I just followed those directions, however it appears that the Installation installed the Mod all by itself, and it never showed up in the Mod Manager. I can start the game though and it seems to play OK.

    Did I miss something, or is this how the Installation works now ?

    Thanks So Much

  • Did I miss something, or is this how the Installation works now ?

    The new CF installer does away with FLMM, yes.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • If I could ask another question.

    Now that I have installed Crossfire, can I advance into the Crossfire story using my existing FL save file ? I completed the vanilla FL story and am at level 38. I did log in and was able to access my saved file, but I don't know where to go next. My next level requirement says "Mission". If I keep doing Missions, will that continue me into the next story, or do I need to start fresh ?

    Thanks again.

  • I'm afraid you'll have to start fresh. Though I believe there were ready-to-use save files in the Filebase.

    "Across the savage skies and through the fissures in the fields,
    The rumble of the engines and the trundle of the wheels,
    Through hell and horror trudge and yet their spirits never yield.
    Will they sing of these forsaken pawns of war?"
    -Miracle Of Sound, "Pawns of War".

  • You can start playing the continuation of the Crossfire missions starting from the 13th mission (if you have saved the game), where the original freelancer ends !!! At least it worked out for me., Just replay the last mission and further forward for the adventures of Trent only in the Crossfire 2.0 mod