background to the California / Sol blockade

There are 191 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Doppleganger.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Argos
    I would like to see you guys making more role play and speaking less about it.

    Novel idea... once the server gets an exorcism and stops crashing :P

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Hey... I enjoy the blockade, just to jump uncatch into Hyperion, run like a rabbit from FlyinSI, Death Scythe or Cyb3r. Then enjoy some peace crossing from Pluto to Mars or Venus or Jupiter just to arrive at Earth safe, drinking custodian whyskey on board of my luxurious, all modified and all equiped, fancy, marvellous, gorgeous, APC Freighter.


    For more info, read the Press reports.

    Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

    {LP}Amos and derivatives; {LP}Ivanov{X} from the Altair branch of LP

  • Hey Amhos, give me a shout next time you go, we'll get drunk on that loverly whiskey and confuse the crap outta BG with our inate ramblings, and then quietly sneak past!!!!!!hehehe. Pfft Si and his dodgy scanner!!hehe.



  • i made a request before about BG docking before they can F1 out of dublin. this way, if they F1 back into dublin, they dont appear right next to the hyperion gate. i was killed when no BG around, then suddently they just appeared right next to me.

    this is unsporting, and i expected this to be addressed, and it can be if BG want to be sports. but no sign of this happening yet.

    i was also told that i cannot park my fighter by the hyperion jh, then F1 out, and wait for BG to appear then F1 in and catch them by surprise. return the favour.

    so what gives? nobody want a fair game? i do, i like the idea of the blockade, i want it, but only if played fairly.

    i would like to hear a comment from BG on this issue.


    p.s. it doesn't annoy me, because i can just go trade on a different run if people dont play fair.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Argos
    To be true the 2 times I atempt to break the blockde I was only looking for the fight, lol.

    lmao [9] [10]

  • To be true... I go just to break the blockade... cause i have my route ;) if i dont want to be hunted down.

    Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

    {LP}Amos and derivatives; {LP}Ivanov{X} from the Altair branch of LP

  • @Saxon How did BG manage to appear right in front(next) of you?
    How did they know exactly where you were?
    How did they manage to have a ship in that exact same spot ?
    Where were BG before you saw them?

    You could have been at any point in dublin
    If I log in in Dublin my fighter may be at the gate,thats life!

    Id like to know the exact details(pilot positions ect) you are talking about pls.cos I dont like unsupported accusations:)

  • Saxon has a point though m8. The are two ways this can be played: clean and dirty. If both sides just dock before F1ing out then these things wouldn't happen. If people don't, players will be randomly appearing just about anywhere. This is especially unfair to the smugglers because it's a no win for them for any scenario. My beef with using F1 whenever is that it's like a cloak cheat. There's no way to detect a person until it's too late and that's just plain wrong. *poof* VHF appears next to train or *poof* train appears beside VHF. Either way the train dies and that's bad RP. Regardless of how everyone wants to do it though, folks are going to be feeling cheated unless there's a single, universal stance on the matter. In the case of this blockade are people to dock before using F1 or not?

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • OK so ALL pilots must dock before they log off?
    or Remove F1 again (and that was hated last time~)

    Ill make a point here
    I have chars to protect Custodian ,when we have an intruder I always switch char immediately and get them out/kill them.

    Sol route is no different

  • The reason I said it was different was because train vs. VHF isn't like VHF vs. VHF. When you have a char anywhere besides Dublin pretty much and a person suddenly appears it's ok because the newcommer only has about a 3 second head-start to the other player if they fight. In Dublin, it's train vs. VHF and like I said it's not fair because the train can't fight back well. The smuggler's only weapon against blockades is agility and that's impossible when they can't detect their enemies. I'm not trying to offend anyone, just point out that it's just another deterant from participating in that RP. It's not a matter of server rules, just a matter of common sense and honor imho.

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • ... if your a smugler and your going to sol and a BG was in some other system and f1's to another char in sol/dublin and attacks you and then once your dead f1 back to there other char thats unfair, especially then if the trader f1's out and your all like "you cant do that..." then its just unfair, a no win or compormise for the smugler.

    So, you have to dock before leaving the game.
    NO f1 to sol / dublin if your a BG whos in another system with another char waiting there.
    THEN that means the smugler cant f1 out if you attack...

    now thats fair, if BG dnt agree to these rules, then smuglers can f1 out if they start to get attacked by some BG who f1'ed into sol/dublin/hyperion

  • it me or this this getting a bit too heated to still be called fun? F1 in F1 out, one party does it, then dont complain when the other does! if BG/Cyb/SL, or anyone else hired for the sol blockade, sees a trader on the sol route then for gods sake F1 into dublin when the trader is in New London, then no one can be accused of the DREADED(!) F1 syndrone. simple! stick to that one simple rule and all this unneccassary bulls**t about accusations and dishonoursble RP action can stop and we can all get along and play the game. i try to keep this as light hearted and enjoyable as possible but this is going a tad too far dont you think guys? it wont stop me running the blockade, i dont care if BG F1 in 3 feet away from my train, coz they aint never gonna catch me!!!! lmfao!!!!!

    BTW Wavey all those questions about who was where and doing what at exactly what time?!!! lol
    No offence intended m8 but:
    Ever heard of coincidence? jeez lighten up . i didnt see any inclination of anyone accusing or making accusations about BG in these most recent threads.

    I personally dont care if BG F1 in, coz any trader who is mad enough to take on the sol run on thier own in a train should know full well what to expect when they get to Dublin. i dont care coz i will run it anyway!

    but to stop all the arguing i think we need to find a common ground, a compromise. docking before F1ing out is not realistic. F1ing in, as i previously said, when that trader is in New London or Leeds would be a compromise.
    Anyone F1ing out to avoid a combat situation in a train(snigger!) should be publicly humiliated and fined for thier inaproppriate actions! Its not on and everyone on the server knows this. SO DONT DO IT, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!

    BTW Si, i hope to see ya real soon, as soon as the server is back online anyway, so i can give you and that crappy junkers scanner yet another go!! hehehehehe.

    Keep it friendly please guys, rp or not this is still a community of friends. please lets try to keep it this way by not getting personal. try and have a laugh, jeez i try every time i do the sol run. and succeed!

    Anyway, i seem to be rambling a tad and tired myself out!! no doubt half of you who started reading this are asleep by now anyway!!

    [725] [835] [203] [694]

  • the problem i have and have had since this started is it is ok to run (and in some cases come with the whitty remarks for getting away) but if i catch them in a no win situation for the train they F1; that is F1 in combat, against server rules and just down right bad sportsmanship. So this when and where it is ok to F1 whilst doing the smuggler v BG RP argument is just
    getting out of hand. I notice here its all about where, when and under what circumstances BG can F1 and a load of reasons why a train CAN F1, it is simple if you want to run the blocade then run the blocade (BG welcome the RP) but dont bloody creep to earth using F1 being smart mouthed when you are out of range talking so clever because you out foxed us at the hyperon gate and then dissaperring when in weapons range. For gods sake we even put an option in the RP where you dont lose money (accept an escort back to LA) and i will say again if i F1 to close to a train i will not pursue.
    also if you refuse to stop when ordered (by lagitimate military in RP) then you choose to run if you get caught
    stop; say stop on system channel and ask for a return escort. I i feel like i am waisting words because i know
    out of every 5 i encouter the current Stats are 2 will play fair 1 will F1 for a borderline case of cheating and 2 will blatently cheat by F1 in combat

    they are the stats i compiled over 5 Days on blocade duty, fact. and judging by how much debate on when an F1 can be used and not these stats wont change

    THIS IS AN RP SERVER so the "i want to make money" is not an argument, use another route if you dont know one then explore like the creator of the mod intended to be the case. If you use the LA to Earth BMG route bloody well accept you are in RP by default and do as you would be done to, any1 saying they would not mind if a train F1'd out under fire to spoil there RP fun can sod off because i dont belive it for 1 minute

    personnally i can see this all turning nasty over a few poeple not wanting to lose a few credits (that are bloody fake anyway) or being to lazy to explore and set up an alternative route.

    we even have a communication ordering you to stop
    this gives time for you to run if its the fun you want
    i always count to 5 before entering hyperon to give you more chance and it possible to run to earth in a train without being caught so it if fair to a train.

    All we ask is if you are caught accept the RP and i for 1 want to know why seems it is to much to ask

    its no secret i am fast running out of the patience many here know me to have in abundance

    if this sitution carrys on my plan is simple it involves a bullpup 3, 4 telzona del cids, 2 nem launchers, a collie torp and no warnings or options to stop, dump cargo or accept an escort this way a train truly doesnt have a chance to survive run, or F1 and even if you do manage to pull an F1 i will take screenies and kick up a stink here on the forum and with SP as you will have F1'd in combat it is breaking server rules and i belive a fine or 24hr ban is the punishment

    so whats it to be do we all start to play fair or do i (and i wont be alone in this) start to get as dirty as those who cheat me????????

  • sorry to double post but i think i started my last post before dopple started his and posted it after he finished
    it why i cant catch him on the sol run i am always slower than him lol

    and sorry for the angry response i agree with dopp lets keep it fun and cut the F1 out in combat crap that is what is cuasing the bad feeling

  • I for one as a trader(ahem...cough), wholeheartedly agree with every comment Si made about this situation. PLAY THE GAME GUYS! dont spoil it for the few of us who actually do have fun on the sol run and look to it for a challenge. if Si wanted too he could sit there in that massively armed Bullpup and blow the living crap outta dublin, but he doesnt coz its not exactly "sporting", not good rp. i dont want my fun ruined by a fearsome few who havent got the guts to run the blockade without literally crapping thier pants in the fear of losing some credits! if you cant afford to lose em do another route and leave the sol run to real TRADERS, who will stop at nothing to make our millions!!!

    Btw Si, i would arm you bullpup with 3 turrets of maximum power(cant think what lvl turrets it accepts!)2 collapser guns, 1 paralyzer, 3 nemesis, 1 coalie torp!!! hehehhehe big,big,big BANG!!! I'D LIKE TO SEE A TRAIN SHOT WITH THAT!! make my pvp escapades look positively frugal, expenditure wise, in comparison!!
    *dribbling at the thought of all that ordnance*lolololol

    Doppleganger[725] [694] [725]

  • I'd like to point out that I don't actually make the Sol run anymore, I was just looking at the scenario without bias and decided that both sides are using F1 in ways that defeat the purpose of RP. If you're blockading then sit there for 2 hours and wait for somebody, don't do something else and then F1 into Dublin the moment somebody starts coming up on it. On the other hand, smugglers shouldn't be using F1 to escape their enemies either (or wiating for the blockading side to log off to trade). I know it's suppose to be just fun and games, and that's the only reason I say it. Both sides need to play fair and in a way that is honorable (because server rules alone don't enforce it) or people stop having fun and it becomes something to loathe rather than enjoy. Maybe I'm completely off though; just throwing in my opinion. As I don't partake in the RP I don't really have the right to comment on it and will leave the topic alone now. :D

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D: