background to the California / Sol blockade

There are 191 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Doppleganger.

  • at least ppl will think twice if they f1 out (hopefully)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
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  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    at least ppl will think twice if they f1 out (hopefully)

    Sadly there are ways around that delay. And all too many people noticed it right away.

    Just 5 minutes ago I witnessed two "subjects" F1 out to a diffrent system, kill another player, and then conviently F1 back to their former location. And the delay was not a factor in that occurance. That I am very certain of.

    [27] Hardwired

  • yes there are ways around it but the best way is

    listen to yourselves you know what is fair and what isint

    its simple if you are a decent person with values of fair
    play then you will know

    if your not then you will not

    the latter has my pity; and i hope you learn the benifits of honour one day

  • That goes whitout saying of course. But I have through experience seen that honor drives very few in our time. And if there is an edge to be gained then there will be a majority seeking that edge.

    The suggestion to only permit logouts in landing areas isn't looking half-bad right about now.

    [27] Hardwired

  • itd be cool for RP. a pain in the ass, but i wouldnt mind it. maybe if we could do like... a trial period..

    I am god of the sea people.

    "If you ever touch Mr.Kitty, ill put a M80 in your nutsack and blow your nuts all over your pants."- That goes for shooting at my transport too.

    MW Gonna Rule The Earth!

    or at least you.

    Charachters- [MW]-XXL-[X] [MW]-Cartman-[X]
    [MW]-10-CENT [MW]-KONIG and in development:
    [MW]The_Oak. Thats right, run and hide.

    West Coast For Life

  • as i think someone has put before. that would make DK space a long trip or not worth going at all. there are no dockble stations there and it can take ages to get through. if you put F1 only when docked you might as well take out all DK systems.

    why carnt we just leave thing as they are some ppl will use the F1 for there own advantage but most wont.

    if someone does it to ya put a bounty on there head. get as many ppl hunting them as poss and tell them why. this would have a better result, give ppl more RP. also you dont need the bounty to be big i would do it for a couple of mill just for the pvp.


  • @ hardwired i get you point but if we lose some of the systems due to a need for enforced fair play then it is anabsolute travesty of the hard work put in by OP and others. imo this needs to be avoided

    we have a good flexible system for owning multiple charicters atm and i think we should keep the clans that were the worst offenders in this have in recent times
    through good leadership "mended thier ways" to a great extent and those in their clan that havent embraced this old but fair methodology face trouble from within theses clans this is a good thing

    paragraph edited out

    @ carbine dam good approach m8 it takes a RP negative and turns it into a RP positive if that isnt the right approach then i dont know what is


    originally by Hardwired

    That goes whitout saying of course. But I have through experience seen that honor drives very few in our time. And if there is an edge to be gained then there will be a majority seeking that edge.

    i get you piont but in the end who do they really cheat
    us honourable players or them selves.


  • Ok guys...This is going a bit to far...I'm now posting as a pro smuggler, who does this thing several times a day, whether or not BG or CFPD or pirates are in Dublin.

    I smuggle in both the SoulForge, and the Bull Pup (and yes wavey, I did get permission for it :P). In either case, I've only been killed once, and it was by Gunny...Who got me whilst I was trying to cruise to earth straight from Pluto....He taught me a very awesome strat for catching people while in cruise, w/o using a CD.

    I've also gotten past people who F1 ontop of you...Its called flyin straight, and USING STRATAGY. If for instance, theres a Asteriod field, GET IN IT, it blocks shots and CDs, and also if they hit an asteriod, then they go off course and get farther behind you.

    If theres a JH, then dock with it and get out of range from their scanners once there, and then go back.

    This kind of thing gets you to think of Stratagy, something that is rather lacking here on CF....I know alot of people that just don't smuggle when BG or CFPD are on...if that works for you, then do it. In my opinion thats rather retarded as it doesn't help RP, but whatever floats your boat.

    Heres another way of looking at it: If someone f1s on top of you, and you get past them, THEN YOU WHOOPED THEIR ASS....And if you don't, then WHOOP-DI-FRICKEN-DO! You died...or you get escorted back to L.A. So what....You're gonna lose sometime, your not fricken invincible....Neither are you Doppleganger, who has yet to be captured >_>

    Now I speak as a Clan leader:

    If you take away the System List, you do get rid of the ability to defend your system, and while this is good for RP, it also isn't....You no longer can defend your clan system, and no longer have the chances to have a fight there....Nor can you see how close people are to an event, or if the other team is coming in a RP match thats being held. This is a very good idea, that doesn't work without at least 20 members per clan, thats on everyday....Not happening.

    As SP:

    Nobody knock Sps...Every SP is on as much as they can, doing as much as they can for the community, and it rather pisses me off to see people knocking that...If you think you can do a better Job, then donate money and get a system like the rest of us...Its not that hard...i'm only effing 15, and I work and pay for the system.

    As just a person:

    Back off from the people like Drakon...w/o them we lose alot of our community. I like to think I know him better then some people on here, and he is defnitly someone very important to this community, as well as a person with a real life...I know this is bringing Real Life into a game, but Waah...things happen, and for some people, including me, Life ain't perfect and CF is our escape.

    Now seriously...Just quit the bitching guys...I don't care who f1s onto you, or who f1s out...I don't wanna hear it...If they piss you off, KOS them...this thread is already too long, especially since nothing can be done about this right now...Its just pointless debate...So get off the forum and go RP.


  • I won't push this discussion any further from my end, I took that decition after my last post actually. Any and all judgements done by the admins of the server I will accept and abide by, as has been my custom from day one.

    I made my point quite clearly and expressed my views. And frankly I can not ask for more than that.

    In closing I would like to commend the designers for an excellent mod and the admins for a job well done.

    [27] Hardwired

  • the use of F1 in space will be fined with the new FLhook version that we are going to use

    no need to discuss about this topic any longer



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!