The PTNPT stands for (Pilots That Need Potty Training).
1st Greetings to all pilots. I hope that all is well and Good with you & Yours.. (Ah Bless him).
So the PTNPT is a Poke About Rules & of the Mod. Now! Even though i know that you all have Obviously Read & Digested them & NO! Not just the one's that Scroll All the Time Outside Manhattans Front Door.
Here it Comes
...... SUICIDE RULE......
Last Eventide I spotted 5+ Pilots That had Apparently & Sadly Died ! From Suicide ! Sad Eh?
BUT & there normally is one. I have Heard Nearly all of The (Excuses) maybe I will Get some new One's Who Knows ??
Moving on '' I was on my Normal Patrol & other Things, when I noticed from the Chatter in Communications (Comms) !!
That a New Excuse (Bull Shot) Had Just Been Confirmed By the PTNPT ( Comm's Department) !!!
Well I was Over the Moon! (No! I was Realy over the Moon) and Ecstatic with Joy.
Uhuummm !!!
...... My Pet Hamster was Fantasizing that the Computer Mouse was Another Hamster! So it Did Leap onto the Mouse! Causing My Ship to Suicide By HAMSTER !!!
Hmmmmm!!! It Might Just Work !!!!
Thank You For Your Time