My thoughts about swearing

There are 18 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by [}<>{SHS}<>{].

  • ok after last weeks trouble with those TT guys and the topic... "am i allowed to

    swear... or to insult others?" i want to say a few words

    The serverrules on Crossfire

    say that to swear is not allowed but in fact we all didnt take it too serious because to say

    "shit" or "fuck" is more or less natural and doesnt cause any damage. Therefore we have

    tolerated it cause its mostly used in a friendly way between our players on Crossfire and as

    you know im more open minded than other admins. To insult other players is different... its

    a total "no go" and it shouldnt be tolerated on Crossfire and we (the serverpolice) will

    deal it this way.

    so here is the conclusion:

    Ain't it a shame that you can't

    say "Fuck"
    Fuck's just a word
    And it's all fucked up
    Like a fucked up punk

    With a fucked up mouth
    A nine inch nail
    I'll get knocked the fuck out

    Fucked up aids
    Who fucked up sex
    Fake ass titties
    On a fucked up chest

    We're all fucked up
    So whatcha wanna do?
    We fucked up me
    And fucked up you




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • lol, somehow i thought this text is familiar to me...

    but i didnt knew



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    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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  • good song m8 very good song


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • ROFL

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • yeah like u

    got ur postcount with no doubleposts marc :p

    anyway OP u know there's copyright

    on those lyrics right and u have to give credits to limp bizkit :P

  • Oh you're killing me......ROFL :D:D:D

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • call a lawyer



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • awesome use of the language dude

  • I Don't Need To "Get A Life." I'm A Gamer. I Have Lots Of Lives! :D

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  • I've heard of thread necromancy before, but Christmas on a cracker, this is fucking nuts! :P

  • Wow 2005....showing my age here

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.