The hidden fun in Roleplaying

There are 12 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • i see a real lack of Role Play on the server. Most people are trading or BSing in the Arena

    and the only time i see server population really mean anything is during events. then everybody scatters. It's kinda not fun

    well Role playing doesn't have to consist of taxing or bounty hunting. Theres ways to roleplay without ever firing a shot at another player. Its the one thing i think many people don't have. it's called:


    You don't need to tax someone as a pirate. A pirate doesn't chase money. they chase booty! Treasure! Items of high value! Tell a trader to hand over their cargo or you'll space them. Cops just don't have to hunt pirates. They could fly around and respond to a domestic disturbance call about the emissions put off by a mining vessel. Smugglers and traders just don't have to move JUST high value cargo for profit. They can move say weapons from a battleship to a Freeport station because the Freeport station had theirs stolen. Mercenaries don't have to sit and wait for a bounty to show up or a trader to ask for an escort. A mercenary could just be flying around and interfere with some injustice going on without expectation of a reward and get involved in a bigger plot of some sort. These are only what i've just come up off the top of my head. using my


    it can go further. Dirty cops. Vigilante pirates, traders opening cargo they were specifically told not to open and so forth. Theres no such thing as a dumb idea. all you gotta do is roll with it sometimes. This is a game after all and it's meant to be fun.

    yeah, server population isnt' the greatest 75% of the time. But the Galaxy News System needs stories and pieces to publish. Krate needs things to expose,

    is anybody down to at least be a little open to using their


  • You are right Portal.
    The server is kinda stuck on the EVENT thing.
    The FL hook does run red and looks like a massive cull of players with suicides and self kills untill its all over and then most leave to await the next event.
    That said they are part of play and events are outside of role play.
    It would be nice to have more players on at anyone time but I guess we all have only a certain amount of time to stay on and do role playing the way you have described it.
    I have to say I like what you are saying and I have tried to connect with other players when on and do things a bit differently whenever time has allowed me, I have done some of the things you mentioned.
    Been out there tryin to stop the pirate nuisance as a freelancer cop. It was fun.... nearly got him ... in any case stopped him bein a nuisance... in the end we parted as m8ts.
    Hunted for booty as a pirate, the traditional way .... trade lane disruptions etc like the rogues and lane hackers do it.
    I am studying the rules and want to try the events myself.
    What I really like doin most though is flying, just exploring, mining, trading in my train and a bit of RP now and then also the odd event.

    See u in space m8ts.

    ==========================???:?::!::?:(HiRUGAs' WEB) :?::!::?:???=========================

    Red Red White Center @Sun Exit Red Green Red Orange White Center & Your Out ..........End of Line :) :)

  • And what i posted is what i wanted Focks Industries to be about: non-combative role-playing. But since i don't have the patience or the time of day to build a character from scratch, i went and joined another clan. Focks Industries only exists in name now, but its still the mega corporation it's always been

    Speaking of patience or time of day, thats something a lot of people don't have also. people who play this game dust it off for old times sake, but go back to playing whatever it was they were playing before out of boredom. others have a job, and wife and kids to take care of so maybe the only time they get to play this game is during events

    New players also are affected. if i were a brand new player to CF and didn't know what to expect, and saw 12/15 people in Arena, i'd get a little confused. "I thought this was an RP server?" I'd say.

    To avoid a double post, i just edited this one:
    I don't write GNS for grins. Those are things that could be acted out on the server. You can always PM me here if something happened on the server thats news worthy. Events and generic RP don't count. Generic RP is "so and so taxed someone and then blew him up." that's boring.

  • Generic RP is "so and so taxed someone and then blew him up." that's boring.

    While this may be the most commonly used RP, that doesnt mean it cant get a bit exciting, such as if they later have a bounty on their head. If i recall correctly, a certain pirate loves to give out bounties to encourage RP.


  • only pirates which say "arrrr" all the time do RP correctly



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • ... with an "arrr"



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!