Future of CF

There are 82 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by AoD.

  • So guys now we all know how to win a forum war now just talk as much

    shit as you possibly can with out proof

    I would really like to know when op is

    supposed to have lied he has been totally forthright throught out of all this he has not

    made accusations without proof and in my opinion bent over backwards to accomadate jib and

    chaos and showed enourmous restraint before he was finally forced to make the decsion to ban

    chaos that post by gumby is just the sort of rubbish we expected from a stoodge of chaos or

    whoever you are trying to defend

  • I dont recall being asked to leave the

    server by any member of Chaos

    <img src="http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b176/DC_Wolf/img_3833-010.jpg" alt="Image hosted by Photobucket.com">

  • *gähn* mir ist das alles zu kindisch

    macht was ihr wollt,
    wenn es weiter

    geht, dann gehts weiter,
    wenn nicht dann eben nicht

    und immer dieses "der hat

    aber gesagt dass..." geht mir auf die nerven.

    da gibts so n schönen

    so auch mal was in englisch

    geschrieben und sogar mit caps O_o

    wer spass an CF hat soll weiter machen,

    alle die stören wollen sollen doch bitte wo anders doof sein...

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: MarcBomber@arcor.de (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: irc.quakenet.org:6667 #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • HAHaha Darstalker I think yu are worried that op might be off crazy again and close

    the server down.

    so people will say who is the stooge here?

    proof proof proof


    never any proof here. like there was never any proof to why all these

    people are banned, but why should yu care?

    all u care about is having a home for yur

    clan, so u will eat any garbage u are handed and say "thank u master".

    does any

    people think that op would not ban WP Clan warriers without any reasons? hahhaah anyone who

    knows him realizes he is afraid of them. he call them cheaters becas they proved that he was

    not a champion fighter on the Starlancer Zone and that he lies about how good he was. he

    banned them and lied that they had mod cheats on crosfire but everyone knows they had no mod

    cheats he was afraid of losing so he banned them all.

    does anyone of the peoples

    here think thats swatopr8r did a good job fighting ont he forums about chaos, this is why he

    closed the server for 4 days he was getting defeated by the people in forum who are not

    afraid of him and who tell the truth. the people who opose him were attaked with many false

    rumors and bad sayings, they defended themselves very good with telling the truths but some

    how they are the ones who always are 'bad'.

    jib told all the peoples chaos going

    to leave server in 3 months time. and that is not allowed by swatopr8r who says u must leave

    now or never. but DC clan also is leaving but they dont tell anyone, but op knows it becuase

    of his snooping on other clans forums. he is big ally with dc so he does not force them to

    make the stoopid choices, only chaos must. Some peoples have MSN recordings of dc leadr

    Dragon telling this about moving to Kiler Viras server. maybe Dragon should talk here about


    Peopul who say things about this should know swatopr8r better. he has done

    these things many times and every time when he is afraid of being beaten. he always says he

    will close the server like he is like a kid who takes the foosball home when the other kids

    are going to win. we know this guy and know he wil say anything when he has danger of

    losing. like new war with chaos, he bans their people then say its clanwar. HAHAHAHA.

    so what does he say now he will atack them on the next server they move to? hahha.

    which Blood Guard peoples will follow a order so? he will be by himself hohoho, or tell more

    lies to the new admin guy to try and poison them about chaos. That types of behavor is

    without good honour.

    he deserves this talk because he is lying about people and

    saying they are bad when he is realy bad, not them. so people who love the truth are

    speaking out.

    now he is expecting people to worship him for being a real nice guy

    and getting rid of the eviel peopless who were ruining your lives. HA HA. this is funny the

    only thing these people were a danger to is swatopr8r his ego.

  • well well lets see where to start

    1 i was asked to check out k-viras mod when

    it comes out and i will just like i have been looking at different mods its called playing

    the field

    2 DC has yes been faithful to CF just like op has said

    3 gumby0711

    who the hell are you and if you can please show everyone here in the community your proof on

    the accusations you are making

    4 if you really have no proof then i and my clan and

    most likey the entire community will meet you in space to handle this

    5 the next

    person that brings up something like this WILL be put on my clan KOS list and we will do

    everything in our power to destroy that person

    6 op this is no threat it is a promise

    i do not want to go thru the same shit that we are trying to stop again


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • a friend showed microssoft messengr recordings of you saying that dc is moving the same

    time as chaos will be moving. I think it will be posted in about 4 hours when the person is

    available since the 2 or 3 other persons who were also in the speakings are all banned, as

    long as I am not banned also then. if then it can be seen on msn if not posed here then if u

    need a reminder and still dont believe it.

    I think ther are many other dc people who

    know this is true and who dont want to lie for swatopr8r.

    who i am does nut matter

    becase if I did not speak then another person would speak because there is no hiding of the


  • ok since when does loyalty become something to be mocked?

    since when does showing respect to somebody become a joke? since when does recognising

    somebodys honesty become being afraid of them? i think gumby that you would never show these

    traits because you think honour is amusing and as for proof it is very important because it

    seperates the just people from the ones who just like to spread shit around

    ps lets

    ignore this person he is just trying to wind everyone up and set off all the crap on the

    forum again dont fall for it whatever he says cant be trusted

  • what about kvs mod?

    damn everyone wish kv happy bday for me

    he is my

    best m8 other than jib

    [SIZE=4][mechs mind says [all hail bunny :D ][/SIZE]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination

    this is little moe help him do a military coup against bunny and take over his empire by posting him in ur pic

  • I see the fices (doo doo) has hit the oscillating device


    Let's just get on with the RP game and have some fun.

    But you

    can bet, I will defend this server in space to keep it civil.

    If DC for some crazy

    reason decided to go, well that's their business and not for anyone to debate. so why

    worry what someone else is doing?

    See you in the stars.

    Gunny Out.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • lol @ marc - good


    hey gumby...you have doubts about my skill in SL? come and fight me ^^

    are cheaters... for 2 years now ppl came to this forum... ex-WPs, GTFs, MoDs, UNGs and even

    ppl which are still in WP and those ppl we KNOW that WP are cheaters
    we all remember

    WP_Neo and what he has done on the zone... we all remember how WP_Jaguar got caught cheating

    (if im remember right by UNG) and we also remember how WP_Slavik got caught cheating on the

    zone by 2 GTFs (and slavik didnt even deny it)
    We also know about WP_Devils small missile

    cheat (mainly coz one of this own members did tell us about it... but we knew before that

    there is something wrong)
    oh and yes even WP_Skorpion_CO (the ex-leader of WPs

    SL-section) and WP_Binage_TO (high ranked Training Officer) confirmed that WP used

    In total WP lost 7 members coz of this when they found it out... oh wait... thats

    wrong... 8 members ^^

    like you can see here... DC is not going to leave... why should


    oh and just to let you know little poor guy... jib declared clanwar... the ban

    has nothing to do with that
    and ppl like me dont have to fear others... or wars

    was mainly down before the ceasefire started... so far to the topic "fear"
    i heard the

    same before the war started... "BG fears us bla bla"... then BG started to attack chaos...

    chaos lost sigma19... chaos lost tohoku... and chaos had to leave back to casius where they

    got heavy punishments... so now tell me where was our fear? wasnt it chaos which offered the

    ceasefire? maybe this was fear...

    btw. have i ever said i will send my members to

    other server to hunt chaos? no i havent... it was chaos which wanted war... not

    facts... just facts

    it were ppl like you gumby which started all this crap on

    the server... ppl like you accused DC being backstabbers... ppl like you accused PIA being a

    fake clan... ppl like you accused BG being cheaters
    and you do it again
    guess what...

    every of those accusations has been turned out as being wrong in the same way the shit you

    are trying to tell us not is wrong too
    all ppl here can see that it is you who is


    btw. gumbly is banned



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Jib cannnot speak for himself anymore here so he

    asked me to post these MSN logs proving dc was planning to leave the same as chaos


    Here killer Viras confirms that DC will have their own system on his


    9/21/05 10:22:58 PM ____ After

    spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on my face.,

    Jib sounds like a killer mod killer
    9/21/05 10:23:05 PM

    ____ After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a

    smile on my face., Jib whens it commin out?
    9/21/05 10:23:16 PM

    After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on my

    face. ____, Jib i did a test other week and ppl sed its better than

    evo mods
    9/21/05 10:23:30 PM Jib ____, After spending

    a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on my face.

    thats great
    9/21/05 10:23:42 PM After spending a night with killem

    and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on my face. ____, Jib

    around end of the year
    9/21/05 10:23:46 PM ____

    After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on my

    face., Jib kool
    9/21/05 10:23:56 PM ____

    After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on my

    face., Jib well kill BG till then
    9/21/05 10:24:00 PM

    ____ After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a

    smile on my face., Jib and jonsey
    9/21/05 10:24:02 PM ____

    After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile

    on my face., Jib lol
    9/21/05 10:24:04 PM Jib

    ____, After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on

    my face. lol
    9/21/05 10:24:27 PM Jib

    ____, After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left me with a smile on

    my face. 4 months of op...? thats like dieng and going to hell

    10:24:41 PM After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn.

    Has left me with a smile on my face. ____, Jib got

    DC,system and wolfpack system and a few other clan systems to finish thats asked for them.

    and there free so put your cash away jib lol

    9/21/05 10:24:43 PM

    ____ After spending a night with killem and his misses on msn. Has left

    me with a smile on my face, Jib no thats givin op 4 months of hell


    Here Dragon confirms he is going to k_Vs's server



    understood im damn sick of this fucing server
    9/23/05 3:10:30 PM

    Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON and want to have some fun


    we dont want him to ruin us, cause we got a real good group of m8's now

    3:11:19 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON ... and i

    got transcripts that show he aint gonna quit until we are ruined

    3:11:36 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON he is

    sending ppl to attk us on other servers! did uknow that?
    9/23/05 3:11:57 PM

    Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON he dont joke around with

    war, m8... he is all the way, no holds barred
    9/23/05 3:12:02 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib well i also know that phx is coming

    over as well m8 along with r39 again
    9/23/05 3:12:51 PM Jib

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON well only if we need them... if u guys make

    peace iwth us, we wont bring in other clans, a few preelancers are all we got helpin

    9/23/05 3:13:08 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    k_v is now freelancer
    9/23/05 3:13:18 PM Jib

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON no longer in phx
    9/23/05 3:13:31 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib and by the way do you think

    that trowa is r39 exodus i just want to know your thoughts on that

    3:13:40 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON and they

    were never gona all come here...
    9/23/05 3:13:44 PM Jib

    9/23/05 3:13:51 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib yes i know and when his

    server comes out imgoing to give it a shot
    9/23/05 3:13:54 PM

    Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON *yes he WAS rather


    Here Wolf tells that he finished the plans for their private Clan


    9/28/05 3:03:58 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    Jib just finished the system for KV

    3:04:09 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) ah cool

    3:04:31 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib

    just need approval from Dragon to send it to KV

    3:06:04 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) ok.

    3:06:20 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib hes

    looking at it now I hope he has powerpoint

    Here Dragon confirms they

    are going to the other server

    9/29/05 2:02:54 PM

    9/29/05 2:03:18 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib i will relay to my pilots

    not to engage unless there is a reason to
    9/29/05 2:03:31 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib just like in the other cease fire we

    9/29/05 2:03:33 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    good. we need to be friends again by the time we move to k_V's

    9/29/05 2:03:43 PM Jib DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON cool sounds good. i will say the same

    9/29/05 2:03:45 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib

    i think we can do that
    9/29/05 2:03:49 PM Jib

    9/29/05 2:03:56 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib even if we hate each other here on

    9/29/05 2:04:07 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    i dont care if u guye join ASF, hell it might be fun
    9/29/05 2:04:16 PM


    2:05:47 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON i think he

    wants to ban me on friday lol
    9/29/05 2:05:48 PM DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib but for now DC is helping to protect

    invaders from PIA and BG till this shit gets dealt with and thesystems come open

    9/29/05 2:06:16 PM Jib DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON lol... Pia is learning what is like to have a system... just

    freelancers are going there, right?
    9/29/05 2:06:48 PM DAKOTA'S

    9/29/05 2:07:13 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib well yes but all higher ranking

    freelancer and possible new recruits for clans
    9/29/05 2:07:53 PM

    Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON oh ok... just wanted to make sure no

    Chaos where it told them to all stay out of ur guys systems
    9/29/05 2:08:31 PM

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib ok that was a good thing

    9/29/05 2:09:04 PM Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    well i would let them stop the intruders themselves then, they need the training

    lol.. ur guys are alot better now then they are
    9/29/05 2:09:30 PM

    Jib DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON ..we gave u alot of free training, u

    should thank us lol
    9/29/05 2:09:44 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    Jib oh i do
    9/29/05 2:09:56 PM DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Jib but you still aint getting me

    9/29/05 2:09:58 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    Jib lol

    Here Wolf confirms it again. AND NITRO IS EVEN


    05 12:50:55 PM Jib

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) look im starting to get the picture: he wants us to say: "ok

    were sry, and we will just leave now"
    10/3/05 12:51:07 PM Jib

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) not gonna do it.
    10/3/05 12:51:20 PM

    Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) in that case we sould have kept

    fighting, lol.....
    10/3/05 12:51:43 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    Jib yep oh yes btw DC r leaving the same time as u

    10/3/05 12:52:09 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) i

    10/3/05 12:52:20 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib

    to the same place aswell
    10/3/05 12:52:31 PM

    Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) yes k_V's mod server

    12:53:00 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) lol i wouldnt

    mention it to him, i dont think he knows that yet
    10/3/05 12:53:02 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib yep so again I ask is there any point or r

    we just hanging on out of habbit
    10/3/05 12:53:25 PM Neil(Wolf-DC

    XO) Jib how about this then Nitro maybe coming with

    10/3/05 12:53:50 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    agreed, i tried to do what i could for all those puppy-dog eyed ppl who were so

    worried. but i did what i could
    10/3/05 12:54:22 PM Jib

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) ehh that is something! lol.
    10/3/05 12:54:47 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib I spoke to him yesterday

    and he said to me that he is starting to regret rejoing BG so I said he could come join us

    and he said he would think about

    10/3/05 12:55:14 PM

    Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) i suspect bg will re-form under him

    somewhere if the server closes.
    10/3/05 12:55:24 PM Jib

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) hmm. interesting
    10/3/05 12:56:06 PM

    Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) what servers have u guys been thinking about

    for the short term, m8?
    10/3/05 12:56:18 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    Jib I told him BG we would be welcome on KV's mod but

    without OP for obvios reasons

    10/3/05 12:56:51 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib Im just looking at some now trying to

    Download Solurus at the moment
    10/3/05 12:56:56 PM Jib

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) yeah... i think ur right k_V would prolly like them to come

    as long as op aint there lol
    10/3/05 12:57:48 PM Jib

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) a nice one is Colours UK Elite. we would prolly go there but

    they already got a Chaos there lol
    10/3/05 12:58:20 PM Jib

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) ...im not such a war monget that i show-up and fight a war

    right away lol
    10/3/05 12:58:44 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    Jib this Solurus looks interesting 81 new systems Start Trek/Wars ships and so

    10/3/05 12:58:56 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    another one that aint bad is the new Asgard 3.0
    10/3/05 12:59:14 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib Its finding the mods thats the

    10/3/05 12:59:47 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    Well if u ask yer guys, prolly alot of them have played other mods

    1:00:06 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) ask firelove, he has

    played em all prolly lol
    10/3/05 1:00:38 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    Jib yer we did for the last time but they all came up with something

    diff and we ended up at Tekagis Treasure
    10/3/05 1:00:55 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib which is really good apart frtom the major

    bugs it has
    10/3/05 1:01:22 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    i was checking out another one yesterday , a TNG 2.7.6 called Aurora. i liked it.

    (thats wherer those Sith guys are from)
    10/3/05 1:01:49 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib I want try that but cant find mod

    1:02:20 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) ehh, look 3

    pages back on LR list, its pretty old by now (like Jan 2005)
    10/3/05 1:03:02 PM

    Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) they should had version 3.0 out long

    time ago but the guy had health probs never did it i guess
    10/3/05 1:03:18 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Jib ok ill look now

    1:04:16 PM Jib Neil(Wolf-DC XO) ok im at work now,

    will check back on msn in a couple hours to see about this meeting. cya


    Here Dragon confirms again they are coming to PHX Reborn server..

    10/4/05 3:45:51 PM Muhhh has

    left the conversation.
    10/4/05 3:45:58 PM Takeo-OP IS

    GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib he's gonna close it

    for a few days and wait 4 ppl to come beg him
    10/4/05 3:46:00 PM

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult),

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib we will c

    10/4/05 3:46:05 PM Jib Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me

    gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone i think hes off his meds.... im serious

    3:46:15 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult)

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib

    that makes 2
    10/4/05 3:46:32 PM Jib Takeo-OP IS

    GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Don Zardeone u off ur meds too, T? lol just kiddin

    3:46:44 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult)

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib

    actualy yes
    10/4/05 3:46:48 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay

    comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib lol
    10/4/05 3:46:55 PM

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib where's that

    10/4/05 3:47:03 PM Don Zardeone Takeo-OP IS

    GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Jib where did he say he was gonna close it?

    3:47:05 PM Jib Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the

    insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone

    im off mine and i feel a little....confused o_O
    10/4/05 3:47:28 PM

    Don Zardeone Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult),

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Jib if you

    don't take your meds, can I have them?
    10/4/05 3:47:31 PM Jib

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone in a post he made today,

    deadline 4:00pm tomorrow (thats all it said)
    10/4/05 3:47:37 PM Jib

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone lol

    3:47:52 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult)

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib

    that means that when i leave work cf will b closed
    10/4/05 3:47:59 PM

    Don Zardeone Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult),

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Jib ah,

    10/4/05 3:48:14 PM Don Zardeone Takeo-OP IS

    GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Jib every time op had to create a deadline i was called back to

    save his ass -_-
    10/4/05 3:48:24 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me

    gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib lol
    10/4/05 3:48:27 PM

    Jib Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO),

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone yeah me too. Hurray!

    The witch is dead! all hail Dorothy!
    10/4/05 3:48:28 PM Commander

    Monster Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO),

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Don Zardeone, Jib now im lost

    3:48:30 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult)

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib

    it's a DOnline
    10/4/05 3:48:33 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me

    gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib rofl
    10/4/05 3:48:44 PM

    Don Zardeone Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult),

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Jib

    10/4/05 3:48:54 PM Commander Monster Takeo-OP IS

    GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Don Zardeone, Jib O.0
    10/4/05 3:49:10 PM Jib

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone (wizard of oz

    10/4/05 3:49:14 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO)

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib jib where r u going as when OP

    10/4/05 3:49:32 PM Don Zardeone Takeo-OP IS

    GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON,

    Commander Monster, Jib Disneyland prolly o.O?!
    10/4/05 3:49:38 PM

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO),

    DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib

    10/4/05 3:49:48 PM Jib Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me

    gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone ehh not sure, i was leaning towards a couple places, they

    both got Chaos clans alreadyt there o_0
    10/4/05 3:49:51 PM

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib u might find op

    there dressed as goofy
    10/4/05 3:50:03 PM Jib

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone Disney LOL

    3:50:20 PM Don Zardeone Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for

    the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Jib

    10/4/05 3:50:29 PM Neil(Wolf-DC XO) Takeo-OP IS

    GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib I think we should try and stick

    together 10/4/05 3:50:29 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib lol
    10/4/05 3:50:41 PM

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib not too

    10/4/05 3:50:44 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib well when kv mod comes out we will all be

    10/4/05 3:50:44 PM Commander Monster

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Don Zardeone, Jib well m8s :letc::lety::leta:

    3:50:47 PM Jib Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the

    insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone

    i have been playing dbb+ Aurora TNG lately
    10/4/05 3:50:48 PM

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult) Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib ppl might start

    10/4/05 3:50:53 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib by the way jib i have an idea

    10/4/05 3:51:01 PM Jib Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me

    gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone cool, shoot
    10/4/05 3:51:01 PM

    Commander Monster Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult),

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Don Zardeone, Jib nut we have

    to spread the word
    10/4/05 3:51:14 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), Commander

    Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib lets carry our little fun war over there

    10/4/05 3:51:17 PM Commander Monster

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Don Zardeone, Jib if only we know it

    3:51:29 PM DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me

    gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib

    start it when both clans have had enough tim eto get started
    10/4/05 3:51:38 PM

    Jib Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult),

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone lol,

    sure my guys would love it they are blood thirsty bastards lol

    3:51:45 PM Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult)

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone, Jib

    2 weeks sound nice
    10/4/05 3:51:48 PM Commander Monster

    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult), Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S

    MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Don Zardeone, Jib cya later m8s

    3:51:49 PM Jib sure

    Here is another

    log of Jib and Op talking about an ATTACK of teh BG on DC... OP was asking Jib to stayt out

    of it and ne refused to. This happened right before op banned the bg guys for a few


    8/8/05 3:37:27 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** heay there will be some trouble with

    DC soon.... Saturday some of them attacked Chaos Merc.
    8/8/05 3:38:03 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    8/8/05 3:38:15 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** che "quit" chaos for now, so he can hunt all DC.

    some of his friends are helping him with secret chars....
    8/8/05 3:38:28 PM

    Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** cnot

    me, i must be nuetral
    8/8/05 3:38:59 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** but 2 or 3 ppl are going to help, DC

    will be dieing all over for a while
    8/8/05 3:40:13 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** I would appreciate it that

    if DC ask u to run these ppl's ID's that u not tell them who these ppl are.... It will be

    best in the end
    8/8/05 3:40:48 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib jib jib

    3:40:50 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** it wont last long, 1 week then DC will prolly apoligize

    3:41:32 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur***

    Jib and you think that its a good idea that 2-3 guys with secret chars start

    some trouble with them
    8/8/05 3:41:49 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib cmon ive expected more from

    8/8/05 3:41:50 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** no not really... but better tahn clan war that

    destroys CSF
    8/8/05 3:42:25 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst,

    Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib ok jib - i tell you what will

    8/8/05 3:42:33 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** and i cant stop it anyway... these ppl arnt

    Chaos, (maybe 1 is)
    8/8/05 3:43:09 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib DC will find out that it was chaos

    who attacked them or at least 1 is
    8/8/05 3:43:09 PM SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib they see that they

    are fakes
    8/8/05 3:43:20 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst,

    Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib therefore chaos will loose their

    8/8/05 3:43:30 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst,

    Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib and this means CSF will have a hard

    8/8/05 3:43:50 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Jib and we both know that they will find it

    8/8/05 3:43:53 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** well, Merc quit chaos publicly, in front of Wolf...

    I was there trying to stop the fights
    8/8/05 3:44:16 PM SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib even one of those

    attackers will be stupid enough to change chars - or one guy will say something

    3:44:25 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** i made posts on Chaos forums saying no revenge fights.

    3:44:32 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Right, it is dangerous.
    8/8/05 3:44:43 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    8/8/05 3:45:08 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** the point is, i am asking that if DC wants the ppl

    ID'ed u should not help cause there is always doubt then
    8/8/05 3:45:25 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib you

    loose members coz of such a shit.... cmon
    8/8/05 3:45:31 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** i really am not one,

    i have no more chars available
    8/8/05 3:45:58 PM SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib i didnt say

    8/8/05 3:46:10 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Jib i just say that all this shit is a stupid

    8/8/05 3:46:10 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** well, much bad feeling against dc already in the

    younger clan guys
    8/8/05 3:46:21 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib way too risky for CSF and the

    8/8/05 3:47:05 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** it is not going to escallate farther than 2

    or 3 ppl helping Merc in a new char. thats the best i can do, since it is out of my control

    8/8/05 3:47:38 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** i can ask chaos not to, but there is alot of bad

    feeling over it
    8/8/05 3:48:05 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** and the best result will be dc dies

    for a while, then come to me to ask him to stop
    8/8/05 3:48:17 PM

    Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** and he will

    8/8/05 3:48:32 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Jib jib - sry to say this... you have much influence on

    your members and ur a good leader... but ur tactics suck
    8/8/05 3:48:48 PM

    Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur***

    hehehe. i appreciate ur honesty
    8/8/05 3:48:51 PM SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib look

    3:49:12 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    you want 3 things
    8/8/05 3:49:22 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib 1. you want that DC get a

    8/8/05 3:49:32 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst,

    Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib 2. you want merc back in chaos

    3:49:53 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur***

    Jib 3. you want CSF not to break appart
    8/8/05 3:50:01 PM

    Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** agreed on

    all 3
    8/8/05 3:50:09 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Jib and those 3 points should be the base for your

    8/8/05 3:50:26 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** right. they are.

    3:50:52 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    ok and now the solution
    8/8/05 3:51:03 PM SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib hold merc back and

    get him back to chaos
    8/8/05 3:51:13 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib i think this shouldnt be a problem

    for you
    8/8/05 3:51:55 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst,

    Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib next thing is that DC needs a

    8/8/05 3:51:57 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** dunno hes a hot headed Rumanian

    3:52:12 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** right
    8/8/05 3:52:49 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib wait... after you heard the

    rest u will find a way to hold him back
    8/8/05 3:53:01 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    all BG members prepare their chars for heavy attacks on CSF

    8/8/05 3:53:32 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Jib they already got their orders for massive

    training and taking tactical positions

    8/8/05 3:54:14 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    so when BG does the attack chaos just will stay back

    3:54:40 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    this way DC gets the punishment
    8/8/05 3:54:51 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib they will

    ask you to help them coz you are allied in CSF
    8/8/05 3:55:01 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib and now its

    time for the 3rd part
    8/8/05 3:55:06 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** oohhh u are a machievellian, fer

    sure lol
    8/8/05 3:55:28 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst,

    Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib you just tell them to fuck of... DC did shit

    and unless this wont change you wont help them
    8/8/05 3:55:48 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib DC will

    agree in this and Chaos can enter the fights as the CSF "heros"

    3:55:59 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    ... or whatever you want to call it
    8/8/05 3:56:32 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib this way all

    the 3 points get solved
    8/8/05 3:56:35 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** hmm as CSF leader... i can

    hardly refuse to fight any BG attk
    8/8/05 3:57:12 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** that would desolve it faster

    than anything else prolly
    8/8/05 3:57:34 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib why not?... when we attack

    DC it doesnt mean that we also attack chaos or CSF in general
    8/8/05 3:57:51 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib for

    sure DC will ask you to help and to fight
    8/8/05 3:58:01 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib and thats

    the time for your conditions
    8/8/05 3:58:23 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** well as allies i would

    naturally come running in thoise conditions, usually...
    8/8/05 3:58:33 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib and

    if merc still want to attack DCs he can do it officially
    8/8/05 3:59:08 PM

    Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** But

    the main worry we have is Dragon.. i dont see him as wanting to stay in CSF, he is not happy

    8/8/05 3:59:31 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** wolf, Shadow, firelove, yes they want to be

    8/8/05 3:59:38 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Jib yes he wants to be ASF

    3:59:50 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** but Dragon.... Unknown situation.
    8/8/05 4:00:24 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib not

    unknown... i know pretty well about him ^^
    8/8/05 4:00:46 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib but he will

    do what is needed.... even if it means to be CSF
    8/8/05 4:00:57 PM

    Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** i need to

    determine who is the real power there now, him or Wolf. unfortunatly Wolf was the one that

    attked Merc... over both having White_Wolf name, lol
    8/8/05 4:01:50 PM

    Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** i think wolf

    regrets it now, he is good m8 to me in the past
    8/8/05 4:02:27 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib jib - you

    have a big problem
    8/8/05 4:02:35 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** if i can stop the secret attks, i

    will. but i think they will have 2 or 3 days of dieing alot for a while

    4:02:36 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    u think about problems
    8/8/05 4:02:38 PM SWAT_OP-R8R

    ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib dont do

    8/8/05 4:02:46 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von

    Natur*** Jib think about chances
    8/8/05 4:02:51 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib

    thats more constructive
    8/8/05 4:03:19 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib jib just tell those guys

    that something is planned
    8/8/05 4:03:37 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib and that they should wait -

    more they dont need to know
    8/8/05 4:03:44 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** ok. when is thsi offensive

    set for, next weekend?
    8/8/05 4:04:37 PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler

    vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib at the moment i announce

    8/8/05 4:04:37 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** we need to get more ppl online anyway,,, many didnt

    download 1.51 so they are locked out now
    8/8/05 4:05:10 PM

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** Jib well this

    problem should be solved soon

    8/8/05 4:09:21 PM Jib SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom

    Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** kk
    8/8/05 4:14:18 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** ok thx for the

    advice. gtg back to work
    8/8/05 4:14:38 PM Jib

    SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur*** i will consider it, but

    sounds like equal trouble to me lol


    Jib told me

    that he told Dragon about the danger.

  • I know a lot of things about you guys...and one thing I learned it is

    never to trust you in anyway. Why is that? not only from what I saw and read but cause my

    personal experience. The art of confusion and deception wont work anymore. Just playing

    politics and never being straight to people give a lot to say about your personality.

    Inventing lies and saying you have proof without having any give you a bad name to you and

    the ones who follows you. Old conspirations just show hunger of power anyway. It didnt go

    your way so lets again brake hell lose. Your options ended up to spoil everybody else game

    that has nothing to with this because your own game was spoiled. THis just give you worst to

    you and your followers who doesnt have any fault on that.

    It is time for small


    RG came to CF to play, meet people, and get new friends. I started to play

    CF few months ago. I thought that people would be trustful in a game but i found out that is

    not so true. That is why, I always, by choice, dont play to much online games. Almost anyone

    want to have it their way, if not, they start to break hell lose by spreading lies and


    Anyway, when I got into chaos, the sigma 19 conflict just started. I have

    some credits so I got a good fighter but weapons shield config were not good enough.

    Some of my experiences were as follow:

    1.- No training at all (I understood

    the clan was in a conflict so I didnt give any importance to that)

    2.- My first

    confrotation in sigma 19 was awful. Reasons of that were the lack of training, no good

    weapon-ship configuration, plus the fact this is my first time that i get into PvP. The

    result was that I got kill many times and I could not even scratch the enemy ships. So I

    decided not to get into PvP, at least until I get the right ship gear for me (weapon, pg,

    shield, etc)

    3.- I started my quest to get the right gear for my ship. I got my ppcs

    at sol, my power gen, my armour, and finally I went after the champiom shield at the mine

    fielded sytem. On my way to the mine-field system, I was asked why I havent intervined that

    much in the fights and I answered that i need the right package plus training to get


    4.- When I got to mine-field system I got trap there for two days until

    finally one of my clan came to the rescue. I want to say that there are GOOD people in CHAOS

    clan, very respectful and honorable. I dont think is their fault what happen to the clan.

    Anyway, back to issue, After I got the champion shield, I decided to get some training


    5.- I started to train at Death Valley against nomads and in the altair

    system, against nomads and coalition ships. Well, guess what, it is not the same, they could

    have better shield, weapon, and ship, but at the end you could predict their movement. That

    was my first lesson, No NPC would never be better than a human player with his full


    6.- However, after I practiced a little bit, I got in battle at tohuko. It

    was ok, DC got some, I got some. It was a good fight. It was a good experience because I

    didnt felt any recentment among the players and we were having fun fighting each


    7.- When I was at the clan forum I noticed that I couldnt access some part of

    the forums while other newer clan members got access right the way. I asked what was going

    on and I was told they were reviwing my application because of some rumors.

    8.- Lets

    state 2 of the rumors (I dont want to talk about the others) 8.1- Some one int the clan told

    Jib that I got some people into a chaos group convo and the conversation got post it in swat

    forums. Jib told me that they have the screenshot in the off-topic section of swatt forum. I

    told him that is a lie and I dont think they have something because it just didnt happen. I

    wait for Jib to reply about that and nothing, so I went to checlk those screenies myself. As

    it should be, my name was not on it. Plus, SInce I got into the clan, I think I was not in

    any group convo (maybe because they didnt trust me and trust someone else who stab them

    later) 8.2.- SOmebody has the smart idea to say that RG is lying about where he is from. Jib

    told me that some people said that I was from Michigan from some stuff they heard me talk

    about and only people from michigan would know. I reply, are your members nuts? I am from

    Venezuela. My ip number is from CANTV.net and I have another broadband provider that is tnet

    (telcel.net.ve) I gave him my local emails and I told him just check my ip. Yes, I lived in

    USA for 5 years when I was in college studying Aerospace Eng (The Real Thing) States I

    visited then, colorado, oklahama, texas, missori, florida. I studied at WSU in wichita, ks.

    Anyway, there were other accusations that I got tired and asked Jib once for all, I am a

    member of Chaos clan, yes or not. I could not get an straight answer until I got really

    angry I told him: Listen, I just need to move on and I dont want to be disloyal to anyone; I

    just want a simple yes or no. If it is yes, let start to work togueher, if it is not, I am

    ok with that, I just could move on. Finally I got the reply that say that people at chaos

    felt they could not trust me so I could not be a member of the clan.

    9.- After that,

    I felt bad but happy, I could move on and I decided not to be part of any clan. I would

    start my own, start to work on it. Then, after I get some stability and be able to rent a

    system, i will start to recruit people.

    10.- I know the people who spread lies about

    me in chaos and I feel ok they are not here anymore. The bad thing is that some of the

    leaders at chaos believe more in the word of deceivers than the word of a trustful person.

    I am tired to watch accusations of this and that. You guys just need to move over

    like it or not, fair or not, it is not your problem anymore. It is our problem if we trust

    someone. You had your chance with it and you lose it the same way that you lose the trust of

    many people there. Now the ball is at CF admin, Bgs, Dc, Pia, and any other member who

    decided to stay. You had the ball last time and ruined the game. Just time will tell our

    mistakes from our desicions. But not you. Because your name could be banned, so you register

    another name, but at least you could stated at the end of your post who you were, but you

    didnt. Im sorry, i can not trust people who hide behind the mask. I find very despitful

    people who do that here because you do that in real life and made tons of trouble to real

    people to get your way.

    Please, dont answer back to the typical phrase you dont know

    me. Of course i dont know you, you dint give your real nick. And dont tell me your name now

    because after this, I dont care anymore.



    PS: Sorry about

    my english, my ideas, etc, I got really upset to keep watching people behaving this way plus

    the fact this is not my native language.

  • @RGHawk
    yes ur right...

    now that their plan didnt work they try it this way posting this shit to get BG and DC

    against each other

    well im glad that he posted those logs... coz besides what he

    wanted to show us with those logs they even show many very interesting things - like the try

    to steal members and other things i will explain below (ive just marked the things that were

    important for me when i read the logs)
    about DC wanting to leave CF... well i leave it to

    DC to comment this

    that show his real plans doesnt it?

    oh lets see

    who is all behind this... Takeo... Don... well who is this commander monster? is this

    interesting isnt it?... this would mean that these guys were behind this all the

    time... doing the same shit again they did last time
    to get ppl leave CF and take them to

    their own server... oh and look at the name for the server.... its the phoenix server...

    weird i thought k-v is no phoenix member anymore
    as you guys can see everything here was

    planned... the war... the troubles on the forum and the try to take other players to the new

    phoenix server (other admins would call this "stealing"... i would call it a bad idea coz it

    didnt work)

    as you can see chaos

    wanted to attack DC with fake chars and asked me to stay out of it not telling DC who those

    guys are
    he wanted DC to crouch back to jib on their knees to beg him to forgive them

    (the same way he dictated his conditions for DCs surrender at the war)
    who is the

    backstabber now?
    yes i also wanted to give DC a punishment... at this time many DCs just

    did shit (including ninjadude) and we were going to give them a punishment to show them that

    they cant to anything they want to other players
    i see no reason to hide that... it was

    an organized attack on choosen DCs which made trouble to show them that they still need much

    to learn... at least my plan was much more honourful than to use fake chars and hide behind

    them like chaos wanted to do
    oh and jib didnt refuse to my plan

    well you can blame

    me now for dealing that situation in a more honourful way... yes ^^



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • oh damn thats a lot of


    [SIZE=4][mechs mind says [all hail bunny :D ][/SIZE]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination

    this is little moe help him do a military coup against bunny and take over his empire by posting him in ur pic

  • well it loo [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

    [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

    [1] ks to me taht someone has apperantly missunderstood what playing the field really is.

    yes the things that were said about DC going to the phx server is true but only if i

    like the mod and think that is better than the one i currently play on now im not sure if it

    will be co there are many mods that dont have the stability that CF does.besides what this

    char is talking about 90% of my clan members love it here including me if i left CF i would

    appoint a new clan leader for the clan herei however would not join the DC clan that will be

    on that other serverid play there as a freelancer no matter what anyone tries to


    and now that i see the true meaning of chaos and jb an dall the other guys that

    want me to play on that other server i am thinknig probably not going to play thereand if

    this shit continues i will stop playing freelancer period. i will not have ppl who i

    thiught of as freinds try to ruin me and everything ive done this far.

    @ op well i

    know my clan has done some pretty stupid things in the last few months, i have done a few

    things to be rid of those ppl, a few of them had been kicked from the clan and they have

    applied many times back to the clan and other clans here and they have been turned down, but

    as far as i can see there are ppl who dont want me to play here at all anymore.


    to tell you the truth if anyone doesnt want me or my clan here on this server tell me but

    dont go posting shit that will cause problems for us, in otherwords if you dont like us post

    things that will make us leave.

    so for all thse ppl that have or think that DC should

    leave CF post it and if you dont post it as well

    and for those pl that are going to

    post in the defense of jib and all the banned chaos members this one is for you


    [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1]

    [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [1] [15]


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • dragon nobody here wants you

    or other DCs to go

    you guys are our friends and no stupid troublemaker posting to

    this forum will change this
    ive tried you as much i was able to... ive even tried to

    prevent some of ur members to leave the clan (mainly successfully)

    you are welcome

    like all others which want a future for us all... and this future will be

    Dragon... you are DCs leader... you lead and they will have to follow... show ur

    members the direction to the future



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • i dont think the dc should leave and

    as for this "evidence" op and dc have no need to be concerned it proves ops point and shows

    everyone what kind of people they are if dc did intend to leave for this new mod thats a dc

    decision and no one elses and it would be wrong to hold that against them but these ppl have

    gleefully posted here in the hope that it will cause further strife and conflict

  • Dont even think of leaving

    DC ,we like you here :)

    Im fed up with people trying to cause shit ,why dont you just

    crawl back under the rock you came from ,whoever /whatever you are.

  • next time you add so much stuff please cut the nicknames like :

    8/8/05 4:02:36

    PM SWAT_OP-R8R ***Ruler vom Dienst, Sk1ller von Natur***

    will be
    8/8/05 4:02:36


    Takeo-OP IS GAY(forgive me gay comunity for the insult)

    Neil(Wolf-DC XO), DAKOTA'S MOM/DC_BLACKDRAGON, Commander Monster, Don Zardeone,



    (or whoever this is)

    btw this is the reason i hate

    MSN! 30 character nicknames are so stupid GRRRRR

    about 80% of all text are nicknames


    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: MarcBomber@arcor.de (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: irc.quakenet.org:6667 #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • marc - that was a group ... thats why there are so many names



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!