Starting Guide

There are 9 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • I might get better internet next month and would like to start playing online. Is there a starting guide for new server players?

  • Hi Gregorii, good idea, I remembered there was a starting guide, but after searching a bit I made sure it was just a CFPD's starting guide for new members, not for Crossfire itself.

    So far, for new Freelancers, there are several places in the portal not accessable like a chatting bar, but in-space you can do anything that is not breaking (neither "nearly" breaking) the server rules, a full version of them being here:

    The big red board in front of Manhattan, New York is good as a short version of the rules, mainly stuff to keep the game fun and fair play for everyone, stuff anyone with good will could guess by himself.

    In the rest, it is recommended to meet up with other new players, and together, kill some NPCs, find a prison and sell their pods there (prisons give a lot of $$ for pods, higher rank NPCs, more money), and get a starting equipment and ship, like a Red Eagle at Custodian, right behind Manhattan in NY being the shortcut to the Crossfire core system, connected to over 20 other systems and with shortcuts to every major house in the Sirius sector, but beware, there are other sectors totally outside Sirius ^^ .

    Speaking with older players, or asking them for info that is harder to find is as well recommended, you can even find somebody that speaks your language (Russian ? ) and make new friends :D

    It's more fun doing things in teams or with friends than going on solo, doing everything on "hard" and think you are though works, but you might have no one to show off what you did... or t o at least speak about it.

    Later on, above level 40 you are up in to enter the Role Play in Crossfire, even if you don't want it, your newbie protection ends at that level (though it's nicer if you are left alone until level 50 when you can at least defend yourself a bit), and you can pick one of the 4 RP licenses to live your life on them. Multiple licenses at once are not allowed, but as a freelancer, you can change the license you work on, at any time. Try not to abuse this freedom though.

    Here is the basic info on every RP type and how they work:

    The limitations of them are in the rules site posted at the beggining, but everything that is not mentioned is possible to be done by every RP, for example trading. Anyone can trade, but the smugglers have an extra type of goods, BMGs (Black Market Goods) to trade with, which give way higher profits, but they can't do what other RP types can, like taxing, fining, taking a bounty...

    Much later on, when you already know all the 4 Crossfire sectors, and got the top equipment, it's not over ! No, it's not about learning every jump hole and base in the game, it's about the ASF vs CSF battles.

    The Alliance Star Fleet (in their view) are the politically diplomatic force who wishes/tries to bring freedom to the systems in Sirius occupied by the dirty Confederated forces who rule systems after bringing destruction to them, plundering their resources, even women and children to enlist them as soldiers, by enslaving them under a dictatorship politic stance. To do this, the free systems united themselves to shove off this disease from manking, and focus on the aliens that are invading our galaxy, and help Dom Kavash with this task, because they actually trained us, humans, for this.

    The Confederated Strike Force (in their view) are the dictatorship force, who more than everything MUST conquer every system in Sirius to unite mankind under their power and knowledge, for the good of manking itself. They must exterminate the brainwashed opposers and in war everything is allowed, collateral losses cannot be avoided, but after defeating the chit chat Alliance, they will get mankind to a NEW level ! Then they must conquer the other exiled human colonies, and go for the stars and the aliens in there !!

    In short, the ASF are diplomatic, and CSF are dictatorship, but no side is supposed to be the "bad" one, each one thinks they are the good ones and the others are the bad ones. So it's up for you to pick which side you will pick, well, unless the CSF finds you and forces you to join them.

    The ASF vs CSF Roleplay section can be found here: index.php?page=Board&boardID=401
    But you can only see the public part of it, each side has an internal members section, for which you have to apply to their Usergroup here on the forum to be able to see that, but only after being confirmed as a member of either ASF or CSF in-game.

    There is a different way to get in the ASF vs CSF battles, by joining one of the currently active clans with an official stance in this story.

    You can find more info on them at their forums, or threads in this portal, but the list would be this:

    ASF Clans:

    • CFPD - CrossFire Police Department (Police Alliance)
    • BG - Blood Guards (Police Alliance)
    • SA - Silver Arrows (Mercenary Corporations)
    • UR - United Rebels (Police Alliance, currently not seeming active, but there are members still around)
    • IOC - Independent Operators Consortium (Traders Union, but it not being a real RP type, currently not seeming active, their forum is offline, but IOC members are seen around from time to time)

    CSF Clans:

    • LP - Lost Prophets (Pirate Syndicate)
    • LC - Luciferian Conspiracy (Pirate Syndicate)
    • SMG - Sirius Marauder Gang (Pirate Syndicate, currently not seeming active, but there are members still around)
    • Fallen - Fallen (Pirate Syndicate, currently not seeming active)
    • GoP - Guild of Pirates (Pirate Syndicate, currently not seeming active)

    There are, of course, the freelancers who joined a side or another.

    The "currently not seeming active" means it's from 0 to 1 member seen online, but not much enough to count it as an active clan.

    There are several other less official and less known clans around, but so far they are not on any side, mainly due to failing to achieve enough level/knowledge/activity to get into the ASF vs CSF battles.

    The rest is up for your experience and way to see things.
    Have fun,
    -Mike :)

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

    Edited 4 times, last by Michael: Added other less known clans part. ().

  • Hello Gregorii,

    I see Michael posted all :), so only basic advices: talk, ask ppl around, be patient if you not get reply asap ... player can be in fight or chatting with others. Read server rules few times, crossfire is roleplay server so others can interact with you not only with words, but also with guns :)

  • Also I must point out that everyone must ask permission from a BG member in order to buy any ships in Custodian. Michael seems to think its ok to offer BloodGuards ships to just anyone. Just thought id point that out. Otherwise just jump on, get to know people, have fun and enjoy your time! ^^

  • Yes, I think so, since ever, no clan rule can affect people under level 40 with no clan tag, the same as those outside of RP. They are free to enter and explore any system and buy anything that they can, with their money. Notice the "no clan tag" part, a LP with a level 18 char would be out of the newbie protection. Untagged chars with money in the bank are noticed for not being in the newbie protection by their name, or in the moment they withdraw money inside a clan system to buy a ship or something else. Such act will actually bring worse consequences than the ones of invading a clan system, for abusing the newbie protection.

    So he can and even is recommended to buy certain Red Eagle from Custodian as it's also the way to X 3043, while he is out of RP, at low levels.

    There is also to be pointed the clan restrictions on Custodian are gone long ago, only remaining that when a BG is online, he is to be asked for permissions before entering or buying something. I haven't seen anything new (post, announcement) to change that situation.

    Of course each clan has it's own rules, that's not something which can be posted in a guide, the players are up to check the Server and Clan System Rules section to avoid getting into trouble with them.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Yeah I hate to break it to you Michael, but the restrictions on Custo are back, as I personally have paid for Custodian myself, brought BG back as a clan system, and I am also now the leader of BG, you can ask OP about that yourself. Therefore all of the BG rules and restrictions apply. One of which is everyone that is not BG must ask for permission before buying any ship in Custo. Im not trying to be a rude douchbag, but its about time that certain rules get upheld and respected.

  • That is cool then, it would be usseful to announce it ^^

    But still, the players outside RP, under level 40, are still unaffected by any clan rule. So that is why I see correct that in the "newbie guide" the first thing told is to chat and take the Custodian route, where the Red Eagle is a nice buy, even though there is another system with the Red Eagle.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Last I checked, (I could be wrong, its been quite awhile since Ive been around) but CF is strictly an RP server, so everyone is subject to RP except for in a select few systems, NY and X-3043 to be specific. Clan systems are allowed to be 100% Rp only, or no RP whatsoever, depending on the clan leaders rules. As the leader of BG, and the founder of the Role Players Alliance, Custodian is 100% open RP. Therefor all RP rules and restrictions apply.

    That being said, my Co leader is currently working on the Custo COC and other related clan and system rules. Once those are completed they will be posted for everyone to see.

  • Info about Clan systems is actualized: Server Clans list

  • Gregorii: Alright, at Kalisie's request and since BG came back, the Red/Black Eagle from Custodian is no longer free for every new player to buy in their first run to X 3043, so if you want to get past it, you better avoid the NPCs in there as they are level 10, and make a run for it for another open system. The way to X-3043 is harder though, which is actually filled with ASF vs CSF NPC battles, and they with the flak cannons (if there is no one else in the system) they will instantly kill any light fighter that comes by the nomad gate inside X-3043, so it's better avoiding Custodian and X-3043 at all until you get a proper fighter. Better keep hunting low level NPC pods until you get the millions for such ship :D

    And if you liked the idea of a Red but named Black Eagle, you can freely buy it from Nephele at the same 560k price, which it being a clan system, the only ship limitations are for the ships in Lith station, hidden in space.

    Or you can wait until a BG member is online to ask him for permission to buy the Black Eagle from Custodian.

    Have fun,

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis