msinet.ocx - problem

There are 29 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • try unistall msinet and register new msinet.


  • I had the same problem, so here's how I solved it and hopefully it'll work for you. Mind, I have Windows 7 64bit. I would advise that you follow the exact same steps: don't skip a reboot!

    1- Start fresh, that means everything is un-installed and the folder that will be left is deleted manually.
    2- Install FL, then reboot
    3- Install FLMM 1.31
    4- Copy misnet.ocxin the right folder. I followed the steps from:…indows-7-vista/ making sure I did so in administrator mode. It didn't work the 1st time because I hadn't ADMIN mode CDM.
    5- REBOOT! (I think this one might be superdooper important... )
    6- Install CF 1.9, register it in FLMM and voilà!


  • well i have tried and tried and tried doing all what has been asked and i still have no luck.
    I think this is it now i so wanted to play this mod but looks like ity is not meant to be.I am not a computer expert and i have given up now sorry guys.

  • addition to #26

    How to run the cmd interpreter in admin mode under 7 and vista:

    click the Run button
    put "cmd" (without the quotation marks) into the field search programs/files
    cmd.exe will appear in the list above (DO NOT PRESS ENTER OR START IT!)
    move the mouse to cmd.exe, right click it and choose run as administrator

    if you don´t do so, the interpreter does not have the needed privileges to register files.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • i kept working on it the past days and now trying everything with 1.9, still no difference. i registered a total of 8 different msinet.ocx found from all over the net (google is my best friend by now i guess). each time the same problem. im getting tired of this : /

  • Hello, I tried to come back to Crossfire, but unfortunately everything is told above doesn't work.

    I've registered the MSINET.OCX from this site. (MSINET.OCX for 64 bit Windows 7 & Vista)
    I'm running win7 x64.

    I don't think reinstailing the game makes any difference. It's just the same problem everytime. Even registered I have the same message when I start the game:

    CF Launcher
    Component 'MSINET.Ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registeret: a file is missing or invalid.

    I gues I'll wait for Crossfire 2.0, maybe sometimes in the future, if they make it right, maybe I'll try it again. Untill then I'll play something else. (Discovery maybe)

  • where exactly and how did you register this component?



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    Fifty percent pain,
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