msinet.ocx - problem

There are 29 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • hey guys.
    first of all, yeah i tried the faq, i followed lots of different threads out there and used the search, yet its not working.
    the issues with installing the mod have been solved by having a clean install of all three , modmanager 1.31 (however the program itself sais its 1.3) - freelancer - crossfire (downloaded from this portal-4 times now)
    i can run the mod on the manager and it installs alright without any trouble.
    however i get the usual msinet.ocx - error when trying to run freelancer. administrator is always on, trying different compatibilitys (screw my english if this is wrong), didnt help either.
    run-cmd opens the cmd-console for me, however when i use "regsvr32 msinet.ocx" i get just another error. since its german i just try to describe it as i can: modul propably not compatible with my version, either x32 or x64, i hope u guys know which issue im talking about. im running windows 7 and tried having the msinet.ocx file that is also offered here on the portal, put in the system32 folder OR syswow64 OR both at the same time.
    when having in both its the issue with the version of windows
    when it is in syswow64 it gives an error about loading the modul, should check if it is on the right path or something about binary, seriously my english reaches its limit there.
    when it is in system32 its the issue with the version
    so i guess it is right to locate that file in syswow64, however it wont let me register it. can anybody help me? id appreciate it, used to play discovery mod for a while now, never knowing about crossfire. read a little about crossfire, instantly got rid of discovery and now im fighting with crossfire for quite a while though.
    thx in advance

  • you can download the file from the net
    either x86 or x64 depending what OS you run



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Greeting sorry your having trouble installing it but it happen to me too the first time I installcrossfire I also have window 7 what i did was , i dont reconmend you do the same if you dont know it..
    I use the (regedit) to clean all freelancer, fllm and crossfire from my computer after that reboot the computer
    and then reinstall freelancer, Flmm next install crossfire as admin sometime I will have error what i do next is reinstall flmm 1.31
    without deleting nothing just reinstall Flmm 1.31 hope this help you.

    (='.'=# This is Bunny# Copy and paste bunny into your
    #" #_#" # signature to help him gain world domination#
    [AS]Demonic Pay or Die


  • i tried what u mentioned thom88, however the result is the same. keeps giving the error-message about msinet.ocx when trying to launch freelancer : (

  • german, yeah.

    i found a msinet.ocx in the exe-folder of freelancer, however it has a different size than the others i used to deal with now. the one i loaded from here was 129kb, the one in the folder has 113. the one i activated now and is finally running has 130kb (downloaded from the link i mentioned earlier)

    when running the cmd as admin, it automaticly shows up c:\windows\system32>

    -my msinet.ocx is in syswow64, and following the instructions from the link i typed in "regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\MSINET.OCX” - so i guess it registered that file and not the one in the exe-folder. do i have to pay any special attention about the one in the exe-folder? i thought it might be just part of the installation, and kinda ignored it.

  • sorry but i fear a kind of misunderstanding by my side now. so should i intend to register the one from the exe-folder or get rid of that one so it doesnt conflict with the one i downloaded?

  • so i tried the following now; taking the file from the exe-folder and copy it into the syswow64, registering works fine, however still the error when launching freelancer. deleting the file in the exe folder with the same file in syswow, no difference. i also cant force him to register the file from the exe-path, the file has to be in syswow to do so. having my original file that i downloaded for this process in syswow and cutting the other one from the exe-folder and saving it on desktop (i dont want to risk deleting it, dunno of the consequences), registering works in syswow but still the error...

    im just getting more confused and giving up hopes : / im kinda tired of discovery and hoped to be able to play this one.

  • From last year I remember min 2 cases, when ppl tried many ways, nothing help and want give up. In both case they tried last thing re-download mod and do new clean install. In both cases it worked ...

  • i already loaded it many times now, so still trying to redownload and then uninstall everything again? i somehow cant imagine it would change anything : /

  • on the CD, there is a file 'rds1enu.msi' Install that, and the msinet.ocx should be installed and registered with that install...

    Kind Regards

    Windows 8.1 X64, AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black 3.4GHz, 16GB 1600 RAM, NVIDEA GeForce GXT 460

  • Interesting .....

    I am also winning W7 X64 ...

    Glad you came right ...(if i read your message right)

    Kind regards

    Windows 8.1 X64, AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black 3.4GHz, 16GB 1600 RAM, NVIDEA GeForce GXT 460

  • apparently i cant redownload the mod right now aswell, atleast from this portal. im gonna give it a try with the version from moddb again, hope that may does a change.

  • yes the mod is available at moddb atm
    the download here will follow later but right now i have to do other stuff



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • nothing changed... its frustrating. i redownloaded again and again, reinstalled again and again, propably registered 5 different versions of msinet.ocx , still it keeps giving the error message when starting the game that msinet.ocx or one of its dependencies are not correctly registered : ( i thought it should run pretty well on windows 7 x64