Hudshift with 1.82

There are 10 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Vishnu.

  • Hi All
    Can anyone tell me if Hudshift will work with Crossfire 1.82,I've got it running on 1440x900
    but the HUD is about a third of the way in from the screen edges..any way to shift it to the
    corners using Hudshift.dll,Iv'e followed instructions from various places but to no avail
    maybe it just wont work on Crossfire?
    Thanks in anticipation


  • if i would have the possibility to test such stuff i could answer such questions but im lost on such topics



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  • OP
    If you're lost on such topics then I dont hold out much hope for me,I would like to test this stuff
    but I dont know where to start,which files to alter etc.
    The Mod looks much better at 1440x900,it really enhances it.Shame I cant get the HUD to the
    corners,I will carry on testing hudshift.


  • i know how to get it to work.

    Go to hudshift.ini, add a " ; " before "horizontal = auto"

    Remove the ";" before [HUDshift] under 6:10

    Should work then. Just undock then dock, ur HUD should be in the right place. Good luck.

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  • Does this work for 1920 x 1080?.....would love to get those things back to the sides of my screen instead of bringing them up and down everytime I have to look for new target :D

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  • Where do you find that .ini

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  • Maybe I'll try seaching it again and the end I gave up and just used some setting that was available thru the game that had them on the sides. My reasoning was that I read somewhere that messing with files was a cheat^^ Would be nice to have my native screen resolution available tho.

    I roam space in search of adventure and treasure.

    {LP}Marauder{X} of the Lost Prophets

    MARAUDER n 1: someone who attacks in search of booty
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    FYI: Lost Prophets are currently recruiting, please talk with a representative online :D

  • Hi
    I finally got Hudshift to work on 1440x900 with the Hud nicely back in the corners of the screen where they should be...This is what I did:
    1.Clean install of Freelancer and FLMM 1.31 and then Crossfire 1.82.1 activated.
    2.Download to an empty folder and unzip the latest version of Hudshift version 2.11
    3.Put Hudshift.dll in Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DLLS\BIN.
    4.Open Freelancer.ini found in Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE and at the end of the [Initial SP DLLs] section add this line DLL = HudShift.dll
    5.Put Hudshift.ini in Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA\INTERFACE
    6.Open Hudshift.ini and edit the first two lines to look like this
    [HUDShift] (I removed the ; before the word Hudshift)
    Horizontal = auto
    7.Go to Microsoft Games\Freelancer\DATA\Cameras.ini and set all fovx values to =0
    Run the game, it works for 1440x900 and my understanding is that it should adjust itself to your native desktop resolution.
