Clan foundation and recruitment: [Battle Command]

There are 143 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Duck_Dodgers (SA_SCORPION).

  • You need somebody with a lot of time for that, and I think russian knowledge is needed to understand what certain(some) text really wanted to say.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • yep.
    I have asked for that year ago and added the russian version of agreement here
    So, if somewone can help even partly, it would be really nice.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • Actually, all text bring a few main points to observe. It could (may) be cutted to be understandable and readable for ppl, who really want to read it. All internal secondary points, showed in this agreement, couldn`t be posted, IMAO.

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • First post updated:
    - Clan RP history moved here (previous thread is missing) with Chapter 2 finally translated :)
    - moved post with thread traditions + clan details.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • Warning. After long stagnation period my patience was over. Now the clan is at the peak of global-clan catalysis event.

    Expect massive changes of all our systems and perhaps even ideology, activity and other.

    Now we can absent for a short or long time. I'm already near the absense. Sorry.

    You can contact with our clan through our clan-hall (check the image in my signature) or through Kaelis. i think he would remain in charge here.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • Accroding to my in-clan final decision, in order to start normal paly and work with my projects, i'vw "threw" a number of activities, that severely burden me. But that to refresh the clan activities, I must to be there in that time.
    So, I was already left from the several games. And for moving the clan forward, I must to leave from here for some time too.

    It is not goodbye. I will return as soon as it will be possible. And will leave only after finishing some work here.

    TheActing Clan Leader here, now is the Kaelis.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • 1. We are moved to new forum engine

    Ne URL is:

    2. Today is the 11-th clan's Burthday :)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • good choice
    pssst latest forum version is 3.1.7



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • SWAT_OP-R8R:

    Thanks. I chose for more than several months from engines like Yabb, Simple Machines and so on. But onl this engine is supporting the most easy and not destructive uninstallation of the plugins. WBB was one of the pretender.
    But what was really disappointed me, that they already have lost the russian market and the whole our scripting community in 2008-2009. I can't even pay through usual banks... But this is just the lirycs.

    About updating:
    Yep. I know. But I preferred to to configure the base of the forum furst. Plugins next (becouse they can have some conflicts with others).
    So, now the forum is still under construction.

    I hope some day, we will finally translate that over9000 variables... Or my people will not understand that choice :)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • 9000... *smiles*
    SWAT meanwhile requires more than 68.000



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • 9000... *smiles*
    SWAT meanwhile requires more than 68.000

    Holy #@%&%*^@!!!.... :verwirrt:

    Well... I knew that this would not be easy.

    Anyway, I think I need help with forum. In the first day I found two weak points:

    1. mysql error in the register page (when entering wrong captcha several times) - appears from time to time.
    2. php fatal error in register page with ipdated "forumrules" plugin - constant. I was forced to uninstall it. (all support forums in german 8| ! Thank God for the google translator, but can't find the answer anyway)

    All error logs are saved.

    But what I really can't understand is the forum permissions logic... We have a comlicated rank and permission structure (members are in several groups at once). But only on wbb i faced the problem when the 3 groups at one forum have permission: allow + allow + deny, then total permission is deny. But in the another place the same conditions make... allow!
    That problem is forced me to lock the forum before I will understand that system. Otherwise it has already make a big weak point in the forum permission system. Some of the rigestered users had seen the whole forum categories without any permissin somehow. :sshithappens:

    I need at least the the goddamn manual...

    P.S. Heh.. I think this forum will take me for a long and long time...

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • the forum rules plugin was written for an older version and is not compatible builds bigger than 3.1
    thats why you get the registration errors (I had the same problem last year)

    the permission system is actually the strength of this software... but yes it can be a bit confusinng at the start

    most important for you should be the usergroups "guests" "everyone" and "registered members"
    edit them and set all boards that these groups should not see by default to "deny"

    [table='Board,Guest,Everyone,Registererd Member, Usergroup 1, Usergroup 2']
    [*]Board #1
    [*]Board #2
    [*]Board #3
    [*]Board #4
    [*]Board #5

    Board #1 = public board for all users
    Board #2 = public board for all members
    Board #3 = private board that usergroup 1 and 2 can access
    Board #4 = private board that usergroup 2 can access
    Board #5 = private board that usergroup 1 can access

    Thats how its set up here and its working (except that on SWAT guests are limited to read only the first post of a thread).



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • SWAT_OP-R8R:

    Many thanks for info. You almost saved my brain from explosion. :)

    But there is another problem.

    There is the administration group, what used as default, and there is the "foundership" group that also have the same rights.
    The fouders are in the default groups (registered users and everyone) but also in "membership". Some of the founders are in te "administration" group at the same time.
    The problem board is "head administratum".
    Normal working: Inner Org. Core

    [table='Board,Everyone,Registererd Member,Membership,Foundership, Administration,Resulting Permission']
    [*]Inner Org Core
    [*]Head Administratum

    How I did it, i don't know... But if I deselect "deny", making the permission "undefined" in "membership" then result is allow. But also, allow to the membership too, what should not be. If i deselect "deny" in registered users, then the forum appears for them all (exept from doundership and administration), BUT only "can view" (user can't enter it, can't even see the threads)

    -upd. New problem with permission. Now the selection of "allow" to foundership and administration in not working for the "head administratum" board. Selecting and submiting makes only check's disappearing again without any changes.

    I think I have clean all the groups and try to recinstruct them again..

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • question is if you let the groups see the boards... or allow them to enter them
    when its about groups which should have all rights then you can give them full controll rights



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I just visited your site and got the following message


    Новый форум - новые баги. Мля...

    Ждите пока закроем дыры.
    New Forum - new bugs. Blah ...

    Wait until the close hole.

    If you need help, just let me know as I used to build sites professionally and I still do in my spare time now and again.:)
    Don't give into to the code gremlins lol they will screw with your head space just take it one step at a time.
    Rushing is the key to failure, patience is the key to success.(Yes this is one of my sayings :))
    Also a quick edit your language hook only changes the top menu links to English but not your forum board message, you may want to look into that.
    But hopefully your site software uses some sort of language hook you can just implement into your forum board message, I translated your forum board message with google translate lol><

    Current System
    Tagan BZ Series 800 Watt Power Supply Unit,
    AsRock P55 Pro/USB3 Motherboard,
    Antec full ATX tower case,
    Tranquillo CPU Cooler,
    Intel Core i3 530@4.00Ghz.:D
    8GB of DDR3,
    SATA Samsung HD753LJ 750GB Hard drive,
    SATA Samsung HD501LJ 500GB Hard drive,
    XFX ATI Radeon 5870 with Arctic Cooler GPU cooler.

  • question is if you let the groups see the boards... or allow them to enter them
    when its about groups which should have all rights then you can give them full controll rights

    I think I understood the logic...
    In previous boars I've used the logic "deny is default". If some option "can see the board" is denied to default group "registered users", then the users can't see it. I was need only to add them to the group with option "allow". So, tnen "deny + undef + undef + allow" was equal to allow. And it was mean, if the user is registered, then all undefined options in the other groups, where he added, were equal to "deny". But If some group says "allow", then he was allowed to see the board.
    And here I need to say "deny" for every undefined option.

    P.S. There is some strange thing - I didn't find the oprion of "can view the threads", means the user can see the list of threads from other users in the board (need fo support and diplomacy boards). But this situation showed that this option at least exist :)

    And meanwhile congratulations with your new board BC

    Thanks :) I've planned it a year ago. And finally, I've started that moving :)



    I just visited your site and got the following message

    It becouse of rebuilding the permission system. Plus, we have updated some server software in order to exclude some errors.


    If you need help, just let me know as I used to build sites professionally and I still do in my spare time now and again.

    Thank you. And i think I will call you sooner than you expect :)


    Also a quick edit your language hook only changes the top menu links to English but not your forum board message, you may want to look into that.

    Simply, the whole forum is still english. Even German in some places. :D
    But yes, I want.


    But hopefully your site software uses some sort of language hook you can just implement into your forum board message, I translated your forum board message with google translate lol><

    Translaton is not far from real:
    New place - new bugs. And we need to close some holes.
    But know you're know what i feel then reading non-english support forums :)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

    Edited 3 times, last by [BC]afGun: edit ().

  • Forum is working again now. Base permission system is finally working.

    Thanks again, OP. This problem could take me for a long time.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • np



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • oh mein Gott, so many words... and all is about recruiment? -)

    If you need help, just let me know as I used to build sites professionally and I still do in my spare time now and again.

    we need help. perl is forever, but for some reason it is written in php. it's very sad.

    Also a quick edit your language hook only changes the top menu links to English but not your forum board message, you may want to look into that.

    interesting bug. I'll check it.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 2nd Founder
    [BattleCommand] Head Administrator
    In game signatures:
    [BC]Ender and only [BC]Ender.