Sol why is the system so big

There are 26 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • X( if something is put right in our lap then whats the challenge nothing however it,s just out of our reach then we strive to get it the challenge not knowing whats out there. the balance of fear and excitement. in space movie,s for example the have to go into deep sleep chambers cause it,s boring but they still go and remember come back. sol has plenty of room for scope later on maybe another chapter but thats op,s direction we still have a lot of challenges at the moment to over come see you in space

  • Good point.

    When traveling around the Sol system, I often wish that my ship had a cryogenic suspension pod that would wake me up when I arrive at my destination.


    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who do not.

  • Sol offers players the truest experience of being in outer space. You feel like you're completely alone. It builds on your anxiety as you're waiting for something unknown to happen.

    Don't forget Sol is another complete solar system like Altair and Sirius, so it needs to be big, as big as OP's last girlfriend.

    Maybe Sol is OP's last girlfriend...nothing happens there, debris everywhere, and if you keep searching you'll find a big secret... ;)

    P.S. You can always park at the Nomad outpost on the other side of the Rift if you want to save your game...ha ha ha

  • lol, yea, the nomads will save the game for you as it will say GAME OVER for you xD

    ROFL :D:D:D:D ...

  • SOL system stands for Space On Large meaning there's a lot of room to practice you skills while travelling to the big secret.

    I made the mistake of getting off the tradelane on the way to earth once, It took forever to get back, so I learnt my lesson.

    What I like about SOL is that a great battle was fought there and that feeling still lingers there. It seems to create feelings of anticipation and anxiety, like the inner core does.

    It's like Alice going down the rabbit hole...