Where are my credits?

There are 64 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • Stop looking for a purpose m8^^
    Its about having fun and progressing your char, your skills and your knowledge.
    Sad to say but in a monetary based universe $$ are part of the progress.
    I just wish that little time i have left to play the game right now would get me somewhere.

  • spiky you are pretty much ignorant....
    maybe he saved money for better ships and equipment and once he got the money he needs he would go to explore and such
    and maybe to you playing consists nothing else but exploring with a starflyer , but for others this may not be true
    for example with my friend we gathered money for train and then for a good spaceship, but i still didn't buy my ship cuz i cant get to vorkuta jump gate from tomsk jump gate because the server crashes and drops me back to tomsk jump gate...
    there is no point to continue playing if you want to get forward but because of shits you cant ( instable server, +this )
    and its pretty much worse if you are on the edge of buying a new ship to enjoy the new pretty systems and awesome new features and your "hard" (it depends on the ppl, but i guess trading is not fun after 10 hours)work gets destroyed

    so spiky please stop being ignorant
    thx in advance

  • we should all respect each others way of playing CF, so long as they are acting within server rules.

    Some people like to trade. Personally i know why Titius did only trading, and i respect it. He and some others who trade are regular tax payers, and some use the money to hire mercs to protect them.

    And if Spiky does want to map everything to benefit the knowledge base of BG clan, then who are we to stop him.

    With this money thing, we take it on the chin. And move on, OP did what he feels was right, regardless of whether some think its wrong, its OPs server and we dont have rights to things. For whatever reasons, fair or not fair. Its done.

  • I am annoyed not because of the money, but because I have been accused of cheating when I did no such thing. How did I do it? At the moment you can earn 39m an hour between Berlin and Stuttgart, if you are quick like Crysis 45.5m. I bought the train with the money I obtained with an APC. Now I have only been in Stuttgart and Berlin so look at my char and do the maths. I believe I have been on line about 39 hours with this char.

    Why am so mad is that this could happen again. That is what I meant by no point in playing anymore. This game has many aspects. All which require credits. However, the point I am making is that if every time a few people do something wrong, everyone gets punished, what is the point of doing anything. This is so totally unfair and illogical.

    Next time it could be character deletions or banning all characters for whatever spurious reasons. Come on OP please be reasonable, many of us were enjoying your production. Why spoil it all by taking across the board actions like this, I appeal to you to please reconsider your decision.

  • this shows me what kind of a player you are keli, one that gives up very easily

    and I'm not being ignorant, just sarcastic, maybe you need to check the difference between these two words

    all you need to explore these new systems is a freakin eagle which costs 500k and equipment ~2 mil maybe... so don't tell me i'm ignorant when you are being a complete moron and try to find stupid excuses and put even more useless flame and hatred into this useless thread

    my point is, people that stop playing games for reasons that I cannot comprehend, its just ridiculous to quit a game because you lose money that can be EASILY be gained again, you don't even need that much money to have a proper fighter, equipment etc.

    However, I do get your point vyss, I thought you wanted to stop because of the money, guess I understood it wronlgy and completely respect your decision

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • one hour is pretty much time spiky, so it is not as easily
    and i couldn't kill 4 ancients with an eagle and a bad shield + wreck weapons, i guess im the noob then

    and you are not sarcastic, you totally think you are right

    am i giving it up easily? while playing i have experienced about 100+ crashes, and i got tired of it that i cant get to vorkuta from tomsk jump gate, it was just simply enough for me, now ill wait for a stable server and then start playing again

  • i accused nobody
    in fact it was not me who opened this thread instead of asking in private

    u asked and got an answer about a neccessary decision i had to make... not more... not less
    i wonder how you would react if i would need to announce another charwhipe due to neccessary changes or in order to get rid of meanwhile bugged chars
    this is a beta version to find bugs and the faster they get reported the sooner normal gameplay can happen after i fixed everything



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Actually, you did fixed the thing of no small ormedium trains dockign Stations (and PS; SoulForge could never dock stations as I knew, I just heard of the Large-normal one... like the small one, and yes it was reported on this forum !) and the SoulForge was the ship we had, Crysis, me, Vyss... and more as he spent so much time to make it easyer for him later, and his dedication....

    The ones that would use a bug, is that they don't hve time, or don't want to spend it there. That means they'd never get too rich, as they don't have dedication.

    But about fixing it... a bug was fixed, and payers punished... but server started crashing like hell, items disapearing, and now more than the players with train got punished. As not many had a train, they had to work mroe for the equipment that dissapeared to all of us. Actually some bugs gone, and new others arrived :/

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • weird and/or¿ provokative posts as always heh

    About the people not restarting after server crash... I already posted about, it would be cool if it CDTs right in the moment it crashed, or before, in that way all people will have to restart :D But as that is impossible, or nearly... it's better if we don't get theese many crashes heh. Also spreading the word, as obligation, in-game that people have to restart the game. As I've seen, some, or many don't even think it's needed or it helps.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I did not do a pm because I honestly thought it was a bug or an accident, and wanted to bring it to your attention OP. Anyway I have calmed down now and I realise I have to move on. I like to play fairly and absolutely detest cheating or people getting around the rules. So you can see why I went berserk. If after the BETA test we start again I have absolutely no problem with that at all. If it is a logical thing to do, it should be done either way it is your decision and I will respect whatever decision you make. I fully understand that this is BETA version and I am here as a guest. I just hope you can now understand my reasoning and why I got so upset.

    Anyway as I said I have taken a cold shower and have calmed down and hope to continue to make a contribution to the role play in this excellent mod although for the time being I will probably stick to exploring.

  • thx vyss this is the kind of reasoning I'd like to hear from every player

    a char wipe is nothing compared to what this mod has to offer...

    so, what do you guys prefer? a fixed CF with no crashes at all, or losing a few million $ with crashing still going on?

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • a fixed CF means no crashes... more motivation to make money

    besides all this what happened is a one time decision that will most likely not happen for a long time so I don't really see what the problem is here...

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Spiky-
    so, what do you guys prefer? a fixed CF with no crashes at all, or losing a few million $ with crashing still going on?

    How about everybody sit tide , wait till the mod is fixed and not worrieng about $ or equiptmnet lost? 2nd wipe isn't the best option, lol... Only time is needed, just sit tide