Singularity bomb concept

There are 82 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Kregoth.

  • Hmm, I love this concept. It will twist the economy in some pretty wonderous ways.
    Now how about a way of "defusing" a singularity bomb.

    Some ideas: It could have huge gravitaional issues that cause the ship carrying such a device to slow down to ahem .. "very slow", this would give clans the abilty to act apon such an attack with 'active players' who can intercept the carriar and disarm the singularity bomb in the process. (the pilot would have to buy a "singularity bomb defuser" which would dismantle the bomb blow up the carriar etc while in transit and save the universe (medal awarded for saving the solar system again).

    why? More encouragement for active play and system defense.

    So you didnt log on for 4 days while the bomb was in transit? Remedy = play more/recruit more people at different time zones and be prepared for it - w/e.

    My 2 cents on the theory / black hole / singularity bomb idea.

    Seeing as all of us know how truely impossible it is to fly any substantial distance without "human issues" due to radiation and lack of weight, etc; we can chuck most of the tech behind freelancer in the "not possible bin" (much to my distaste, I can assure you).
    ----So now that's out of the way, singularity bombs can have almost any desired effect being that this is a game with a strong science behind it that we want to continue trend with (whether we are being a realist or not). SO, now I present the bomb that is freelancer worthy for a community who doesnt want to die.. (get my drift?). The bomb that is slow moving in transportation/flight, one that "disables" a solar system temporarily and one that we can all grow to .. love?

    Here is the scenario: Bob joins the game and builds a bomb over 24 weeks of saving, he decides he is part of the terrorist group called "I like to blow up stuff" and travels his way to YOUR Clans solar system. He launches the bomb and somehow your clan didnt stop him/it. The bomb goes booom! (ahem).....Sorry, I meant BOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!! Your solar system is down for 2 days and then it magically comes back with minimal cost to the clan (say 20%).

    **Suggest giving feedback on how you feel about your solar system going boom for a 2 day period at this point btw, baring in mind your clan didnt defend well enough for this to happen in the first place - this is for OP's balancing benifit please**

    Next you ask how is it possible it comes back with minimal cost??? wtf x 4 Billion credit..
    Well I suggest that we take advatage of the big bang theory for a solar system. We are talking about a bomb that absorbes all the "substance" from the system and amasses everything for a 24 hour period until the mass acts upon it's self and expands out again over the next 24 hour period only destroying/damaging ships/stations and such details. So rebuilding doesnt hurt that much.. and each clan has got their 4Billion worth of credit and a whole pack load of fun in between?

    If you wanted to make the period longer you could add in the period of time that the particals are dust/astroids and begin to gather again to form planets around the sun again. This could give the area transit but not trading status (should you so desire)..

    Okay, so I am new around here but I'm excited about his idea. Sorry for inflicting my nubile ideas on you guys.


    My Rig: Quad 3.0Ghz / 4GB RAM(1300Mhz) / Twin 260GTX SLI / Water cooled (18'C idle, 27'C max load), 1TB HDDs (RAID1) - system noise is less than 20 Decibels (barely audible).

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    no actually you can undock from that base even if its destroyed

    kinda unrealistic but not a biggie

    you could think about my version tho :)



    Originally posted by Twisticals
    So you didnt log on for 4 days while the bomb was in transit?

    umm.. so in case of a server crash/restart everyone (especially the bomber) is basically fucked of their boom and their money :D

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    you could think about my version tho

    which is not more realistic but more complicated to realize



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
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    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Like every other new weapon system in CF, I expect that there will be that annoying minority of players who will devise an exploit for this new feature to spoil gameplay for others. I think it would be prudent to exclude clan systems from these effects for the following reasons:

    1. Clans pay real $$ for the use of a home system, and it would only take repeated, coordinated attacks of this type to completely deny the use of the home system to a clan. I foresee the potential of well-funded troublemakers detonating one of these in the same system again, as soon as the system can regenerate, effectively eliminating it from the server.

    2. Most clans disapprove of, or even ban, RP in their home systems, so there would be no legitimate reason for using such a weapon in a clan system. Such use would then become an attack on an entire clan, giving an individual player undue & unearned influence over clan activities.

    Apart from the home system issue, I agree that there are other systems which need to be exempted based on their centrality to CF gameplay in general, such as NY, X-3043, Arena & Coloseum. If tradelanes & jumpgates are also destroyed, then it seems likely that a player jumping into a destroyed system unawares could be stranded there until the system regenerates, if there are no jumholes in that system. This condition is true of many systems adjacent to X-3043.

    One final consideration: it would be logical that if the entire system were destroyed, there would also be no NPC encounters in that system until it regenerated. (The NPC's would have no logical origin point to operate from if everything in the system is destroyed.) Assuming that this is the case, then the weapon presents some glimmer of positive usage in clearing a path thru a series of hostile systems, as in DK space, for example...[asmd]

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by ZooP


    umm.. so in case of a server crash/restart everyone (especially the bomber) is basically fucked of their boom and their money :D

    The idea is that the transit is player driven, if the server crashes then transit stops andresumes after the server comes back.

    All academic if clans dont want to be able to use this feature. But here is a solution to the problem of "taking a system down perma"- OP could impliment a cooldown of a week/month on the bomb materials (spawn in space), so there could be a single point where people could retrive the "materials" for the bomb, before having to get it armed/programmed/shelled/etc.

    Terrorist would love to get their hands on those materials!! Think of the resell value? ..second thoughts, this may not be a tradable item?

    So Bob has to fight for this material spawn before he can get it mounted in a "bomb shell", then "programmed" by a hacker, and armed by a terrorist(?or such like). This would encourage people to "fight for the part". SO all in all, 1 bomb per week/month (spawn period) that takes down a system for 48hours. The system repawns after the 48 hours by ways of big bang theory decompression/expansion or whatever clever plan OP decides?

    Maybe this suites the needs a bit better?


    My Rig: Quad 3.0Ghz / 4GB RAM(1300Mhz) / Twin 260GTX SLI / Water cooled (18'C idle, 27'C max load), 1TB HDDs (RAID1) - system noise is less than 20 Decibels (barely audible).

  • Totally agree with what CA said, but this part


    Originally posted by Centaurian
    Such use would then become an attack on an entire clan

    made me think - there should be a chance to see who pulled the trigger, in case clan systems are not excluded and someone blows up one.

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  • Good thought Zoop. Revenge is sweet, no?

    My Rig: Quad 3.0Ghz / 4GB RAM(1300Mhz) / Twin 260GTX SLI / Water cooled (18'C idle, 27'C max load), 1TB HDDs (RAID1) - system noise is less than 20 Decibels (barely audible).

  • Expanding on what CA said, it would also make sense that all original asteroid fields, nebulae, and minefields in an impacted system also be destroyed. That said, the forced nova of a star would also produce an expansive nebula. Perhaps a system suffering such an attack should have a huge gas cloud?

    On another note, being able to undock from a destroyed station or planet makes sense. A ship stranded in dock would be relatively shielded from a shockwave, and bases probably aren't entirely disintegrated after the blast. This means that a ship could probably blast itself out of the wreckage and escape back, into space. Or, as an alternative, a ship might just be a piece of debris floating around and the pilot was fortunate enough to have had shields up at the time. Or so the rationale might go?

    One thing that I cannot come out with a way to justify for RP, however... how is it that a system gets restored after a week if it has been destroyed? Maybe the GMG has a way of reforming a star from its debris field, and corporations could rebuild gate, trade lane, and base infrastructure... but how does one rebuild an entire planet or space station in that timeframe (and if you could, why not have improved replacements?). Maybe planets, moons, and stations would need to remain intact but lose dockability for the week instead... and the old gas clouds, asteroid fields, and mines never come back? Whatever is settled on will be great, but just floating some observations.

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Who is CA? I have been trying to find the post/poster you guys are refering to as "CA".


    My Rig: Quad 3.0Ghz / 4GB RAM(1300Mhz) / Twin 260GTX SLI / Water cooled (18'C idle, 27'C max load), 1TB HDDs (RAID1) - system noise is less than 20 Decibels (barely audible).

  • CA = Centaurian

    One of our Mods here...
    Very talent and an excellent story writer as well as RP companion ;)

  • Talk about maxing out rectum tongue cleaning process. =D

    (I cant help it, it's like a disease =(- )

    My Rig: Quad 3.0Ghz / 4GB RAM(1300Mhz) / Twin 260GTX SLI / Water cooled (18'C idle, 27'C max load), 1TB HDDs (RAID1) - system noise is less than 20 Decibels (barely audible).

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Twisticals
    Talk about maxing out rectum tongue cleaning process.

    An official WTF is in order.

    Something ... rectum ... tongue ... something something. :D

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Drakon
    A ship stranded in dock would be relatively shielded from a shockwave, and bases probably aren't entirely disintegrated after the blast. This means that a ship could probably blast itself out of the wreckage and escape back, into space. Or, as an alternative, a ship might just be a piece of debris floating around and the pilot was fortunate enough to have had shields up at the time. Or so the rationale might go?

    normally novas blows up entire planets... if they can cause a splode on a planet... stations are nothing for them! neither a ship's shield... [8]

    Creator of the SWAT Mod: Freelancer: Expanded Universe - currently halted due to university activities, but you can help if you want :D

    Go to the FL:EU's forums

    Also click here...

    Pff, I'm not afk. I'm just lurking, coz I don't have even time to post, think about the time I have to mod >.<

    [instagib] [woot] [instagib]

  • I think there needs to be a specific radius of effect, not the entire system....say 50K?

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • i think OP would balance such a Bomb to ensure everytime one goes off the server doesn't crash. imagine the resources it would require to wipe out a system and replace it with a nebula. and with that kind of explosive range even the carrier would have to die. in effect becoming the first CF suicide bomber. no to wipe out a whole system and have to wait 48 hours for it to respawn would cause some major server issues.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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    [85] [731]

  • wait will the bomb sync and go boom if noone is in that system? cos if I pulled the trigger i'd want to get as far away as possible :D

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by magnet
    wait will the bomb sync and go boom if noone is in that system? cos if I pulled the trigger i'd want to get as far away as possible :D

    Well, if the star goes nova getting close enough to it to ensure the bomb hits would be like dropping a H-bomb from a low-flying aircraft in RL. Unless you fire the weapon from sufficient distance that you can hit a jump before the detonation I'd say the person firing it off is pretty screwed. That shockwave isn't going to be any more friendly towards you than the nearby planet just because you were the one who dropped it. On the other hand... if a ship's shields only get hit once the shield will just take the hit and you'll take no hull damage... but that'd be incredibly lame. xD

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • This is a singularity bomb, I would assume there was a gravitation implosion that would grow exponentially, this may allow some getaway time while it builds up momentum??

    My Rig: Quad 3.0Ghz / 4GB RAM(1300Mhz) / Twin 260GTX SLI / Water cooled (18'C idle, 27'C max load), 1TB HDDs (RAID1) - system noise is less than 20 Decibels (barely audible).

  • not much time



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Gunny
    I think there needs to be a specific radius of effect, not the entire system....say 50K?

    4 bil $ is a lot of cash. its will blow of the whole system i gess. for 50k i would not spend that money. maybe for a mini bomb 100 mil $ / 50k. but if a sytem have only jg and no jh you cant leave after?!
