There are 31 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Hey m8s we have a very nice storyline in CF. Why I see so many player just taking newbies to altair and show them all the coordinates. Let them get some experience and enjoy the game. For me it was a nice puzzle I wont miss it.

    Just tell them to look for the blackbox in the wreck of nephele.



  • Well for a start, Crossfire isnt the easyest mod out of all.

    Alot of new people, if you ask if they want help, they say yes I help them

    Thats just a normall thing, as Crossfire is very big, and has alot of new stuff.

    Sme people just want to get far very soon (me included), so technically, if people want the spoilers, I agree on helping them.

    I have had people that I offered for help and said, I dont want the help now etc so this is pretty balanced imo

    Edit: The storyline, Is there really a story line? Crossfire's story line, i think, is more of a story behind crossfire, could be just me, but thats how I see it =)

    Get it right, Its ERRR. The wolf way.. associates from GRRR.. Stupid humans! xD

  • hmm when newbies ask me help, I usually give them 5m, guide to X (maybe help them get a yellow eagle) and then to Nomads Lair [the story starts @ Death Valley not @ Nephele btw]

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  • but it's very hard to find death valley allone I must admit, and you can wast dezens of hours exploring without finding it (I did, and I needed the help of the forum to get there while I was still playing in single player).

    that's why I usualy lead people to Nephele, cause it's hard no to find it, even if you aren't looking for it.


  • Quote

    Originally posted by Wolvie
    Is there really a story line? Crossfire's story line, i think, is more of a story behind crossfire, could be just me, but thats how I see it =)

    look maybe you too never got the info for styx per storryline. i makes fun


  • Quote

    Originally posted by X-Ray

    look maybe you too never got the info for styx per storryline. i makes fun

    As I said, I was at Nephele last time, But I do not interest myself because in my view it stays a story behind Crossfire ^^ I know I could get everywhere, but a story, really should be a story line if it has linked things such as cinema's as well ^^

    I havnt been to death valley yet, I always go with another person to those type of systems that are from nomad / dom kav. Thats what I like the most, to team with other's against NPC's ^^

    If you understand what I mean, if not I will try to explain it

    A story line usually involves highly rated battles, with good guys against bad guys (Not bar missions in this case)

    For example, I see this as a story:

    Lets say I would start at Nephele, Suddenly I would be attacked by dom kav/nomads, The good guys come after 30 sec to save me and inform me about these enemy's etc

    Then, The NPC advices me to go to Dublin, where I would meet up with a group of fighters, to invade Sol as Dom Kav are killing lots of people there.

    I am not technically talking about 15 vs 15, but 4 v 6 or so

    This would be really an story line start in my views, where as the result, the coalition would see us fighting Dom Kav and Nomads, and would join us in an alliance to invade for example the Dom Kav systems to annhiliate the dom kav race

    Offcourse, these are just speculatoins on how a story could truely go.

    It could be triggered, so that nobody else could see you fighting Nomads/Dom Kav in Nephele, may they be there so they wont get attacked.

    Like an alternate dimension, you know theyr there, but you cant see them, and they cant hit you ^^

    Get it right, Its ERRR. The wolf way.. associates from GRRR.. Stupid humans! xD

  • 1: in CF we call the CF background story "quests" ;)
    2: well, implementing a REAL storyline is REALLY hard - you need a script, the technical scripts, audio etc etc

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  • yes, but still, that is interested to discuss, quests can either be seen as a strive to gathering things, or as a strive as a story, Those are 2 different things if you explored the many many games as I have had.

    For instance, Story line based games if you play SP like Unreal, Quake 2, Thats a story line differend from a quest

    A quest, I played this game on PS2, called monster hunter, which brings in a great example of quests, Quests are usually missions to search things, so bassically those are 2 differend things in my opinion.

    So, A story behind things, when you get to do them yourself are quests, no matter whats the case, it will stay a quest to strive how the crossfire universe excists and gives hints to contineu ^^

    I didnt know you called them quests allready, sincerly everyone is just calling it CF story, but it stays an interesting subject to talk about whether or not its a story or just a quest to strive for information ^^

    Get it right, Its ERRR. The wolf way.. associates from GRRR.. Stupid humans! xD

  • i wouldnt know, i've never ever read a story in any game. many games i cant solve puzzles etc.. because i want to play the game instead of read. so i dont buy anything that has a story, hence i prefer flight sims or space trading games and racing games.

    granted i like Elder scrolls: Oblivion, but i just run around having fun and i dont even know what the story is. i hate the damn cutscenes wasting my game time. when there comes a point that i need to read story to progress then i will uninstall it.

    i think games should be games not books. books have endings, games should be open ended, thats why you play it, the end is when you decide you had enough. thats how all games used to be until the early 90's. for example, take Elite and Pacman. unfortunately to make more money, developers made stories instead because they do end, and then they can sell you the sequel to the story with just very tiny amount of work done actually imporoving the game.

    i am an old skool gamer, i dont own a console and i beleive people will awake from the boredom of constantly having to have scripts etc to lenghten the interest in the game. instead they will go for faster more powerful pc only games that have more advanced AI. Fashion always comes back round in 20 years. Falcon 4.0 the pinnacle of a dynamic game was made first in 1990, maybe soon we get somethig as good, maybe even a little better. There are already some games dev houses that are beginning to focus their thought on returning to pc only and ditching the expensive consoles. only a matter of time folks.

  • naah it's just a quest.. there was a talk about a full CF storyline [replacing the nomad thing] in one of the next versions or something but dunno about it...

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  • Well, I've played quite a few games, Starcraft has a storyline, as does Broodwar; Tiberian Sun / Firestorm have storylines from either of the 2 factions; Unreal II had a storyline, Command & Conquer - Renegade the same, that's why they're called virtual reality games. Unfortunately, the original storyline in FL is pretty weak, and made even more so in OpenSP as they leave one wondering what the game is truly about.

    I'm using OpenSP at the moment, Trent is supposedly the hero of the Nomad war, but if one looks at his journal, the last entry stops at Kurile, having just signed the deal with Lonegan, there's no mention of why he's at Manhatton, or the missions leading up to the war. As I believe, it's now meant to be 84 years later, assuming trent was a young man in the beginning, say 20 yrs of age, he'd now be an old man of 104 years old, and this, in my opinion, is where the game falls short of the mark. However, one could say he's reliving his adventurers, and the missions he completed in order to amass a very large fortune. But in that scenario, without his completed journal, none of the original characters, apart from a voiceover at Earth from Juni, would have ever have existed, the war would never have happened, therefore the DK and Nomad systems would never have been discovered.

    To be fair to Crossfire and it's developers, they've done an excellent job, and 1.8 promises much more by way of quests, but again, one has to bear in mind the very reason FL was created, as a virtual universe, therefore I submit the following, the original FL was a recurring nightmare, a vision of the future and that the war is about to happen for real.

    As I say, this only my opinion, and being new here probably doesn't carry much weight.

  • sol is a very big system and therefore nearly unpossible to find the jh to styx only with exploring. so the wrecks give you the coordinates where to find it. a nice puzzle.

    if a newby ask me for altair then i answer him if he like to find out the "storry" or quest (as u like) or if he like just the coordinates. but mostly the ppl tell me he like to find out !!!

    and OP asked in some thread if ppl like a new storry or quest in 1.8 and there was a vote about and the most told yes. so not anbody is too lazy to read.


  • The hardest thing in crossfire is to FIND these quests/storyline!

    I play it since january with 2 of my m8s and its just confusing that u cant find any hint IN THE GAME for a quest or a Story ie.
    The first time i read about was as i asked what can we do. There i read about nephele -> /me and a budy searched for about an hour for anything interesting and gave up.

    now i read about death valley... and currently we are in altair so in the next days we're going to visit death veally and hopefully we will find something which can be called a quest/story!
    I dont want to look into a Forum to see the next step so i hope after finding this eust/story it all makes sense and goes automatically on.

  • have u ever read the news in the bar ? cos thats where you hear about it

    Wolvie CF was created by one guy ,OP ,he has some help now but it isnt a development team.
    Not even a budget to support it either.Unlike microsoft :(

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Wavey
    have u ever read the news in the bar ? cos thats where you hear about it

    if u mean the transmission where a sector B6 in system (/§&$% is mentioned then: yes.
    But what should we do with the information (/§&$%?:)

  • Wavie, :P Its a quest ;)

    But nonetheless, if this is getting interestesting as what XRay said, really relating to the story of CF and not discovering places etc I would do it one time, untill I get lost, I ask coords :p

    Get it right, Its ERRR. The wolf way.. associates from GRRR.. Stupid humans! xD

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Wavey
    thats part of the story then u need to find rest

    and thats where the problem for a noob starts!
    it could be everything. i dont have a f***ing clue what it means.
    it CANT be omicron alpha because it would make no sense in the time-order of the news. and thats the ONLY hint me and other noobs can find.
    its just not good for the start of a game to make anything so complicated.

    >> give a smooth start and than it can get harder.