Freelancer Dreamland

There are 140 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Guest12.

  • and i think that would be nice if some thing would be in Cross
    - changabe engines (every engine should cost and be buyable on one base only)
    - all factions (exept Nomads , Dom Kawasz, Coaltion) should be neutral to new player so he/she will be able to start game on what side he/she want.

    it this proposition was previsious mentioned so just dont read it.

    If you would to push me into another flame war on forum you will fail. That thing don't work with me.

    Sabaton - 40 to 1
    Co�g- tank
    Moździez - mortar
    Granatnik - grenadier
    40 to 1

  • Don't know if my idea is already in thread, but i think not.
    My idea is not much. Only Systems with, let's say 10.000.000 k length. A System as huge as it is necessary to build serveral systems in one FL-system.
    I get this idea, when i thought about a SW-Mod. How would it be with Corellia, Nubia, Duro and other systems of the Corellian-sector in one FL-System... HUGE...
    Only problem is, that FL could not calculate the clear position of objects. so your ship is shaking in space...

  • Quote

    - changabe engines

    it's been on 1.8 feature list since, like, the beginning :)


    - all factions (exept Nomads , Dom Kawasz, Coaltion) should be neutral to new player so he/she will be able to start game on what side he/she want.

    why? it ruins SP, it is boring in OpenSP and it's what restart templates (dunno if working tho) are for in MP :D

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    <td valign="top" align="center" width="100%" background=""><font face="serif" color="white" size="5">&#191;&#647;&#592;&#653;&#387;&#592;&#623; - magwat?</font></td>
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  • Fuel that get used up to force people to land from time to time so that they can get a full tank. Also the possibility to collect full from some nebula to be able to explore deep space.
    (would solve elegantly the suicide teleport problem)

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    Those people who think they know everything
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  • Quote

    Originally posted by LavaLegacy101
    My wish is and always was cloaking!

    Dude that has been existing ever since the beginning of freelancer :rolleyes:

  • Dude! Gravedigging! 6 months! And for no real reason! I wouldn't have complained if you would've suggested something, but -- c'mon!

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    <td valign="top" align="center" width="100%" background=""><font face="serif" color="white" size="5">&#191;&#647;&#592;&#653;&#387;&#592;&#623; - magwat?</font></td>
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  • My dreams for freelancer is to see gigantic planets like in X3
    that till be cool :D and fly huge battleships without the prob
    of trade lanes and jumpgates to go with that it'll be even
    cooler if you cud dock and land on it and even trade!
    and another idea is that in asteroid fields, the asteroids can
    bounce off your ship your flying to help some bigger ships
    fly by and a customizabull ship will be awesome!! :D:D
    almost forgot, ti'll be even more fun if you cud fly in battles
    at 600 like the real battles :D all comes up to the freelancer engine and what it
    can Handel ;(

  • The engine can handle giant planets. Look at CF's Sol and Altair

    <table border="0" align="center" width="75%" height="40px" cellspacing="0"><tr>
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    <td valign="top" align="center" width="100%" background=""><font face="serif" color="white" size="5">&#191;&#647;&#592;&#653;&#387;&#592;&#623; - magwat?</font></td>
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  • A silly proposition maybe, but I will say it anyways...
    When NPCs like DK or nomads invade a system, wouldnt it be great if they dont dissappear in a day, but that the time they stay in system depends on how much NPC players kill in order to make them go away...
    Fo example: Nomads attack X-3043, and they wont go away until Players kill 12000 of them...
    Im not telling its doable cuz im not a modder or anything, I just came up with the idea of giving NPC killing a true purpose.
    I also think that would provide more fun because ppl would i suppose love to kill nomads with a purpose in systems not as empty and as meaningless as in outer dyson where u have flying toys waiting to be shot... and would often group...
    And if there were big motherships in invaded systems which are surrounded with many fighters and are impossible to kill by 1 Player, we would have no choice but to be forming liberation groups and it would be really great... thatd encourage team work even more...
    I m not really sure if that could be done via making quest like these or sth but I consider it worth trying.

  • hahaha.....
    dream of freelancer mp connection to me would be better.... :O

    it seems im having a hard time playing mp with ping over 400
    and fluc and lose about 2-7 sometimes even more... 8o

    im in south east asia so no wonder.... :rolleyes:
    but still i hope my dream would come true where i can join the server with no problem.... :baby:

    wah!!!! ;(
    CrossFire Rock n Rulez... [9]
    but im sucks..... [7]
    wah!!! [10]
    kill me!!!! kill me!!! [7]

    tried new method but only manage to decrease ping by 100... ;(
    guess i'll juz wait till the day my luck come to me... [2]
    i wont giv up!!! :D
    hahahahaha!!!!!!! [10]
    Long live Freelancer!!!!! :D
    Long live CF!!!!!*hope the connection would've been better for me* :tongue:

  • I know OP wont like to hear it, but here goes anyway: It would be nice to have a wider range of ships that are actually usable in fights. For instance, i got a Bowin recently (anyone ever flew that?) which is pretty cool (4 lvl 9 guns, 1 lvl 9 turret). However, if it were a bit faster or had a better turning rate it would be perfect. The way it is, it's more or less cannon fodder for any player in a VHF.
    If i remember that correctly, the same goes for the Raven's claw.

    No biggie, but as i said, it would add to the variety.

  • yeah but there have to be some light and medium fighters... im sure one of the new ships will fit to you



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    This is ten percent luck,
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    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Another wish: It would be nice if the Death-messages could be turned off. Coz if there's a big battle and i'm not part of it (not likely, but possible) it just fills the whole left side of the screen with information i'm not really interested in.

    Dunno if that's possible, but it sure would be nice.

  • Or simply to shorten the message just like this maybe:

    "XY Killsign QZ" and that would be just enough

  • Quote

    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    Another wish: It would be nice if the Death-messages could be turned off. Coz if there's a big battle and i'm not part of it (not likely, but possible) it just fills the whole left side of the screen with information i'm not really interested in.

    Dunno if that's possible, but it sure would be nice.

    something like this already exists:

    1. /set diemsg xxx
    2. while xxx must be one of the following values:
    3. - all = all deaths will be displayed
    4. - system = only display deaths occuring in the system you are currently in
    5. - self = only display deaths the player is involved in (either as victim or killer)
    6. - none = don't show any death-messages
    7. settings affect all characters on the account

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