News categories list

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    Los Chupacabras have announced that their plan to host a music festival in the LFT 926 system has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Scores of pilots supported the initiative by delivering commodities to Meredith City, the organisation's base of operations.

    Los Chupacabras thanked those who supported the campaign, and confirmed that a second festival is already being planned.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Meredith City in the LFT 926 system.

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    The Autocracy of T'iensei has announced that its campaign to clear the T'iensei system of agitators has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the criminals operating in the system.

    Authorities in T'iensei have extended their gratitude to those who participated in the operation.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Dzhanibekov Port in the T'iensei system.

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    The Founders and the Hur’q are both exceptionally old races. Odo is certain that the other Changelings know more about the deadly insectoids than they are sharing with him. He’s found a lead on an ancient Dominion station that may hold secrets the Alliance can use to defend the entire galaxy. Will everyone be ready to reveal the truth held within? “Doomed to Repeat” will be the fourth episode in our new Gamma Quadrant story arc. Characters must have already completed “The Search” to play this episode. “Doomed to Repeat” will be available to all players (Romulan players must have selected a faction). You can easily access this mission when Victory is Life is live by accessing your Mission Journal (default key ‘J’), selecting the “Gamma Quadrant” episodes tab, and choosing to ‘Hail’ your contact for the mission. We will not be preemptively announcing any other Victory

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    A few months ago, we added a brand new feature to Star Trek Online. In partnership with Gameprint, we gave Captains the opportunity to make a 3D printed, fully customized, hand painted collectible of their favorite starships in the game. Now, we’re incredibly proud to announce that starting June 1st, the types of ships you’ll be able to order will be expanding. Gameprint is launching a brand new line of full-color, resin, 3D-printed starship models. Unlike the hand painted collectibles that started this line, these new models are printed in color in a variety of new sizes. You’ll be able to order these brand new ships in three new sizes, 4”, 7”, and 12”, fully customized to match your ship in the game, at starting prices of $20, $99, and $299, respectively. Check out some examples of the Pathfinder shown off in these new sizes and this new printing style below. You can order these

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    Every week, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on SPECTRUM and voted on by YOU. This week, we address questions on why ships come dirty, the status of player-facing ship modularity and UI visibility updates.

    You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here

    And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: Subscriptions - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

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    When Victory is Life launches on June 5th, the players of Star Trek Online will be taking a trip back to one of the most beloved series in Star Trek history, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. We’ve already heard from so many of you how much you love the brand new interior of the venerable space station at the heart of that show, but we wanted to share the experience with some of the people who actually lived it. J.G. Hertzler, Chase Masterson, and Max Grodenchik all came by Cryptic Studios to record their voice parts for Victory is Life, and we had our Environment Artist Nick Duguid take them on a tour of the environment team’s meticulous recreation of the sets where they spent seven years. Take a look at the experience that Chase Masterson described as “coming home again.” .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png)

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    is an annual event for fans of Star Citizen in the UK. In conjunction with

    JR Design & Fabrication

    , the main panelists at the event were able to sit behind a really cool desk inspired by a setting in the game. On top of that, the WC fans there also built a really cool arcade style kiosk with built-in Wing Commander games! They designed a cabinet around a 27" monitor and loaded up Wing Commander 2, Armada and more on the systems. Everything was topped off by a keyboard and joystick built into the frame so that fans could simply walk up and jump into the games. You can read up further on how everything came together




    Second on the list was to recreate some of the trading consoles and re-purpose them as Wing Commander arcade machines. As soon as we had this idea it had to be done!!

    Painted and in place at the event they certainly went down well with the crowd and the people we spoke

  • 01


    2012 was a very weird year.

    The world did not end, eventhough mass effect 3 was a catastrophy.

    Looking back at the year which is almost over I unfortunately have many negative impressions in mind... more negative than positive actually.

    Community members which prefer to argue than to work together, the loss of a clan, conflicts between communities, players which complain about every shit instead of making use of what they got and not fulfilled objectives for the year.

    Most of the above mentioned stuff had negative impact on the portal.

    The lack of help and support aswell all the troubles generated by the players have thrown back the development of CF2.0 by many months. Even worse, it nearly killed the motivation of the team.

    I remember 3 times when Huor requested help and got not even a reply.... and I know that people had the knowledge and ability to help. Probably its best if I dont mention how many times I requested help and got no reply during the past year.

    It saddens me that

  • 06


    During the past weeks I've done massive updates to the SWAT Portal and sites which belong to it.

    Our new Star Trek Online section which soon will hit 300 active players has got its Fleet website a few weeks ago at Phoenix Legion XII | The Star Trek Online Fleet of the SWAT Portal
    While meanwhile complete and fully functional I can not exclude that further changes to the website will be done in the following weeks as I am currently discussing optional features with the game developers -> automatic member management and fleet statistics.

    Since Bloodguard returned to active duty and I expect that this clans starts to play a bigger role again the BG Clan page got replaced with a new modern one.

    On the Portal itself more than 30 updates were done to fix bugs and improve the features.
    Just to name a few changes:
    - access problems to the ticketsystem should be fixed now
    - members can apply for usergroups already when they register
    - better protection against spam bot registrations

  • 04


    Some of you may have noticed (maybe not) that Paypal is now charging a currency exchange fee on transactions, including donations to SWAT Portal. The fee was about 4% on the amount I transferred to OP this month (US dollars -> Euros); I don't know if the rate increases with the size of the transaction or remains constant. In any case, I recommend that anyone who is making donations to SWAT/Crossfire to take it upon themselves to absorb the currency exchange fee, and not expect OP to absorb the unnecessary loss of revenue to keep this great site & server open to all. This would mean that you increase your system rent payment from 20euro to 20.8 euro. This is really not a big sacrifice considering the value OP provides us all! Thanks for your cooperation, and we'll see you in space!

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    On 14th December 2002 five members of a young Starlancer clan founded the SWAT Portal as they felt the need to create a community for players and clans that wish to stay connected even if they play different games.
    11 years later we still have this idea in mind and can look back on many great years.
    Thank you to everyone who supported us and helped to stay an active community for such a long time.

    We have many great plans for the next year. Not only the Crossfire 2.0 release can be expected but also the start of new projects and massive updates here at the Portal.
    I hope the community gives us the support to keep going for another 11 years.

    Always keep in mind:
