Posts by Talsman

    Trading is a lot different because you can only purchase 500 units at any one base and prices do change almost daily at stations according to what is bought or not. you HAVE to speck to other players to see if they have seen any good trades routes for that day. But presentably I just like doing missions a tractoring the life pods from level 42 or 43 mission in most of the Crossfire systems these can be sold at any prison for good money (up to 150,000 each) but only at prisons anywhere else they are worth only a buck.

    Also when you are ready to join a clan a would hope that you would consider our Clan the United Rebels base in Nephele. while we are Good Guys we are allied to most other police clans we do don't like any of the pirate clans, we are newer and not as stringent as say Silver Arrow. We work with and train ALL of our recruits but also allow them to explore and enjoy the game the way it was meant to be played. I know that I have enjoyed my time with the United Rebels they have taught me much. If you are interested just contact Grand Andreas through pm or any UR players will be glad to help you With you playing the game before that truly gives you a leg up and I am sure that you will be kicking a lot of BUTT very soon, any help you need just ask OK.

    Take Care

    Talsman :D

    As one that is fairly new to Crossfire, I am not new to Gaming as a whole. The biggest problem that I see is that people do not talk here as a whole they are not personable and I believe that is one reason that we do not keep new players involved in the game. Players need to feel that they can become a part of the Crossfire Universe and just because someone in level 40 or 50 or even 60 doesn’t mean that player isn't new to this game. They do need to be taught the rules or at least force to read them. Make it a mandatory part of joining the game the very first time if you have to.

    But also there needs to be more conversation by the older members of this game it wasn't till I joined a clan before ANY of the older members even spoke to me in game and even now it is seldom done and I promise I don't have bad breath so anything like that either (a joke, LOL) But for roleplay to be a part of this game it needs to start in at least conversation with newer players, getting to know them, teaching them, the willingness to answer their questions. To me this game has the potential to be the best game around but only we as players can make it so.

    And also to all you pirates out there, it is not TAXES that you collect it is a TARIFF paid in allowance to pass through your space. If you are not in YOUR space then it is EXTORTION paid to allow a player to pass by you. Just as a clarification.

    Talsman :D

    List of Weapons for Sale

    6 Swatter Mine @ 25k each

    15 Hornet Cruise Disruptor @ 50k each

    2 Advance Debilitrators turret Class 8 @ 50k each

    5 Tizona del Cid class 9 @ 80k each

    8 Coalition Messon Blaster class 8 @ 100k each

    2 Salamanca turret class 9 @80k each

    5 Wyrm type 2 class 9 @ 85k each

    5 Salamanca mkII class 9 @ 85k each

    5 Wildfire mkII class 10 @ 200k each

    5 Cerberus mkII class 10 @ 200k each

    5 Thor’s Hammer mkII class 10 @ 200k

    5 Prometheus mkII class 10 @ 200k each

    6 Coalition Gatling class 10 @ 1.5 mil each

    More will be added as they come in.


    Talsman :D

    The Museum System or Base could be the first step in a new Quest or like OP said that he wanted to add to the Trent and Juni story line passed mission 13. That could be like a Treasure Hunt to find some kind of Lost Knowlege that belonged to the Ancients to save Humanity. This way you can throw in all the new systems and bases that a player must go to find the new ships and weapons that must be used to find this lost knowlege. In this way a player would be introduced to the use of all these new things within Crossfire 1.9


    Yeah an APC Frieghter for a trader is nice, but remember they are slow and handle badly, so you cannot do missions or anything like that. I have tried many of the new ships in the Crossfire universe in the short time I have been here and the nicest thing is you can have other identities so you can fly other ships for what you what to do that day.

    I presonally like my Komodo Dragon for NPC killing and Missions and I know that many of the best out there fly one of the Fast and Agile Coalition Ships like the Lagg. But every pilot is different so try different ships to see what fits you the best. Remember it is only play money that you spend ..... LOL


    I have had the same problem at a few stations scattered around .... no rhime or reason to it. It is strange and quite disturbing when it first happens but the goods are still there just can't be seen at that station and it is not just the same goods either. So there is a problem somewhere but not one that is a biggie.

    Save 10-20% on all weapons and equipment in stock !!!

    I have a wide variety in stock and getting more everyday. So why travel all over to find just the right setup for yourself just post here or contact me Talsman and tell me what you would like and I will give you a quote and set up delivery direct to you no extra cost !!

    I Have a good number of Coalition weapons and other hard to find items so HURRY while supplies last !!!

    Talsman :D

    Well I have had the same problem since 1.82 started, I have never been able to get any wreck loot, no matter where it is or what time it is. I have been hitting the out of the way areas in Coalition territory and still no joy. So something must be screwy cause there was no one in these areas after it was suppose to reboot so to speak.

    I have a "NEWBIE" QUSSTION. Every so often in the game it will come up with a post saying that I should have a printed copy of my "Freelancer Muiltplayer ID" I have played Freelancer for as long as it has been around but this is the first time that I have played it online or in the muiltiplay mode and I do not know what it is talking about. How do I find this ID and print it up ??? I am sure that there are others that are "NEWBIES" just like me but don't want to look stupid asking the question. So I know that one of you other great players out there would be glad to help an "OLD GUY" out.

    Thanks in advance !!

    Well I hate that I didn't get to be there I would have if I had of been able but unfortunitly I had problem with the real world all day. So NEXT TIME if you post something earlier I will make it.

    Thanks :thumbsup:

    Let me know how you set up 2 monitors, period. I have a second 22" monitor waiting but can't fiqure it out how to do it and since I am not THAT computer literate it is ruff, LOL.

    I have played Freelancer since it first came out and yes it can get frustrating just starting out, but as someone esle suggested to ignore Juni till you have at least 100k so you can purchase a decent low leval ship (go to Battleship Missouri and buy a frighter there) then do the next mission. Then go to the next level then ignore juni again till you have 150-200k and then do the next mission do this till you get to level 7 at this point you will have to go to Britonia purchase the best ship there that you can and do the same thing as before ignore Juni run mission and trade to get a good amout of cash and so on buy the end of the Missions with Juni you will have between 1 and 2 million credits, just be PATIENT this is a great game and it can't be rushed or you will screw up. Explore each system go to every station and you will find so many wonderful things.

    With the Crossfire Mod it gives this game a wonderful new feel and many many new avenues to do things bigger and better, just the abilitie to collect the escape pods and sell those prisonors at your nearest prison is a great money maker. Just run alot of missions and collect the the loot and escape pods and you will never have to buy anything if you don't want to.

    So have fun !!!