Posts by DC_Dragonwarrior

    who was the one that voted i dont give a damn well i think the one that did that is way

    wrong and i think that everyone who was a part of the server wide meeting last night loves

    the community and the server

    well im glad we all talked last night and at;east have gotten

    something understood now as a community we need to get the server back to the fun way it

    used to be

    ok reloading is not against the server rules it is a

    honorable way to fight not to reload. the f1 was done for the fact that when a player gets

    into a fire fight with someone they f1 to get out of the fight which will piss off alot of

    fighters myself included i would whether fight someone honmorably than watch them reload or

    switch chars. and like enigma said you can change chars after you dock or if you are killed

    but that is the only way to switch chars

    welcome to cf sith clan as the leader of DC i welcome you

    i hope we can have

    alot of fun together on the server and just to let you know DC is a merc clan and currently

    tohuko is closed to all players except BG and PIA soon this will change once all the clans

    workout some issues all invaders will be shot on sight so please abide by this i dont want

    to run a clan from the server

    ok jib he is my deal when

    me and wolf are on tonight the 23 of us need to talk on msn and iron a few things out and

    its not as big as i said it was so they are reall little minor if you would say but cya then

    and we need to talk about our personal jobs i have more questions on that

    i agree in many points the only reason why war was

    called is that i believe it started when chaos declared sig 19 a war zone and by what

    everyone thought was being rp roles ,well at least my clan did, BG responded to the action

    like a military clan would Dc went from bounty hunter and in CSF to being mercs and neutral

    to all clans and freelancers of the game for rp DC got hired by BG to kill any chaos members

    in the area we did war was first declared on DC coz of this we had no problems with it and

    we thoguth it was fun . BG got involved being a military clan to protect anyone that they

    could then everything went to hell in a hand basket from there

    @ jib its wedsnday m8

    cease fire is over well the server wide is over that is and if you want to talk about

    another one then let me know coz there are some major issues we will have to discuss on it

    @ deliverence that is what i said aint it i mean after all i did

    create them and coz of them we and we will be the largest clan next to the BG and if there

    is a problem then we take it up in space i might not be the best player on the server but i

    do have my good days



    turned into a spam thread

    @ ninjadude what ever you did to DC shadow hunter you

    really made him mad and he will not stop killing you and you will ever get back into the

    dragon corp there are 3 ppl you need to convince and trust me when i saw that will never


    i know this is for the BG

    but as commanding officer of DC tohuko is now closed as well any non DC player that entres

    tohuko they will be shot and killed on sight questions asked later so for the sake of you

    and your ship/cargo please stay out

    server you are talking

    about DDS_FRELANCER_SERVER mod 1.52 i couldnt connect to it i dont think the server is

    completly ready to use on the side that tells you if it a pvp and or locked server there is

    nothing there op m8 do what you can to shut it down m8

    as of 8pm gemaan time chaos leader jib and my self

    dc commander have made a temp ceasefire between our 2 clans. to all BG im sorry for this

    but this is not our fight yet i have told jib that for the cease fire to work certain things

    need to happen and those are this

    1 DC clan as a whole will decide on what they want

    from the ceasefire and if they want to contiune the war alongside BG or not and stay out of

    2 if the server becomes endangered of going bye-bye we will enter the fight
    3 if

    any DC member is caught in a crossfire and killed screens need to be shown to me or a member

    of the DC command staff which includes the following names: DC_Wolf executive officer

    DC_Shadow hunter and any of the wing leaders which are : DC_Warrior13 (fire wing)

    DC_Phoinex(Shadow wing)the one responsible for the death of one of my pilots will have a

    very big issue on their hands
    4 last and the most important thing is this: if i see

    another clan in this war between BG and chaos (hun)we will engage on the defense of BG and

    if BG brings in another clan we will engage on the defense of chaos

    that is what ive

    asked for fromthe cease fire discussion i had with jib the clan now has to add what they

    want dont want fight anyway or not fight