Posts by Endencentor

    So, since my question still hasn't been answered, I'll assume there's no need to download the mod again (I doubt it has been re-uploaded since 5th).

    Why the hell does it crash so often? It's freaking impossible even to jump to the next system and loot a wreck! I hear it's because people don't restart their Freelancers after server crash. OP, you've implemented a lot of anti-cheats; you could have implemented some warning too "Please exit and enter the game again" or something like that >.< .

    Patch 3? You mean patch number three for Crossfire 1.8? Where the hell is it? I have the mod installed from 05.01.2010 and I didn't find it uploaded again later from that day on, NOR patches >.< .

    I don't understand your reasons for not publishing it on ModDB... I thought you want the server to be more populated.

    2 crashes in <5 minutes. SERVER IS REBOOTING (that's what it says on the portal). Are you fixing the server, OP, or are they just crashes?!

    I installed Freelancer (got it from Monova, using that .img for the past 4 years ^^). I installed Freelancer Mod Manager. I installed CF 1.8 in FLMM folder. I applied CF 1.8. I launched Freelancer.

    Now, after 2 days after the installation, I launched Freelancer. Downloaded ~60 files (very fast). I'm able to play.

    Maybe that guy's Freelancer was indeed corrupt.


    So, OP, I'm expecting you to ANSWER : Will we have to download Crossfire again? Or the updates will be downloaded via Launcher? Why didn't you upload it to ModDB as well then?

    Oh, okay, thank you. I'll tell this to that guy. Hopefully I won't get those errors too >.> .

    So... is there going to be a new download? Or any upcoming changes will be available on download in Launcher?!

    Is it finally OUT? ;;D
    I hear there is an update available on the Launcher. That guy who told me this, also said that he got Error 5 and Error 6 and can't launch Multiplayer. Is it true? I can't test this out right now since I'm not at home for the time being ^^.

    Sorry, Anca, I'm used to other forums which don't allow editing of OLDER posts (other than the latest one). My bad. Thanks.

    OP, I didn't mean that, I just tried to make it look funny lol, but I failed. I don't think you're a bad man (lol). Sorry, nevermind.

    Bug : I was heading towards Custodian JG in Yew York. After the jump gate initiated, just before I entered the wormhole, the scrap metals in the back of the gate (in my front side) started to have black triangle-shape backgrounds. Please check if this might be a problem in other systems as well.

    Should be fixed : too much sunshine in Arena. It's just too much. New Crossfire Icon Set 2 (cursors)... you won't see the cursor anymore when in Arena (unless you mouseover the planet).

    Bug : lag in New York. I had no other applications running, and I was on OpenSP.

    OP, you should have deleted the entire post of mine, not just editing it so I would look like an asshole now. Please do it, otherwise I will consider you a very bad man!


    So, I have to uninstall CF, download it again then install it again. Yay... I just hope it's FOR REAL this time.

    I will continue to ask this EVERY TIME, until I get an answer :

    HOW THE HELL TO MAKE IT RUN ON 1440x900? :) You said it's POSSIBLE, now explain yourself!

    Alright. I see what you're doing, and we appreciate that.

    I did something like that too, but on an existing topic. I should have created a topic myself >.> now you got all the pride lol :P j/k.

    Uhm, OP said it's not final yet. Is THIS ONE you posted the right & fially final one? I don't think so.

    I want y'all to see this, faster, easier, without having to look through all these 8 pages for nothing (since OP deleted the link you were probably looking for).

    So, HERE IS THE LINK [SIZE=4]LINK REMOVED BY ADMIN - USE THE DAMN DOWNLOAD AREA[/SIZE] . I had a hunch it will get deleted again, so I pasted the URL into a .txt. Just tried the download again, and it works, so you can download it. But I'm telling you, OP deleted the previous link for a reason. He must fix the mod a bit, and he will upload it again (hopefully won't have to delete further links AGAIN >.> if you know what I mean). So, until then, THIS IS JUST A MATTER OF TIME. This is still buggy, until the final release, which will be uploaded by OP, soon, we hope.

    Sorry, couldn't make the text bigger. I am not used to THIS kind of (may I say c**ppy) BB Code.
    Oh, for cry out loud, if I want to make it Bold, Hyperlink or to change its size/colour etc., I have to insert some freaking text. I had to input it myself (SIZE=... etc.). That's why I said this kind of BB Code is c**ppy.

    I guess my problems aren't so important anymore. You said it will work on higher resolutions (such as 1440x900). Forget the too-shiny-sunny-sun-upon-click. I just want 1440x900. Can anybody tell me how to do that?

    I already tried Right Click -> Properties, change to "path" -d1440x900. It doesn't work. It worked on Discovery 4.85, and if OP said it will work on CF, I don't see any other way of doing it, since it isn't in the game menu.

    OP, please answer all of my questions (if you know what I mean). I also asked about the resolution and the sun issue. You haven't answered me :( .

    == the part ABOVE those two lines (--).