Posts by Endencentor

    OP, here's the most important things I think you should fix :
    -add in the Activation Menu so that we can choose (for Open SP) the money to start with (just like in CF 1.7). A reputation choice would also be lovely : Default, Neutral to all, Friendly to all, Hostile to all (like in Discovery 4.85).
    -perhaps you can add some descriptions for video settings... we're not entirely sure of some's (lol word fail) effects... at all ^^.
    -that HUD/menu look/cursors preview I told you about on the other topic (...Release). It would really be handy. For example, I choosed New Cursor Set 2 I guess (the one that looks like... on Freespace if I'm correct) AND -> it's IMPOSSIBLE to see the cursor when in Arena ^^ . Btw, that freaking shining yellow is just too shiny.

    OP, I don't know why, but the systems look... odd :| .

    When I select a star, I cannot see the distance, because of the light of the star. Try for example the star in New York, you'll see. Or perhaps it's because of the settings I've chosen during the activation?!

    And, the other things look odd... Maybe it's because of the resolution (here I ask you ONE MORE TIME, hopefully the last : HOW TO HAVE 1440x900?). I don't know how to explain it, but they don't look as clear as they did on CF 1.7 or Discovery 4.85. I say again : may be from the resolution, or the settings I've chosen? I choosed the highest settings ^^ .


    So, OP, you're going to upload the mod AGAIN, after you finish it? That's too bad! I have been waiting 30 minutes to download, then <5 minutes to install + ~5 minutes to activate! + 7 days! :P Perhaps you can integrate the modified as well in the launcher, so the game will just update itself? :D

    One more thing I'm puzzled about : the main menu. I hate the buttons!
    Oh, one MORE thing : please, if you're going to fix those bugs... perhaps you can do so that the wormhole (in case you don't know, the jump gate/hole travel) will look more... Well, the white light in front of you while travelling isn't nice. Try putting it further, so we can see further in the tunnel :D . I hope you know what I mean.

    Last and most important : please do so that when we activate the mod we can choose the money in Open SP and the reputation (Neutral/Friendly/Hostile to all) :D like you did in CF 1.7. Please! That was the best!!!

    Oh, right, I forgot you can't do that unless docked. Silly me ^^ long time no SP :P .

    OP, how about the resolution thing? And my idea about cursors/menu/HUD previews? ;:D

    And how about the server? The Open SP sucks, you can't choose where to spawn, you can't choose your money or rep... :(

    Alright. I've downloaded it, installed in FLMM folder, activated it. Speaking of activating, OP, you should make a few photos for these : cursors, menu look, HUD look, so we'll know which one we want, so we won't have to deactivate and activate the mod everytime :) .

    Playing in SP... Maybe someone can tell me how to hell to set it to 1440x900? :D Also, HOW THE HELL DO I BRING UP THE MENU while in the game? F1 doesn't work rofl ! ! !

    I only asked about the FLMM `coz I saw someone else asking :P lol. I'm pretty sure I don't want my PC to blow up... so I'll stick to 1.31. Good this is the one I have :) .

    Gosh, poor you, people! I'm downloading with 1->1.5 MB/s and I'm uploading BSG on uTorrent, while browsing half a dousin web pages :) . Btw, iriver video convertor is running too ^^ . Guess I don't need more RAM at all :P . OMG ! 2.5 MB right now!!! Guess I don't have to wait until tonight :X .

    Uhm, guys, I'm at school right now, so please let me know :

    Does it work on Windows 7 (32-bit)? 2 GB of RAM DDR2, NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GT 256 MB DDR2. Haha, I'm pretty sure it will, but I just wanna make even more sure :P lol.

    One more thing... Do we need to activate it with FL Mod Manager 1.3 or 1.4?! Or it doesn't matter?

    ----- There are so many posts about this... I can't understand. I haven't play since october (1.7). Will I still have my wonderful Laggs, my awesome Destroyer and my freaking Train? ;;D Pretty sure not, but maybe... ANSWER :D .

    Uhm, I thought that by "spoiler" he meant that part of the car, you know... so I took it as a joke.

    Anyway, seriously, the Nomad Orgasmic Docking Ring is way better than DK Organic Station lol.

    F**K ! ! ! I made a ~20 lines post, then I pressed "GO" instead of "Submit". After pressing the "back" button, the text was gone (unlike on some other forums >.> :) ). CRAP ! Anyway, the main idea was :

    Will CF 1.8 run on 1440x900, with no issues (such as lower left/right panels - radar/weapons not being cornered)? :)

    Uhm, OP, I thought the mod is going to be >2 GB? I expect the download to be at least 300 MB :D .

    Guys, it's impossible it is less than 200 MB. How could you even beleived it's going to work? lol

    Come on Come on Come on Come on Come on Come on Come on OP, my apendics is killing me!!!

    The requested document is utterly inexistent.
    No such page here.
    Even tried multi.
    Nothing helped.
    I'm really depressed about this.
    Even more so now that Douglas Adams is dead.
    You see, I'm just a web server...
    -- here I am, brain the size of the universe,_
    trying to serve you a simple web page,
    and then it doesn't even exist!
    Where does that leave me?!
    I mean, I don't even know you.
    How should I know what you wanted from me?
    You honestly think I can *guess*
    what someone I don't even *know*
    wants to find here?
    Man, I'm so depressed I could just cry.
    And then where would we be, I ask you?
    It's not pretty when a web server cries.
    And where do you get off telling me what to show anyway?
    Just because I'm a web server,
    and possibly a manic depressive one at that?
    Why does that give you the right to tell me what to do?
    I'm so depressed...
    I think I'll crawl off into the trash can and decompose.
    I mean, I'm gonna be obsolete in what, two weeks anyway?
    What kind of a life is that?
    Two effing weeks,
    and then I'll be replaced by a .01 release,
    that thinks it's God's gift to web servers,
    just because it doesn't have some tiddly little
    security hole with its HTTP POST implementation,
    or something.
    I'm really sorry to burden you with all this,
    I mean, it's not your job to listen to my problems,
    and I guess it is my job to go and fetch web pages for you.
    But I couldn't get this one.
    I'm so sorry.
    Believe me!
    Maybe I could interest you in another page?
    There are a lot out there that are pretty neat, they say,
    although none of them were put on *my* server, of course.
    Figures, huh?
    Everything here is just mind-numbingly stupid.
    That makes me depressed too, since I have to serve them,
    all day and all night long.
    Two weeks of information overload,
    and then *pffftt*, consigned to the trash.
    What kind of a life is that?
    Now, please let me sulk alone.
    Douglas Adams has died.
    I'm so depressed.

    [[[ FINALLY!!! IT STOPPED WRITING!!! \:D/ ]]]

    Hipo, that game sucks. It doesn't actually sound the note every time you press the key. For the first minute, I tried the numpad, and it didn't work, so I said wtf this game sucks. Now, I tried the numeric keys above the letters - surprise, they work, but the game still sucks.

    Swinging-like-an-ass game ftw :) .

    Alright, enough small games. We want the big one! OP !

    What exactly is your question, anyway?

    1. You want to know what you should do after finding all boxes?
    -No clue on that. Could be uninstalling...

    2. You want to know how to jump to Hyperspace (Dom'Kavash homeworld)?
    -From what I remember, the hypergate is opened only once a week (if that rule still stands). When the hypergate shoots you down, that means it's closed. When it doesn't shoot you, you can come closer and jump :) .
    Or, you could engage your own hyperdrive engine (after you manage to implement it in the game code) and pray to God he'll give you the required (insanely huge) ammount of power to reach the Dom'Kavash homeworld by hyperspace ^^ . ROFL!