Posts by LordRaydenMK

    Now I have a new Error, Instead of going MSVCP100.dll, it goes to MSVCR100.dll. We have tried every possible way to get it to run, inculding wiping the whole OS out, Downloading the C++ thingimajig, and running Ccleaner continually ;( But it just won't budge. The OS is Windows XP home edition btw, in case its too "Old" or something like that

    Back when Humans lived on Earth, there were speculations whether Aliens did exist. Governments kept this tight lipped explaining that these beings did not exist. However if they were in our shoes, they'd be trying to prepare everyone for what might come instead of hiding the truth. But additionaly, most people were trying to get their stories about "Aliens" out there, saying they saw flying Saucers. What is really shocking is that they were real...

    At 830AS, Samura unexpectedly came across a hidden Jump hole in Sol, not far from Venus. They wouldn't dare go through yet as there were signs of debris on the other side, so they had notified the Order. The order checked the Jump hole out, it was Phase-aligned, which meant it was stable, they sent the Deliverence and the fleet in. What was on the other side, shocked them to the very core... Hundreds of Nomad fighters sprawling in every direction. The Order managed to hold them off enough to go through. They told the Colony leaders to keep quiet about this. The Colony leaders did as they were told, and then the Order kept a close eye on it from then on. Edison Trent managed to hear about this, when the Order heard that he heard, they decided to enlist him for another suicide mission. "What! No way." Says Trent. "You must Trent, we need to know why there are Nomads in that system, and more importantly, were they here since Mankind took to the skies, or we teleported them after the Dyson incident?" Orillion answered Sternly. "No dice." Trent says stubbornly. But of course afterwards he agreed when Orillion was to give him 50 Million credits upon the completion of this mission. His job was to explore every inch of this system. If he finds any anomalies or Jump gates, he does not need to head through, he only needs to notify Orillion. Orillion gave him the location of the jump hole, and Trent flew off, not realising that soon, he will discover a massive secret that nobody knew about since Mankind lived on earth.

    "Epsilon Eradini, this must be the place." Trent says. The bright orange Jump hole was flickering with lights, he quickly took the jump, knowing that the faster he was, the quicker he was going to get his money. After stretching horrifically every way, he exited the jump hole into the Epsilon Eradini. The system was quite dull apart from a couple of planets, and a lot of clouds. He explored immediatly, he hasn't been jumped by anyone or anything, yet. He got closer to the planets when he saw something far right. "Oh my lord!" A massive Dyson City sat unevenly inside a rock field. Looking active but no-one has come to its defense. He realised it would be too dangerous to go through there, but then the credits will probably go to Orillion for a nose job if he didn't succeed. Off he went. He got closer, and closer, until suddenly the first group of aliens appeared. A wave of the weak fighters. He quickly shot them all up with his Phoenix Cannons, and he continued searching, he managed to find another jump hole leading to a system known as Tau Ceti. Trent excited by all this killing, wanted to find more Noamds to blow up. So he took the next jump...

    This system was what he was searching for! A massive dying supergiant etching Hundreds of light years away, as big as it was, it was probably bigger then about 10 Million Murmansk together! He noticed he was in a massive rock field, probably planetary fragmentation's. He looked around for a bit until he saw weird rock formations, he decided to go to it. About half an hour later, he arrived at that location and what he had seen, cannot be unseen. A sleepership lie there, Trent was amazed at this find. The sleepership had a grey color texture with windows for some reason. "The lights are still on" Says Trent jokingly. He noticed there were no weapons on this sleepership. After careful examination, he headed back to Sol, obliterating any Nomad vessels on the way. When he told Orillion, he couldn't believe this, out of all the things that could've happened like Trent finally died in a suicide mission, or he found a pair of magic rocks which would make your ship glow green, Edison Trent had found the unknown sleepership of Tau Ceti. At once Orillion rustled up a fleet and a few movers, they surrounded the jump hole, hoping to break through Epsilon Eradini, but alas the Nomad forces were overwhelming. They were continually after the cap ships, in that one battle, three order Capital ships were destroyed. The 31st Catapult destroyer, the 31st Zenith Battleship, and the Osiris's twin battleship, the 31st Ptah. Realising they can't win this, they staged a operational HQ outside Mars, to moniter incoming traffic from Altair and Sirius, and in one secluded part of the station, is monitering the aliens in Epsilon Eradini. Proving that were more then one type of alien when mankind had no flying capabilities, apart from Military pilots, and Airlines. People in the "now" have been guessing wildly that this must be proof of the flying saucers that randomly appeared at Earth several times a year, but nobody knows! The sleepership was sleek and slender, nothing like a round plate. Government decided to close it off again like they did 800 years ago. Mention of the two system names out in Public is considered High treason and can be a death sentence. Thankfully I am only a spy delivering a story tale. That about sums everything up, good luck pilots, I hope you bring the truth out there

    Oh and in the end, Trent collected his money, and got a nose job, plus Whiskey, vodka and rum for Tobias and himself.