Posts by LordRaydenMK

    laugh-squared A tagger is the one who shoots people and then they are it they are required to shoot other people, the player with the least amount of time as the tagger wins, example:

    LordRaydenMK tags 2 different chars 6 times and has spent 13 minutes all up as the tagger
    Dr_Dredd tagged 5 different people and has stayed 7 times as the tagger all up as the tagger

    It is more easier to explain when in-game ;)

    PS: The square laugh is the link that I got from Denne about "tagging"

    I have come up with a new event, or probably an old event/"unused in ages" event but just let me know your feedback so I can put this idea to light...

    There will be 3 or more players, One is the Tagger, the others are the runners. They must use Trade Lanes as "getaways" or to run, They must not travel 10K out of the way of Trade Lane, any over 10K will be disqualified or have lost 1M in prize money. You cant use Jump Gates unless told otherwise in "the Trade Lane Tag mega-event". The Taggers can disrupt TL to catch up to the Runner. A twist: The runner must NOT kill the Tagger in any way, shape, or form. Not even to defend. The most best places to host this event is in Honshu, Tokyo, London, or Berlin. New York would've been ok, but its a nuetral system so :(

    And now Requirements :)

    Taggers and Runners must have Light Fighters/ Heavy Fighters/ Very Heavy FIghters.
    Winner is the player with the least amount of time in how many minutes the Event goes for. IE:
    1st: Dr_Dredd= 1.37
    2nd: Whiskey Thief= 4.87
    3rd: LordRaydenMK= 16.89

    1st: 40M
    2nd: 30M
    3rd: 20M
    Participation prize: 15M

    This test event will be hosted by I, but I will need Volunteers, 3 or more would be perfect. Please PM or announce in Comments here or Upcoming events if you would like to try :)

    There once was a king of New York :king

    He employed a bunch of Ninjas to take care of his worst Nemesis :ninja:

    His Nemesis was the shifty Texas Ranger :vinsent:
    He called up the city police department and wanted a wanted poster pulled up all over town :buba_phone::rtfm:

    One day the Texas Ranger appeared in the city :vinsent:

    The King saw him sitting beside a bench :king
    But before King could react, the Texas Ranger summoned a DEMON to take care of King :diablo:

    King soon disappeared and Mr Texas Ranger became King :king
    The Ninjas were also missing, most likely taken out by the DEMON :diablo::ninja::ninja:

    Feel free to comment your Smiley Stories and post it on here :thumbsup:

    Was there anything unusual that happened? (IE: A sudden change in Cargo space?)

    Maybe an antivirus picked up on some important game files and disincluded them so that'd makes the Server think you were cheating

    Results for WoS Dreadnaught Assault

    Team 1:
    |DP|Benne= 15M
    DKA= 15M
    Shadowstreaker= 15M

    Team 2:
    APACHE= 30M
    TL_HF= 30M
    ThanhRui= 30M
    Rakstor= 30M

    Congratulations for team 2 who destroyed their enemy DN 5 times, was a very fun event, and I am looking forward to doing more interesting events

    Good luck to everyone :)

    :D Granted, but upon using it, you travel to the space age, you get captured by Enraged robots because you are "unclean" and sentence you to death

    I wish I could poke the hornets nest and not get killed doing so

    Well if the graphics have improved and Trent has that really cool Order costume even though at first hes never met them and despises them, then yes, it has installed correctly

    When you were about to activate Crossfire, did you receive any options to configure the mod? (aka: Story, ASF startup. Compatability mode: Activated or deactivated)