Posts by LordRaydenMK

    Long ago... There were these beings, very dangerous to everyone that they met. They took over the galaxy, used their technology to breathe life on almost every planet in the galaxy, they left their greatest creation in Sirius, then the beings left their incubation and plotted to destroy Humanity. But this of course is terribly wrong..

    Recent findings on planet Pygar reveal that they were a second race, one more powerful then the Nomads and their masters the Dom'Kavash.
    They were the Judgers, ancient sentient beings who in fact, created the Universe, ruled the universe without anyone knowing about them. Even though they left huge clues in most areas of space as in Sirius for example, they created Valhalla 1 for Dom'Kavash to store their secrets in. The "synthetic" Space Grass known as Cardamine on Malta as well as Pygar's artifacts involving major beings creating the beings, Dom'Kavash.

    These Judger beings had a massive Colony of AI in another Galaxy or probably a parallel universe. These AI would learn from the Judgers to use atoms as the building blocks of everything. In exchange for knowledge, the AI would service the judgers unwillingly. Then one day, the Judgers asked them to do the unthinkable... Destroy any evidence of life and activity in the Sirius sector. Of course the AI didn't want to do that, so the judgers had a massive debate, and threatened to destroy the AI. Of course the Judgers have told the AI race all of their secrets, except one. The Ultra CyberGate. It leads anyone who uses them transport to anywhere in the dimensions with a blink of an eye, and with the NavMap, your mind. The Judgers were losing a war they couldn't beat. AI's had repair lasers, so whenever their fallen brethren died, the AI would Rejuvenate the dead robotic parts back to its prior state. Then the Judgers left and nobody ever seen them again...

    There were clues that these Judgers have appeared time from time, but not truely seen. Like in Altair, Murmansk truly bigger then any normal planet was originally a gas giant when Coalition found it, later about 20 years after, a coalition scout pilot passed by and saw the planet's state was completely solid. There was a massive Duranium slab there with markings that Scientists Dom'Kavash, Coalition, and Sirius are still trying to figure out

    Many more discoveries is being made recently, keep listening for more Major discoveries :D

    Yes I agree with the 5K I shall add that in ^^

    The runners teaming will be hard as for me: I can normally only see one Runner at once in the one system. So I will probably need Spectators to help out with this :) And about the Penalty: It'd be better like this. 1st penalty=Warning, 2nd penalty=1M lost, 3rd penalty=2.5M, 4th penalty= Disqualified.

    Cloaking is permitted for only the Taggers, to have the Element of Surprise. I still stand by the fact that Runners cannot attack the Taggers, but may cripple or "lethally injure" ;) If a Tagger mysteriously dies, I will need a full honest answer of what happened, how they died, and by who killed them. Killing of a Tagger follows the consequences on the Paragraph above. Remember: Lethally injuring does not mean KILL them! :)

    I will also need trustworthy taggers :)

    Just a note of Wanderers claim,

    Lets just say, I am the Tagger, the one who kills the Runners in order to be a runner, and the person the Tagger killed a tagger. See if I managed to stay a tagger on one round, I will add it up until another round is where I am a tagger, so I might have been in 3 times but still had the lowest time combined out of everyone

    If you still don't understand this, its more easier in Gameplay ;)

    I think our base has been causing the issue.

    All of the base plugins have been deactivated very recently due to crashes and multiple other stuff

    @dented_ship had a freighter on |DP| base and all of his chars had been playing up because of it, as soon as he launched, his game was right again. This has probably happened to many others, so it has been deactivated until further notice :D Hopefully not soon, RP has dramatically increased due to the plugin being deactivated

    btw: I would like to be called: Mr_Dredd :) Mr_Dedd makes me sound dead laugh-squared