Posts by Moorhuhn

    For me, it was testing PvP in same ships a few times in CQC without having to pay insurance...
    Of course there is still plenty to discover in regular game. ;)


    i play at 2560x1080, too - but can't say anything about cutscenes in SP, as I only tried it in MP, where it runs fine.
    Another possibility for SP could be running fullscreen at 1920x1080? The monitor should detect the 16:9 and just go with two black bars left and right (could be that you have to change a setting in monitor to avoid stretching, but I ran several old games without support for ultra-widescreen that way in fullscreen).

    Few words on Train-trading: The prizes and locations of the containers are static, so you always know what you'll get. After you've flown to all major-planets and took notes, you always know which container goes where and what profit you'll make. When you built a small vessel for "knowledge of prices"(*) in MP, Container-trading falls way behind normal trading and is used best if the Train has to move between the houses anyway.

    (*) As you can have several ships in MP, you can make some "special ships for special tasks". The possibility so see the prizes of goods in hold of current ship for station visited, comes in very handy....

    As ED supports several inputs and I initially bought a new joystick with "twist" for the jaw left/right, I've put together all equipment I had and came out with this setup for flying.

    After some learning for the left hand (I tended to rest with pulled stick) it works better and better...



    • Layout-ED.png

      (198.24 kB, downloaded 5 times, last: )

    I still think player-supported faction is interesting, as it offers all types of gameplay and therefore the opportunity to be in a clan/group/corporation and still have relatively much freedom of playing.

    I'm not 100% sure how that works exactly, but here is a text from Dev-Update 23/07/15


    As part of Powerplay we stated that it would be possible for a minor faction in game to become a power. We've put together a process for how that will happen. It all starts with the minor faction, so in the next few weeks player groups can submit to add a minor faction to the game that will be used to represent that group in game. This registration process will be handled by the wonderful community team and they will gather the required information for adding the minor faction to the game. This will include the name of the faction, it's starting location, and type of government. Please note that to make things easier to manage there should only be one point of contact with each group. Zac and his team have already been in contact with many of the player groups so this will fold into his work there. This process will continue for the foreseeable future, so new player groups can form and stake their place in the game.

    Unsure what are all different possibilities for support and how other human players act if they are close neighbours (constant blockade with PvP would be a bit boring, e.g.)

    Some very valid points, OP!

    Just let me comment on some points, which I have a different view or can give a bit of extra information:

    ad 2) the idea to mimic the distances and sizes in space is interesting and the three modes of travelling are well made to deal with that in game. Especially the ring-planets are beautiful and often visited by me as pirates show up at the Extraction zones quite often, so you can get their bounty and raise rep with local authorities. Or for mining (but found it a bit hard with small ship as i couldn't fit all necessary equipment to do it effectively). During a bit of exploring, i've seen many boring looking barren planets - as it is in most systems. The gas planets were nice to look at and finding a water planet was satisfying. I hope reward for exploring will increase a bit, as it falls behind trading (and trading is as always repetitive).

    ad 4) Trading/smuggling is needed in Sidewinder in my point of view, but even in a Cobra you can go for other missions. If interested in fighting, the even cheaper Eagle is okay if you don't try on Pythons / Anacondas / Clippers. The abovementioned Ressorce Sites can give high rewards, depending on the rank of the pirate. Seen everything between 6k - 90k creds. The Conflict zone (popping on in systems where a change of local authorities is ongoing) I flew around the last 2 evenings gives me around 300-700k until I need to refill ammo. Time is usually between 30-50min. I was killed 6 times (~2mio rebuy) on first tries (were my first visits to CZ), but still made a plus of 5mio in around 8h yet.

    ad 5) yes, the prcoedure of docking-request could be easier to access. And a filter for the navigation list would be helpful. The need to search an assasination target is something what can be seen differently, though. It feels right if authorities just know a "last spotted" info and don't know exactly where the target is. During flight in supercruise, the signal sources can be seen as circles on HUD or if not in line of sight, from navigation menue.

    ad 6) again yes. You just get a list of ship types on scanner in the panel. More info comes up only after you scanned the ship (e.g. player name). If not much ships are around, keys for next/prev target can be faster to cycle through

    ad 7) rewards get better when rep with locals raises. If you choose a mission which includes shooting an unwanted ship, FEDs are not happy with that. Looks like it's the way it should be. Maybe they'd jumped away a few seconds later? With some equip like wake-scanner and disruptor, you can follow your target and pull it out. FEDs need some minutes to jump in (attacked ship will send distress signal to FEDs. You are doing the same when beeingattacked, can be deactivated on right panel, as you certainly don't want the FEDs to show up when smuggling as example)
    The instancing is in fact a problem and as far as I read due to the P2P nature of game design. It worked better for me after i added elite to firewall and antivir, but there are problems and I hope they will get better, soon! From personal observations I would say that instancing in wings worked 75% for me and when they didn't work, there was nothing doable except maybe logging completely off and on again (but doesn't work always). Smuggling lowers your rep *only* if you get caught! Successful smugg raises your rep with the faction given the order and has an impact on the faction where you delivered (e.g. hauling weaponery to a station will increase the posiibility of a civil-war or sth like that).

    ad 10) Some systems are annoying, yes. Especially the starting system for most players atm "LHS 3447" where you always enter at the distant sun. Many other systems are faster to travel. You can see distance to sun in map.

    ad 12) see point 7 and as addition: if wings don't see each other in SC, it sometimes work if one drops to normal and deploys a beacon which serves as exit-point for the others. But yes - this is definitely annoying! Set same target as wingman is done with 2 pressings on key(?) I think default is 7/8/9 to choose wingmate and 0 to choose same target as the wingmate. If you disable "auto focus on text input field", you don't have to esc everytime when accessing the top-panel. (I set change of tabs in panels to joystick keys, so I don't need to esc anyway)

    ad 13) This is a major point! I adressed with this question some cmdrs I met during flights and two said that supporting local faction will undergo an overhaul. Tried to find intel on that yesterday, but wasn't successful (and didn't want to read through all the dev-posts). On a bigger scale, the powerplay faction could be supported, but I read a lot about repetitiveness and the need for some changes of mechanics. Last major update for powerplay was a month ago, again I dunno how and if it will be changed. There are rumors that the Targoids (alien race in original elite) will enter into the game (some explorers found "closed" systems way out... so maybe aliens will show up, but again no intel when or if...

    on some points one could have a different view, but instancing and long-term-goals are major issues at the moment. Game could be better explained, but generally I find it okay to find some mechanics myself (yes, manual should give more detail).

    My game went far better so far (probably pure luck) and although I see the problems, I have hope that the game develops in a good direction. So far, there are many things on my list which I haven't done properly yet and looking forward to test them a bit in more detail.

    Usually, D-Grades have the lowest weight, so your jumprange stays high. If I have choice, I go either D or directly A, with exception of scanners and sensors, as they consume vast amounts of energy when going to A.

    The way I found fitting well to my style is:
    - A-grade for FSD (for jumprange), power-distributor (to keep the 3 "levels" of energy up, e.g. for faster timed boosting) and Fuel-Scoop (short time cooking next to sun).
    - If you come into too low power with D-grade power-plant, go directly A-grade (for saving weight).
    - For trader, make all other D-grade and take no guns with you to safe weight.
    - If you want to fight, A-grade shields and thrusters, as well as maybe B-grade sensors (You can stick with D-grade, too, but cold ships can give you some surprises. *cough* Diamondback Scout).
    - I tend to outfit even an A-grade life-support, as I got my canopy broken sometimes and the D-grade is rather short-timed with 5min, compared to 25min with A-grade.
    - So far, I never took better hull in order to safe weight. Although there may be "special" builds where this could come in handy. Thinking of a stealth-built without shield for the DBS, as it runs around 22% heat with all modules on - it should come well below 20% without shield, so it will disappear from most scanners when >1km away...

    - if your build exceeds the power-plant only a bit, you still can run it by giving "priority" to modules in right-sided panel. e.g. you can keep all things needed for combat at "1", things like cargo hatch, fuel scoop, FSD lower. You need to get <100% when deploying hardpoints, else *all* systems fall silent... quite an experience! :D

    my fighter: Mole - DBS

    my hauler: Coriolis EDCD Edition

    my swiss knife: - Cobra

    My observation so far from other cmdrs is that most go either D-grade or A-grade. Between only to safe power. Good potential to save power is sensors or (if used) all sort of scanners and shield boosters / shield cell banks.

    As insurance is only 5% of total cost, I go for equip I want and only have a look, if I can afford the insurance 2-3 times if bad things happen.

    Never underestimate the price of an equipped ship! Using, I think I won't go for the Asp unless I have 30mio in bank, although initial ship cost is "only" 6.6mio....

    Just wanted to point out a feature I found today. Maybe it's obvious for some, but it was an eye-opener for me...

    Game allows to define "switch" keys by pressing 2 keys together when mapping. That is really great as you can map your buttons on the Joystick to several actions, depending of which key on keyboard is pressed. I found that particulary helpful with a cooliehat on joystick. You can map shift-keys according to several tasks, allowing you to use the cooliehat for nearly everything, so you never have to release the hand from the stick.

    As short example of (part) of my setting. actions are for up / down /left / right:

    • Coolie alone is used for power-distribution
    • t+coolie is target ahead / highest thread/ previous ship / next ship
    • r+coolie is next enemy / prev enemy / previous subsystem / next subsystem
    • c toggels free look, then coolie for looking around
    • v toggels UI-focus, so you can access the panels by pressing v, then direction of panel with coolie. At panel, i use coolie to navigate and Fire 1 to select and 2 other thumbuttons on stick to switch between tabs
    • etc. I think you got the idea... ;)

    I found that incedibly helpful to sort that huge amounts of keys and interactions. In fact, I never need to put my hands away except when typing.


    A fast way to earn credits at the beginning is to ship some rare goods. These can be found all over the place in certain stations and are highlighted yellow in the list. They give more profit, the further you travel, running into a maximum at around 120-150LY.

    However, there are 2 Clusters which can be "harvested" perfectly with a Cobra with 40t of cargo and the best FSD for the travel in between.
    A hint for those who want find the places themselves: Go to the place where you started with the Sidewinder in original Elite and some systems around, then travel to the space inhabited by Coalition in Crossfire and surrounding systems.... ;)

    my biggest mistake was to enable the u-axis of my joystick for forward and backward throttle (thats actually what this axis was made for). I ended up crashing into stuff becasue the axis was too sensitive and had no easy to find 0 position. In the end I layed throttle controls on my keyboard where they are much more reliable.

    I switched the axis from bidirectional (forward and backward throttle) to unidirectional and that works fine. My axis for thrust is too small for both, too. Switch between forward and backward thrust can be made with a key now. Although I badly crashed backwards into a station when launching, flooring the throttle and forgot that I switched to backward-thrust right before landing... -.-

    Same for me, although I only noticed it now with the Hutton-run. Probably the normal time in SC is too short for me to notice, but will keep an eye on it in future.

    Dropped down to 15-20 FPS when reaching Hutton every time, then all good again when jumping out of SC. Looks a bit like a memory-leak(?)

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