Posts by Gunny

    Well, you know how it goes. We have

    had a number of new players in the server doing serious trading only.

    I have been

    solicited three times by new players (not the ones who have hired me on the board), to find

    "good guns" so they can buy them, since they do not know where to go.

    Plus numerous

    requests for cash......

    Shoot first ask questions later is the policy.

    Let's try to do our best

    not to travel down the same road this server just left. Please, some of you are finger

    pointing again and all it's going to do is start the same issues of server in-fighting


    This is about maturity and respect for the server, not any one


    See you in space.


    I have the Kensington

    Optical Pro, with 5's big too, so it fits my hand well.

    I see the fices (doo doo) has hit the oscillating device


    Let's just get on with the RP game and have some fun.

    But you

    can bet, I will defend this server in space to keep it civil.

    If DC for some crazy

    reason decided to go, well that's their business and not for anyone to debate. so why

    worry what someone else is doing?

    See you in the stars.

    Gunny Out.

    I will defintely help out with events and planning. I

    would certainly get involved in news posting.

    Let me know what I can do.

    I can

    pitch in 20.00 US dollars a month to help, or let me know what the conversion is to Euros.

    Let's see if I understand the Admins statement

    and here is my if I'm wrong, someone please correct I won't be


    The Clans have the power of numbers in their favor. Monetarily and

    virtually-physical. So, they have set the tone for the server. So they should be held


    If a Freelancer has caused trouble, then take action. Ban him/her or do

    what is necessary to correct the issue.

    Clans can cause problems and Clans can solve


    Do they get credit for keeping it open.....sure they do when they resolve

    their problems and the reward is keeping the server open.

    So the Clans are

    responsible for making the server FUN, ENJOYABLE and in doing so, will attract the

    public,(Freelancers such as myself) helping the server grow in a positive fashion.....and in

    the end, hopefully more donations to make the server better....

    So where do the individual players fit in, who frequent or only play in this server?

    It appears the individuals will have no voice with this proposal. Once again, your

    actions affect all who come here and it's your decisions that make or break this


    If I have to rent a system myself, to help support this server and ensure

    your ROE is fair and equal, so myself and other individual players can enjoy it........I

    will. guy here and most of you who have posted here

    already have had me in group conversations pertaining to this subject.

    If I seem

    direct, you will have to excuse me. My profession has lead me to my attitude. The CF Mod

    is, without question or competition the best Mod in the community....period.

    A few

    issues I noticed: When clans are making the rules, closing systems, trade lanes, declaring

    war-zones or threatening to "kill" any individual (clan or no clan)...publicizing your

    discontent for another party, you have only ruined the fun for all the players not

    affiliated with the political ponder. It is that simple.

    Your actions have prevented

    good trade and forced Freelancers, Traders and Nuetral parties to work two-fold as hard to

    gain monetary value and rank in the CF server, by taking the "long way". That is

    unacceptable and not fair to those outside the "war" and also makes this server


    In the defense of those present in the " afterburner-hug" in 3043, I

    witnessed the birth of good friendships and the realization that the past actions were not

    serving the purposes of this server or it's developer.

    I believe the clan members

    present are beyond the problems and are looking to move forward in the positive


    Do I think Chaos should leave? No I don't. I do suggest all clans look at

    their members and review what their intentions are.....positive or negative and make a

    decision if they are worth keeping.

    I will also publicly thank Chaos for allowing me

    to trade in their system.

    Semper Fi.

    Gunny Out.

    Like I've said before, I was here and now I'm

    back. This community certainly has my support. It is true that this MOD is the best one

    available, but it can quickly get ruined by childish acts and conduct.

    So we need to

    have some sort of mediation council to try and resolve issue prior to a war declaration.

    Point is to determine if the Declaration is legitimate and to set boundaries for the


    Wars can be fun and I like them myself, but we need ROE as well.



    Yeah man,

    I can see this spiraling

    down the vortex of hell already. 4 systems closed already...........what's


    I'm just asking all of you to let me trade and mind my own business......I

    am.....repeat, I am nuetral.

    350 mil ? true or not true....float that my 4 months tour (for the 4th time), at war (real), left me broke in this


    ....Then again, nevermind, I'm not going to owe anyone anything......I'll

    make my own way.

    See you dudes and dudettes in space.

    Gunny Out

    Semper Fi. Always Faithful. Broader

    definition:Faithful to God, Country, Family and the Corps.

    No I am not affiliated

    with the Civil Air Patrol. However, if a flyboy, rotor-head or Marine Pilot goes down......I

    go get him.

    Gunny out.

    Being 36 years old (I

    know, Old guy), I can't tell you how much I enjoy this server and the people in it....clan

    or no clan.

    Your actions & reactions affect more than your opposition, it impacts the

    game for all who come here....Complete Freelancers, little traders and first time newbies.

    If you guys need a mediator I will be more than happy to assist.....


    to the BG_ clan for always being friendly to me when I was trading so long


    Semper Fi.
