And why it shouldn't? I think the speed decrease is meant to represent increased aerodynamic resistance from the clouds and therefore not specific to cruise. I think impulse speed drops too.

Questions, Discussions and Suggestions Mod Crossfire!
- Alli
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
There are 163 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Martind Forlon.
the drag of the nebula molecules slow down ships no matter what engine is used
The architect made me laugh.
Screen bug in the omega 11 bar at the pirates. they are red Gesei
for bug reports please open a ticket
for bug reports please open a ticket
Admin, I don't understand what a ticket is
... If you can, then describe how and what to do.
The screen in the bar shows space. At other bases, I have not noticed this yet.
If you can, then describe how and what to do.
Also, convert the image to .jpg or .png before attaching.
Chet screwed up, in general, I post the screen here
Yes, you'll have to pick one.
Good day. "Architect" Why did you close the one-way exit Alaska - New York? It felt so good when she worked. Also wanted to know why the Battleships of the Kursari, Corsairs, Relandia were damaged by the cruise destruction? unlike Lierty and Britonia.
Suggestion: Add a Tier 8/9 shield of your choice to the freighters for each ship separately, namely: Bullpup MK III, Luna Sunrise, Seraphina, Peon freighter, Apophis. After all, it is somehow not serious / aesthetically pleasing for everyone to put a level 7 shield.
I don't think that I did any changes to alaska - new york.
The reason for cruise disruptors working or not working is the size and shape of the ship in combination with the ship mount used for docking.
Freighters always used lower shield classes because.... they are freighters. That makes them different from fighters.
Next to that would it be tricky since the two highest shield classes are already used for other features of the mod. Since the classes the game allows are limited we would have to remove these other features from the game if we start adding higher class freighter shields.
When you take missions against someone, your reputation falls on them and their allies and grows on their enemies.
Question: 1) Gamma, 2) Utopia., You take missions against the nomads and the reputation falls to all factions ...
1) Gamma - as if you are killing bounty hunters in batches, although you wet the nomads.
2) Utopia - missions against nomads, and reputation against all enemies of Rhineland.
Why is this happening? After all, the nomads are against all factions of Sirius.
Because you are working for the Rheinland military.
Because you are working for the Rheinland military.
Ajay, Nomads are against everyone !!! The trick is this.
Ajay, Nomads are against everyone !!! The trick is this.
Irrelevant. You get paid by Rheinland Military for that, that's what really matters.
Irrelevant. You get paid by Rheinland Military for that, that's what really matters.
This is a double standard
Whose interests (which faction) do I affect by killing Nomads?
Judging by your logic, trading in the goods of some factions, my reputation should fall with others)) After all, they pay me for delivery!
Judging by your logic, trading in the goods of some factions, my reputation should fall with others)) After all, they pay me for delivery!
When you trade goods, you offer transport services. When you fight for them, you are offering direct military aid. Who knows if you won't offer it against, say, Red Hessians after that?
Or more accurately, it's also caused by the engine limitations and the fact that there should be some way to earn cash without affecting the reputation table.
When you trade goods, you offer transport services. When you fight for them, you are offering direct military aid. Who knows if you won't offer it against, say, Red Hessians after that?
Or more accurately, it's also caused by the engine limitations and the fact that there should be some way to earn cash without affecting the reputation table.
Okay, so be it)) I will not argue with you
Services can be different: transportation, military, legal, and so on. As long as they do not offend anyone's interests, no one should be offended by me. So Dear Ajay, I remain unconvinced !!!
hi all people the Freelancer Crossfire must be a logical game a transportar cant dock in planets really and can dock at small station but on big station like Shipyard cant not dock what is this what you want to do what is a different form big and small why you cant do like Freelancer Discovery there is good but there is that you can dock on the small station with a huge ship covering all the station but here and a planet is a hiuge station a planetari station how cant accep a transportar is so hard to do credit here and to buy a transportar that cant dock on big station com on
and 1 more thing why the enemy is move like really fast they are change so fast like 90 digress instantly direction you cant kill a enemy fast you need like 10 minutes to kill a enemy and when you shooting him some of the Dmg is not been take is a glitching game that cant be fixing why is not been fixing a lot of game can be fixing on this
and make easy to use to not have glitching when you fight with a army you cant win because they change the direction so fast you cant aiming good and you lose a lot of time because you fight whit them but you cant aim good on them because of the glitching that they have and they are like crazy