
There are 33 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Acadian.

  • Well, I was just getting a general gist of the mod.

    But since the initial single player in the liberty system, all the bases//ships and what not dont have anything new on em.

    So thats why I was wondering maybe if my download was messed up or maybe its just in the new systems....

    Maybe the original systems only have the original stuff and new systems new stuff... am just asking because I don't want to waste my time looking for stuff while I MAY of messed up on the install of it lol.....

    Just let me know... I like to explore have done it so far in every mod this is no exception :-P!.

    o yea I really like the CrossFire Trent should of looked like that in Originall :D!.

    I have also Played a previouse version of crossFire I THINK... becasue that x-3040 something like that system looks fomiluar... lol and even then I dont think there were any custom ships in normal one but am end my talk and wait for some answers lol :X.

  • Welcome mate to the most diverse and most amazing mod every to grace your PC :D

    See you server-side soon


    <-----------------------------------------------DC Phoenix - General [866][865][866]---------------------------------------------->

    [21] Intel Q6600 @ 2.4Ghz - Asus P5KC M/B - Ati Sapphire HD3870 512Mb GDDR4 Graphic Card - Ballstic 4x1Gb DDR2 1066Mhz RAM - 1 x 160GB + 1 x 250Gb SATA HDD - 2 x DVD-R/W Drive - Jeantech Orchid 575w PSU - iCute Custom Case - ACER P223w 22" Widescreen Monitor - Wireless Keyboard And Mouse - 5.1 Surround Sound Setup - Take Pride In Your System And Build It Yourself [21]

  • thanx yall for the welcomes..even
    I'll try to get on the server again in a few minutes..hope it works!

  • Whoo ooo!
    I got it working and it rocks!
    Man just a normal planet mantthan mission was like fighting a player
    (with the reloading sheilds and stuff)
    can't wait to explore the universe.

  • to answer the questions above:

    in crossfire many things have changed... you can find equipment all over sirius and altair
    ships can be found mostly in the new systems... but there are also changes on the old systems
    oh and you shouldnt expect to find everything in the first days... there are people playing for months not knowing where to find all items



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I haven't found one easter egg and I'm loving this mod.
    I played with other mods and never did I have to run from a mission.Man those NPC are tough (and my ship is weak). But on other server players never get killed by NpC...This is great cause you can't let your guard down ...wewll off to work =I

  • well... on cf you will see many ppl dying because of npcs
    especially if the DKs and nomads invade systems



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Well I prefer it that way...some servers give all the advantages to Aliens and they are like undestructable..witch is no fun.

  • This Mod is so vast u will be finding new things for months and months. Sol is just the start.

    Even the new systems have new systems off them.

    Enjoy yourself. 8)

  • Welcome to CF. This universe can really change your life :D

    By the way be carefull.....there are some pirates out there who can make your "trek" harder[50]

  • Pirates hey?
    I might join them...
    I just killed two Dom Kavosh gunship....
    my mouse fingers actually hurt!
    never had this opposision from a mod itself..players now.....a diferent story.