Server status

There are 112 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Blaster.

  • Op just to let u know. I use to play on a server named stonerworld ok(not that u care). But then i just looked on for ur mod. I got the mod. First day i play it then the mod is gone. I agree with u 100% bugs are a pain in ur ass. I know because me and my dad build data bases and me and him had 700 bugs we still have 100 left but me and him have been working on these bugs for 2 years now. The 100 that are left are so hard to debug that we just gave up working on it. Buggs take alot of recoding. That not only on person can do. Me personally never worked on a game but i am good with programming. What u have done will take someone 5 years to get done. Plus they will have like 1000 bugs. I agree the 1.6 testers should of done a better job. In 1.61 i tried to send u a email i am not sure that u got it but i said i had found 2 bugs one big one was the transport. The other one was the freedom x fighter. Op u did ur best man. I know what u mean by u dont want to run a mod that does not work. First off the mod will eat up ur bandweith and i can't c how u can live with that. I just wanted u to know op that u are one cool person and love to write stuff for ur enjoyment. Also u like to c ppl have fun, and i did op i had one killer 3 weeks on the server thnxx alot homie i really owe u one.

    Dragon wing, Dragon Corps rank Lieutenant Colonel, CSF, DC chars: DC_John_Donow[T], (DC)_John_Donow(Lt.Col), DC_JD, DC_[Lt. Col]_Donow

  • I Would like to thank OP, His Team and all the players of CF for the best Gameplay experiance of my life. CF is widley regarded as the best FL mod of all time, a viewpont i fully agree with and endorse, for what its worth, (i am also sure that it has outdone the Wilest dreams of the games original architect, but this is pure conjecture).

    OP i consider it a matter of personnal honour that i owe you a debt of gratitude.

    His team that is extended to you all.

    All the players although a am realatively new to online gaming i found you to be welcomming, Helpful and feindly, traits seldom found in online gamming communities. the community feel of CF has been (and currentley still is) truly a testement of your skills, commitment and single minded devotion to what has repeatedly reffered to as your dream OP.

    If the time has come to mourn the death of crossfire
    then so be it. but let it be remembred as the fine piece of work that it was/is, i personnaly think and hope that it's is and not was, as i am sure is the senterments of all here.

    My opinion is that the community with all its commited members is worth salvaging, which is why i offer the following opinion as an alternative to a coup-de-gray

    Return the server to 1.57 with a fresh start for all charicters and put 1.6 on the shelf (becuase you never Know in the fullness of time you (OP) may want to "have another crack at perfection".

    I ask all of the community regardless of there roles, from the architect(s) to the malconents to not divide up the blame, as this can never yeild a positive result.

    To the BG Thanks Guys i would like nothing more than to fly with you again. My Clan experiance was the best frelancer game experience i have ever enjoyed. I still consider i am part of the clan (still on trial) until i am told otherwise.

    I live in hope for the community and the cf game Lives on

    to OP (Who Has Displayed himself as a Samuria)

    Domo-ari-gata sensei
    (dont know if i have spelt this right)

    your bushido is amoung the best i have seen

    ty all

  • Ahhh stop it ppl. You're gonna make me cry ;(

    This isn't a good thing. If there is ANYTHING that can be done to keep ANY form of CF running, then I'm all for it. just to be able to stay playing with the same ppl is enough. The community of CF rocks.

    Cheers to all who helped me ( and shot at me :)) ) for the fun i had here.

    Sincerely hope this isn't the last fun I'll have on CF,


    p.s Spirit didn't even get a chance to try and tax my freighter.... :P

  • Oh god, what are you guys doing? I see a lot of ppl here trying to cheer the guy up, but i also see the same persons sayin (cf WAS the best mod i've ever played..... i will MISS cf..... oh, good days we HAD while playing cf.....) It can be that i'm soo shocked by the announcement that i'm unwilling to accept! I say, the mod IS the beating heart of Freelancer itself. I've been in other games, i've seen great mods go down, and the original game with it (bridge commander was one of them.).

    There are several new games that would beat the crap on FL engine, and it's graphics, i'm not soo clouded to avoid seeing that, but the only reason why FL stays on top is because of it's online community. And come on, let's be realistic, CF IS pretty much 49% of the whole FL community.

    I've promissed myself that next year i would rent a system. But i was also thinking that my clan would never go so far. Nevertheless, i KNEW that the server would survive that long, so even without my clan i could be able to continue socializing with such great people.

    Now you see, i know that most of you don't understand most of the emphasis i'm trying to put in this post, but most of it means: If you wanna cheer up op, don't mourn on his work.

    Now op, please man, i agree with NewPol, deceptions does give bad advises. I remember when you've said you would leave the community, and that was bcuz some bad ppl on the communit let you down. When you'd calm down, you thinked right didn't you? So, if you haven't gave up to those ppl, why will you give up to these bugs?

  • It is not my intention to put a negative slant on things

    i have been part of this community (vocal and non vocal)
    for quite a long time (about 18 months give of take a few)

    I also thing its important to remember OP is but a man
    and due to his long staning support and commitent I (and we in my opinion) need to reconise that CF cannot
    be the whole of his world we all have lives and loves ect. ect. ect.

    if it is to be the end, then i wish to salute his good efforots and thank him for them.

    i will reitterate it is not my wish or want that cf will end

    but it must have been a time commitment that even if i had the skill to do it i could not have commited the time that he has. So if it does end i wish to thank him and wish him well.

    to quote a scottish poet rabby burns "a man is a man for all that"

  • This is no time for repremanding, may each express themself how they see best fit. Nobody is trying to aggrivate the situation; I think it's safe to say that each and every one of us wants to see a happy ending come out of this. With some of you I agree, and with others I don't, but I will not waste the reader's time expressing these thoughts. What's important is that this has always been (more or less) a strong, united community...and will continue to be so. My best of wishes to each and every one of you. I hope that you are not at all hasty to leave this server, for there is still much hope and potential yet untapped here.

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • i agree with Flyin Si when he says to revert back to 1.57. this would allow both ppl to still play on CF while perfecting 1.61 or a newer version.

  • im game, though i only know 1.61 :(
    i never even tried the ubergun or uberships :'( so sad i did not feel teh power. I did get poned a few times buy them though

    but if nothing is gonna happen... ill take my 24usd back ;) or 3/4 of it since we only had Vega a week lol
    but dont do that, just give us 1.61 back :P whatever, lets just do something


  • One goal of testing, it seems to me, is to test not only the code underlying the entities in the game, but also the interactions with various players' platforms as a compatibility check. I was only able to spend 10 hours in Beta, due to the initialization problems already mentioned, and I had to download the file 3 times, due to corrption caused by timeouts on the lengthy file. By the time I got a Beta mod running, it was already version 4, and other testers had a 2-day head start on me.

    Despite this handicap, I tested 2 new ships, visited several new bases, purchased new goods everywhere I went, and checked many of the items on the mod list. I was told, by the time I was equipped for Altair, that all of Sirius had already been checked, so I need not "waste" any more time there, rather, "come help with the DK system survey". Despite this, I confirmed several items had not been fixed in Sirius, many of the new trade routes had not been checked, and new weapons were not used vs. NPC or PvP. I had no problems with the Freedom X fighter or the Arcangel, but I was unable to dock @ half of the Vorkuta bases, even if someone else already had docked there. I had no probllem with the Vorkuta/Yakutsk JG, even though someone else had claimed that it was bugged...

    As of last weekend, I had 5 characters, 4 of which had new ships, using at least 2 new weapons, and not a problem among them. My point in recounting all this is that there WAS a lot to test, and a short window to accomplish this. CF 1.6 is the most ambitious mod I believe anyone has attempted in one leap, so I am not at all surprised that there are still outstanding issues. All the items I was able to identify checked out to be fixed in CF 1.61, so I was a happy camper; had I found anything else, it would have been reported immediately, not 3 weeks after the fact. My only disappointment with testing was that without specific assignments, some testers assumed command over the test schedule, and prematurely redirected testers to targets THEY felt were more important.

    I offer this one suggestion for a restart of CF 1.6x, a schedule that assures FULL testing, whenever OP is rested enough to revisit the code:

    1. Make whatever changes necessary to restore stability to the mod, however long it takes (delete bugged ships, whatever); as usual, OP tests his own changes on the test server.

    2. OP invites his most trusted mates to test the corrections (possibly on new server).

    3. Notify serverclan leaders that corrected mod is ready for full beta test, download and server login by password only. Assign specific systems to be checked by clans, with distribution spread so that ALL systems get a 100% checkout. Allow a full week for this work to be done.

    4. All testers provide bug reports, with each clan to compile the data for their respective assignments. Allow at least 2 days for reports to be compiled and submitted.

    5. Allow at least another week for action to be taken on bug reports; RETEST if necessary.

    OP, Crossfire is your Magnum Opus, and we all know and appreciate this, along with the privilege of playing it. The expectations you have of yourself are of the highest caliber, and at times, it's clear that you are "casting pearls before swine" with some of the disrespect that noobs, and sometimes, veterans, show you personally, not to mention your work. But for CF to flourish, you also need to see to your own needs at times. You have been spending yourself in a great work; take time to replenish yourself, because Crossfire is nothing without YOU. We will be here when you are ready, whether it be to test, to fund a new server, to start again from scratch, because the best things in life are indeed worth waiting for!

    I personally have grown in my short (6 month) time here, having learned new tools and skills to keep pace with the brilliant elements of this community. I will miss all of my friends here during the hiatus, but look forward in eager anticipation to the happy day when "Reunion" is not just a storyline, but a reality on the Crossfire server!!

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • It has not end until the fat lady has sung.

    @OP as i said u b4 1.6 came out: take a rest, get urself a beer & hook up with some girls (works perfect to relax). I know, u`ve allmost got crazy creating the mod & when u think u`ve finished it, u have to find out, that 60% of the mod are bugged... I have faced by myself. (@ all others: yes, i`m a pseudo modder :)) ) & if, only IF CF will go down forever...


    I`ll stay, & do my best, to get everything back... noone & nothing will bring down CF... NOTHING!!!

    To all testers who have not done their work properly, choose:

    Cement shoes or a delivery to you at midnight...

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • OP, Du schnallst es in diesem Leben auch nich mehr.

    Und hör bitte auf rumzurennen und CF "DEINEN" Mod zu nennen,
    der Mod gehört Microsoft, jeder kann damit nen Server aufmachen wenn er will, das wird Dir jeder Rechtsanwalt bestätigen;
    Du hast kein Copyright,
    dein Mod is "derivative work" und gehört damit automatisch Microsoft.

    Außerdem biste ja auch nich grade zimperlich, wenns darum geht bei anderen Mods zu "borgen",
    ich sag nur Hiruga aka Pinball.

  • I Agree with Centaurian on this aswell
    ...........There is no other like CF .........



    .........Grrrrrrrrrrr........hehe.. [12]

  • People,
    Lets keep the community of CF, that is enormously COOL!
    OP? Can we stay at the 1.57 version? To keep the community? :]

    Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

    {LP}Amos and derivatives; {LP}Ivanov{X} from the Altair branch of LP