Fresh Meat

There are 22 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Samothraki.

  • First off I'll say greetings to everyone here as this is my first post on these forums.

    I'm thinking about trying Freelancer as multiplayer but have a few general questions about it all first. My apologies if these have been asked before. (I swear I used the search function! :))

    I've only recently even started using mods with my freelancer and Crossfire was the first one I chose after looking at the rather large selection available. If I upgrade to the 1.57 version to be able to play on the server, can I still play my single player version if I want to take a break from multiplayer to continue with the missions in the single player campaign? I read that 1.57 wasn't needed for the single player but will it still work?

    As this is my first foray into multiplayer for freelancer, how.....strict.....are the rules, or should I well-respected are the rules about pvp and pkilling/griefing in the New York systems for example or in general? Just from what I've read on some other threads and boards makes me somewhat hesitant as I don't really enjoy wasting my time or having my time wasted. Don't get me wrong, I accept the pvp nature of the multiplayer element but I would also like a little bit of a chance to "find my feet" first and get a feel for multiplayer before getting shot out of the sky by a vastly higher lvl player. I know this is a part of it as I get out from liberty and so on and that's fine.

    I read also that my hard drive is scanned? I understand the reason for this but how safe is this (for me) and what kind of info, if any, is accessed or read or whatever during this process?

    That's all I can think of for now. Any help appreciated and I'm looking forward to the MP element.



  • Samo I'm probably too new to give you a real good answer but it has been my experience that 99% of all the player her in CF Multi are helpful and curtious. I've never been shot at yet except by NPC and in the arena. And never in New York.

    As for scanning of drives......I've never heard of this so perhaps there is something I need to read too.

    Anway, welcome to our happy group.....and just remember, there is alway one in a crowd, an exception to the rule. Don't judge otthers by their actions.

  • Samothraki:
    I don't speak for the server police (SP's), but the no-PvP in NY rule is pretty much observed by all. Sometimes players get shot up inadvertantly, while others are testing new weapons, or getting used to an environment rich in NPC targets, but I have not seen a deliberate kill in NY. Besides, there really is no sport in fragging someone below level 50, if you're already above that. :)
    As for hard drive scanning, as far as I know, this is something reserved for admin's who are investigating cheats, and is done with consent, not in clandestine fashion (SP's, am I wrong??).
    So welcome to the best FL site in the galaxy, and enjoy those early jitters as you get your space legs; we've all been through it :D See you in space...

    My rig: i3-4130 Core Duo (3.4Ghz), Gigabit GA-B85-HD3 mobo, 8Gb PC1600ram, Samsung 2x 80Gb SATA RAID, Intel Integrated graphics, 3 optical drives, 23" Asus HD monitor + peripherals

    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Thanks for the replies guys. Good to know that it's not a grief fest out there and that from the sounds of things people are good sports.

    About the scanning thing I re-read it and it states that they reserve the right to scan, not that they automatically will. I'm just kinda leery when it comes to the internet and spy-ware, viruses and that sort of thing as I can say quite confidently that I'm technologically-challenged and don't really understand it all. :P

    Now if anyone could answer the q about the 1.57 version and still being able to play single-player, I'll be a happy chappy and on the server as quick as it takes a dog to pee on a tree. :D

  • OK you need the singleplayer download and i believe it does work with 1.57.
    I wouldnt worry about your hard drive being scanned ,unless you do something very very bad :)

  • As said the others welcome in crossfire universe... Full of surprise, but the best is that most of the people here are ready to help !

    About SP as far as i've tried it works well !

    So have fun here :D


    "On ne voit bien qu'avec le coeur, l'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux"


    "Homo hominis lupus"

  • Don't worry to get killed when you exit NY. The no-pvp rule is observed very strict, and when there are troubles a lot of people rush to sort the thing out (not to join in the battle, but to talk it out).

    You can make some money in Liberty before you venture off to new worlds, or you could go to Custodian where you can make some money as well, quicker than in Liberty, but only till you reached lvl 40. Then you need to continue your work somewhere else. But at lvl 40 you can affort yourself an eagle with good guns, so you can defend yourself if you need/want to fight.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • Sorry for the double post folks but this forum seems to be a lil more active than the Support Forum at the moment.

    Tried MP last night and had some probs....which then seemed to carry over into the SP version. My post on the support forums is below and pretty much says it all. Hoping that some of you might have some ideas or info on this matter. And again, please excuse my impatience on putting it on this forum as well.....I just....well....I really wunna PLAY! :)) Hehe

    "prob with 1.56 and 1.57 on SP and MP

    Last night I tried multiplayer for the first time and was being helped through the custodian gate at Rochester. Unfortunately every time I tried to go through my system seemed to hang. F1 didn't work, Alt+Tab didn't work, neither did Ctrl+Alt+Del. When I finally rebooted my computer and logged back in I was about 70k from the custodian gate still in the NY system.

    I tried turning off 3D sound and tried a few more times with the same result. I then tried this in the Single Player version and had the same prob with the custodian gate. When I deactivated 1.57 and (also had to deactivate 1.56) I got an "Error: problem deactivating 'Crossfire Mod 1.56 Client Edition'" message and in the log a whole heap of "Warning: SHDeleteFile failed: blah, blah blah" messages.

    After re-activating 1.56 only I tried the custodian gate again and got through fine. However when I tried the jump gate to X-3043 my computer crashed to desktop suddenly while in the middle of the warp.

    Anyone have any ideas as to why this is happening? I really want to use this mod on SP and MP and would like to know how I can fix this.

    Any help appreciated.


    Edit: Forgot to mention that I also have the Unofficial Patch 1.4 installed. This was before I started using this mod. Don't know if this is helpful or not."

  • Quote

    Originally posted by ChiefRedCloud-AGE-
    I thought that was level 30 Nitro...has it changed?

    Yes, it was 30, but it was changed a while back. As far as I know it is still 30, but check with active members to be sure.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • 1. Write down your FL MPID
    2. Delete the crossfire mods with the FLMM
    3. Delete FLMM
    4. Delete FL
    5. Delete everything that is still present in your FL dir (normally <programfiles dir>\Microsoft Games\Freelancer )
    6. Delete your savegames from "my documents"
    7. Re-install FL
    8. Re-install FLMM
    9. Re-load crossfire mod 1.56 in FLMM
    10. Close FLMM after loading 1.56 and load 1.57 in FLMM. It should give a warning that things will be overwritten, answer them with "OK"
    10b. Install the SP add-on
    11. Activate the Crossfire mod
    11b. Activate the SP add-on
    12. Startup FL

    When you enter the multiplayer modus, you will see that a new account will be created. Overwrite the large key with your FL MPID you wrote down, that should give your MP chars back. If you do not do that, you will have to make new chars, but you cannot use the "old-char"-names, since they are still "in use" on the server.

    Oh, don't use the unofficial 1.4 patch. If it should be used, the serveradmin will inform you with it.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • Thanks for the response, Nitro. Appreciate the help.

    Already deleted FL and FLMM, deleted any and all folders relating to FL and mods. Even used reg cleaner to delete one or two entries still there.

    Forgot to delete save games in My Documents/My Games but checked and there's nothing in there anymore anyway.

    Will re-install FL and FLMM (1.31 is the correct one yeah?). Quick q though, I should close FLMM before I load Crossfire 1.56 and just double click on the zip.flmm file? That automatically loads it into FLMM doesn't it?

    And 10b, I thought it was an OpenSP addon, not an SP addon? I would still like to do the SP campaign sometimes so not sure if I'm supposed to load this one as well or not?

    And one final q....the last time I used FLMM9 (before uninstalling), I had 1.56 and 1.57 showing as separate mods. Is that the way its supposed to be or when you said that 1.57 overwrites 1.56 is it only supposed to show as one mod?

    Anyways, will have to continue this when I'm back from work tonight. BTW....night shift sucks! :P

    Will get back to you and let you know if (hopefully) things are better. Thanks again.


  • It IS an OpenSP mod, you don't have to do the storyline missions, you can get started exploring straightaway.

    1.56 and 1.57 are seperate versions. The best order in which to activate each of them is:

    1.56 (and its the longest, let it run even though it looks hanged, shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes to install on a good rig)

    Then 1.57 (let it overwrite some stuff from 1.56, even though FLMM gives you a big warning, ignore it, just patch)

    And finally the OpenSP mod 1.1 for Crossfire!

    Then you should have a clean FL with Crossfire mod!

    [CFPD]Lone_Renegade __________[CFPD]Lone_Renegade_TR

    Crossfire Federal Police Department Website

    When you want to curse and swear, don't despair, use some flair. Be creative with your words, and enjoy the whole affair!

  • Hi, welcome, and yes, if you make it correctly(just do what nitro said) the 1.56 mod will be overwritten by 1.57. So only 1.57 will be schown in the list. That you have to activate...and play.

    Have fun!

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
    For he, today that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother...

  • Thanks for the responses. Just got home and going to get the rest of the files installed now.

    Not sure if I made myself clear about the SP and OpenSP thing though. I actually "want" to play the SP campaign again. Not necesarily just start exploring. So, does the OpenSP addon let me do both if I choose (the storyline campaign OR bypass the whole story) or does it automatically make me bypass the story campaign and.....lock me to speak so that I can never do the story if I use the addon?

    Hope that made sense. :rolleyes:


  • ok if u wanna play sp with the story do not install CF mods the sp patch has no story to speak of

  • Eh? You talking about the addon open sp patch yeah? It's 1 am in my part of the world and my brain has officially shut down. Happens with old......err....I mean older age. :D

    Edit: I've just followed Nitro's lil guide and only thing that gives me pause is that after closing FLMM after installing 1.56, I didn't get any message about overwriting files when I double-clicked 1.57 to load it into FLMM. And I'm still showing 1.56 and 1.57 in FLMM. Is that ok?

    If it is, then I activate 1.56 first and then activate 1.57 in the FLMM and everything should be okay? /me crosses fingers and prays.......

  • Just had another thought. Is the reason I couldn't get through the custodian gate something to do with NOT having the OpenSP addon? I mean, if I only play the SP storyline missions (which is what I want....I don't want to bypass the story), is there something in there that's not allowing me to access anything outside the NY system?

    Because the troubles I was having was when I was only lvl 2 or 3 (but I wanted to check out what was on the other side of custodian space) and I don't think you're allowed outside NY until after mish 2 or 3 or whatever yeah?

    Anyways, just a thought. Going to give it another shot now and see if my clean install has helped matters.


    Edit: Update --> Just activated 1.56 and then 1.57 (got the message about 1.57 probably conflicting with 1.56 and clicked ok) tried to Launch Freelancer and after the Crossfire Splashscreen came up.......crashed to desktop. Again and again and again.

    Someone....anyone...please help me out here. :( I've done a complete new install and followed Nitro's lil guide to the T. With my old install, I never had this prob. Can anyone shed some light on why this might be happening now please?

    Edit 2: I've just had a lil look in FLMM at the mod folder and saw something strange. I have a folder labeled Crossfire 1.56 that has the readme for 1.57 in it and is only 23.2 MB and a folder labeled Crossfire1 (but no .56 or .57) with the readme for 1.56 in it and is 175MB. Is this normal? It seems like they are switched around to me. Is this normal for other people?

    Any help appreciated. Don't want to seem impatient but I've had a little taste of CF and I'm starving for more. :D

