There are 82 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by DEATH-BRINGER.

  • i agree with darkstalker. as with PIA,

    if u, or any of ur clan ppl try to infiltrate the DC, u and ur clan will be dealt with

    quickly and swiftly.

  • umm sorry who brought the death clan in to it????? i

    never did any one see me say THIS IS WHAT THE [Death] clan ids going to do ??? NO so do not

    bringin the clan when it has nothing to do with the clan

    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • oh and guys i have left the [Death]

    clan so if i see any action taken against them for what i have done.may do i promis u all i

    will wreck your clans

    i will put this in simple terms for the people who cant tell

    the differnce between my name and the [Death] clan name .......


    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • You appear to have them

    worried Death-Bringer.. I guess the first rule of covert operations is not to tell your

    target that they are going to be spied upon.

    But you have a dilemma as they are also

    your customers.

    The problem is all the clans on this server like each other too much,

    there is no real enmity for you to capitalise on. Did i not see a proposal for a friendly

    war and do not most PVPs follow strick guidelines, this server is steeped with honour and

    the queensbury rules.

    Perhaps you should seek alternative employment or work to

    create the distrust and conflict your proffession needs to survive.

    Merely an

    observation. ;);)

  • hehehe i tell them cos im that good lol and i can pay my self if i get to

    bored lol i work in mysteryous ways as do my mind but then if i was normal i would not be

    DEATH lol.
    and about the war when i metiond about it all the clans started haveing

    kittens lol. and u said i had them worried well they should be especaly if they take there

    fustration out on the [Death] clan being IM NOT in the clan any more.

    lol but what

    can i say my fl life was spent in the old days where spies where used it made life harder

    as a clan leader but more fun aswell. but then they was hard core clans and servers just the

    dedication of the people back then could wipe sum servers out of exsistance these days.

    just think that they r scared they r scared of haveing sum one on server that can do what he

    says abd they dont like change so i wonder is there a ban comming up for me cos i like to

    play my role??????? oh do i hear key strokes from op's keybored lol

    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • You say this

    like its a bad thing

    @ Death ok if the clan has nothing to with this fine i will

    leave them out of it but how the hell can u admit to wanting to spread such deceit and

    trouble amongst this server and expect to get away with it un chastised?

  • im glad to hear u r leaveing the [DEath]

    clan out of it and i dont expect to get away with it but i dont expect to be banned if all

    the server wants to hunt me then fine do so i dont mind what so ever but lets face it if u

    hunt me then we all have sum thing to do and bg can move from custodian lol [if they chose

    to hunt me]
    and it is a bad thing peeps get to bored with being friends with every one it

    makes a server boreing if it happens to much

    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    inally posted by darkstalker

    You say this like its a bad thing


    I merely comment on the reason for his problems with his career choice.

    I make no

    moral judgement one way or another.

    Both harmony and chaos are required to maintain

    balance; too much of either leads to destruction either from stagmentation :O or terminal

    conflagration [3]

  • and i am hear to bring the balance without war there can

    not be peace and without peace there can be no war

    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • I2 chaos and stagnation are completely different with what he proposes to


    @DEADbringer being or not being friends is completely different from deliberately

    stirring shit by saying you will spy on clans

  • i am offering my services as a merc and thats all if u dont like

    it dont take me up on my offer. dont try and give me crap on hear just cos u dont like my


    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • for some reason you don't understand i don't have a problem with

    you being a merc im a fricken merc myself my problem is with you saying undercover missions

    to spy on clans and tell ppl what they are up to because of the trouble these actions could


  • well maybe u should have ago at the peeps who want my services not the

    person who offers them i dont force peeps to want my services.
    and if u read the banners

    it says peeps can buy info from mercs so that is what im offering

    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • WOW alot has happened while i been away over the weekend i cant get

    on now as much as i like as i have a few problems @ home to deal with and i may not see u

    all as soon as i liked to but i will be back sometime.
    and as i'm not here privateer

    will be willing (i hope to make the right decisions for the {LP})
    from time to time i

    will be able to post so stay tuned peeps i may be gone but hopefully not




  • look DEAD bringer you and I and everyone else here knows your services have nothing to

    do with your role you just wanna stir things up if u wanna do bounty's fine if u wanna do

    other merc stuff fine but don't stir up trouble and plz cant you make at least one post

    without a complete re quote of mine? im sure everyone has seen what i posted

  • Quote

    Originally posted by darkstalker
    look DEAD bringer

    you and I and everyone else here knows your services have nothing to do with your role you

    just wanna stir things up

    sry how the hell can i be stiring up trubble

    when the server banners says mercs can sell info to who they like. now THINK about it if

    server says i can sell info then i will. so stop this moaning crap about me causeing

    trubble by selling info cos just think how can a merc sell info??????? by gaining it by any

    means he can.
    if u like i can draw u a pic of what i am saying and i can get a ss of the

    server banner and send them to u?????
    so i suggest that u let this drop being im allowed

    to get info and sell it get over it i will do it if i am paid to do it if im not paid to do

    it i wont

    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others

  • ok i watched this long


    1. this server is based on fairplay an honour and this will not change... if

    there are ppl that try to change it then those ppl will get serious problems with


    2. the last time a clan started to do shit like doing spy jobs it resulted into a

    bunch of serverwars which nearly have lead to the destruction of CF and this

    the last wars were just a few months ago and i dont want to see such a shit


    3. to use spies against serverclans dishonourable and is not allowed... if you

    guys still do such a shit i will find out for sure (in the same way i have found it out

    everytime before)

    4. if some1 is using a spy on CF against my clan or against any

    other serverclan you can be sure that BG will deal this situation with force and that you

    wont even have the time anymore to breathe

    5. I am sure that the other serverclans

    think in the same way and that they would react similar

    so even you fight

    fair and without such shitty tricks or we will kick you guys once around sirius, through

    altair and then out of the server.
    In the last years I had to destroy enough other clans

    because of the shit they did... it really would be a shame if I would be forced to do this






    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ah balance is restored :))

    This universe is indeed

    a good one.

  • i hope u will change your

    attatude being u on about my clan when they have nothing to do with it and im not even in

    the clan anymore being i left it so leave out the [Death] clan they have done nothing wrong.

    and i was just listing what i would do for cash so if no one hires me for that then it will

    never ever happen.
    oh and i tried to get an event going but everyone moaned about it so

    i suggest if u want constructive stuff going on tell all your buddies to stop being sad old

    and since when is the main admin swearing been good for new peeps to see??? lol

    just relised u called wars shit lol dont tell me u want everyone to go around kissing

    ars????? and giveing each others flowers???

    umm why is it that servers these days

    dont like haveing wars cos they upset peeps lol

    The day has come that Death will never be at peace and will all ways be at the mercy of others