Server meeting

There are 25 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • 23rd october (sunday)


    Server: quakenet



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • same server different channel

    8pm GMT



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • ok ill be there what are we discussing this time


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • next time

    sticky it as important pls and if u want other clan commanders pm them or delegate it to one

    of us
    also people need to know how to use irc most peeps dont use it

  • then they should learn

    it - wont take their hands and take every single 1 to the chat

    and for sure i wont

    wait half an hour before i can start
    if i say 8pm then i mean 8 pm



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • your first post gave no details whatsoever about it

    being on irc or even how to find it not even a time
    You want people to attend then tell

    them where/how/ect
    if you dont want to do that delegate it
    then if they dont make the

    effort, fine get annoyed
    I only knew of meeting cos u mentioned it on sys chat other


  • gotta aggree with wavey next time the thread needs to be a little

    more important. i know i said i was going to be there but an unexpected situation happened

    and i wasnt going to make it on time. but i showed up after i got home and turned out that

    it was cancelled. well to tell you the truth something of this importance should have benn

    done in either case. i mean for crying out loud its the server and everything that we were

    going to talk about i think it is a little important to discuss also if there was a post on

    the server its self about it then maybe we could have had a better out come. dont know

    maube we can try again some other time when we can get maz participation but that is just me

    talking. however i think that if it was made sticky or something we might have had more ppl

    show up just like what wavey said if im wrong tell me if im right tell me anyways dont care

    on other opionions just that the server needs to be talked about


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • 7or 8 peeps did attend but obviously we wernt worth talking to or even

    saying goodbye to:(
    In fact it is just like an event ,if you dont publicise it u get

    Stop blaming us if you cant sort summat out
    You can delegate stuff its easy ,1

    pm or email to me and id have contacted loads peeps
    I am quite offended and i can imagine

    same goes for rest who came to irc
    You just log off cos ur fed up ....not a goodbye or

    We work to get events running every day and they have been a success(in getting

    peeps online)some need tweaking tho
    the more you treat us with arrogance the less we will

    wish to be here:(

  • ive posted the meeting on the forum 2 times... i posted it several times on the server and

    ive announced it on the last BG meeting
    some ppl from other clans i have on msn also got

    a message

    and no i wont make such a thread sticky (important) coz it has nothing to

    do with long term announcements i usually stick to this forum

    and for sure im not

    responsible for others to check out if they can enter the chat before the meeting starts...

    thats only their responsibility and ppl should try to use those programs before the meeting

    starts or ask how to use them (this didnt happen)
    i announced the meeting in time and ppl

    could have done this at any time... ive said where it is and ive said when it is.... more i

    cant do

    i didnt say anything about the topics before coz i didnt want ppl to start

    shit discussion based on rumours without the information i wanted to give
    besides others

    i think very carefully about what im saying towards others


    7or 8 peeps did

    attend but obviously we wernt worth talking to or even saying goodbye to


    and 6 of them were BGs, one was Freelancer... and that is really not worth to discuss

    SERVERTOPICS which have something to do with ALL clans and players
    and i announced that i

    will go if not more ppl will show up... i even waited half an hour longer than i originally

    if you have a problem if i dont want to waste my time waiting for NOTHING then sry

    but i cant change it... i have better things to do... things like the b-day of my gf... but

    that are things you dont need to care about... not ur problem
    you can call me arrogant

    now if you want ... ur choice
    you can go at anytime if you want

    really im

    absolutly pissed
    i call for an important meeting... prepare it 3hours... and then ppl

    dont appear... and now ppl tell me that im responsible for this shit... really i ask myself

    why i spend all the time to work for a bunch ignorant idiots

    guys remember i asked

    for help several times...
    i asked for a complete event plan - where is it?
    i asked for

    ppl helping me to create the database - not a single guy came to me
    i asked for some1 to

    help me recoding fl-stats - no response
    i asked for many other things... but


    guess what... in future you can do your shit alone... i will do nothing

    for this server anymore
    no improvements... no meetings... nothing



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • There is an Event plan it

    is in this forum and called Events ,I did ask for it to be stickied

  • Quote

    There is an Event plan it is in this forum and called

    Events ,I did ask for it to be stickied

    yes wavey you are right ive seen



    i asked for a complete event plan - where is it?


    wavey said its posted under events


    asked for ppl helping me to create the

    database - not a single guy came to me

    ive seen may ppl asking how they can

    help with that and hell for 1 of them is one of my clan members


    i asked for

    some1 to help me recoding fl-stats - no response

    i havent seen this one

    before when did you ask the help for that one


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • It is not that you can ask

    and we jump and do all kind of stuff.
    Some things you asked are very specialistic. Not

    everyone posesses that knowledge. And even if they posess the knowledge, it is still their

    free time, and their choice if they want to do something that looks a lot like their normal

    day to day work. I get a lot of support questions from people surrounding me, but once I

    cleared that I will not do work for free (that is, spending an entire sunday to clear up

    someones computer, reinstall the software, replace the backup, and with nothing more than a

    quick "thank you") all those questions vanished.

    The last few weeks the general

    ambiance has changed from bad to worse. Unless everyone, and I mean everyone, want to put

    their best in it, and try to approach the situation without prejudice and with an open mind,

    then this community is doomed.

    People do not stick with one game for a long time

    anymore. The golden days that you played a game for 2 or 3 years in a row are over. With

    games becoming more and more sophisticated, pushing the edge even further, the majority of

    the players are pursuaded to try on a new game every 3 months. The fact that there isn't a

    Freelancer 2 doesn't mean that players who play Freelancer will stick to it unless there is

    a new Freelancer 2. The interest of the majority of the players is bigger than that. Mine

    for instance stretches from Freelancer to GTA-SA to Quake 4 and back to the oldie Stronghold


    Being angry because there were only a few players who showed up, isn't

    helping the cause. Everyone can decide for themselves if they want to invest into the

    community or not. And getting angry because they didn't choose to attent the meeting, which

    imho was announced not overwhelming (i didn't know it was on until i announced my

    computercrashes) isn't helping. Imho you should have used a consoleannouncement for it. Yes

    I know you can only use a few of them, but if you think that it is that important, then wipe

    one for the time being. With the console message showing up every couple of minutes (10

    minutes or so?), you reach a lot more people.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • guess what.... forget it...

    @all - dont ever try to contact me again




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Hello


    It is not easy to keep a community toguether. Ive been in several forums,

    where some of them were Fl mod forums, and they dont last long. It is not because the game

    got more sophisticated or better than old one, it is just because people are looking for

    something new and they dont find it. Yes, people change from game to game because, lets face

    it, while the graphics are improved, their playability and contest are not something new. So

    they move on until they found something could be new, tested for some months, and put it in

    the big box (believe me, I own 138 different original games) plus so many others i

    downloaded before, to check on them if they are worth buying it (I have a total of 361

    games) Guess what, I havent bought any new games for a long time cause graphics are

    astonishing but playability same or even worst than the old ones. So the main point is what

    make people to play for a longer time any game, the answer is simple: The Community. Today

    we have the advantage of multiplayer games through the internet (something that before was

    limited by lan users) and in these online games you start to relate to other people, start

    to be part of a community different from your surroundings. The game itself plus the mod, in

    freelancer case, just do 50% of the job to hook you up and keep hooking you up to the game

    for a while. The community, do the other 50% to keep it you hook up for the longest time.

    Crossfire is the greatest mod in freelancer (no offending other modders who made

    extraordinaies mods themselves) But in time, the mod itself and forum will die if the people

    willing to give a little more do not supported it. Nitro is right, not to many people would

    have the time or their willing to spend 1 day work on something extra. But there stilll

    people willing to do that, so if you find at least 5 or 6 people to give their time to help

    you, should try to work with them.

    ABout OP requests, all of them we were asked for.

    But also, almost all of them were answer to and i can recall few names written in that

    thread that i wont mention them now.

    About the events in one way or another, events

    have been going on for 2 weeks now. Even more, some of us have to reinvent them because we

    didnt have the same resources we had in the old times. Even more, some of us has sacrifice

    our own playability in the game to make the event happen (without any experience at all)

    Even more, some of us has put game credits out of our own game pocket :)

    About the

    script, at least one person offer his service not using the easy manbo jumbo for scripting

    but using the real thing.

    One thing I have seen is the lack of publicity, not easy

    to pm everyone to tell them come to your event. Not easy task at all, but wherever was good

    or bad I can say some of us took the time to do that getting at least 10 people on the first

    encounter and up to 20 people on the last one. So publicity was good. One thing we need to

    improve are the rules for each event and they should be an sticky on event rules. Event

    manager should revise themand then they should be kept as long as possible without changing

    them so player wont get confuse (it happen to me and it was a big mess)


    meeting, irc is one of the oldest but most effective way to get in touch to a big group. An

    sticky of how to use an irc is not a bad idea and it is something that should last forever

    in the forum if irc would be the way to organize important meetings. To that sticky, i

    would include the server and channel address if they are going to be same almost all


    About the last meeting, what could I say, I was the only freelancer there, but

    we were 8 people (cause a member of SG was there too) willing to help the server and some of

    them were holding events and so many questions t ask to improve them.

    If we were

    check the log, even if some events have not gone our way, they did help to increase the

    number of players online in CF server. I had 20 people on saturday event including myself,

    plus there were other 10 people freelancing CF. A total of 30 people, it has been a while

    since i saw that here.

    I can understand frustration when we dont get what we

    expected. I have to run 2 different companies for a time of 12 years starting a 23 (cause

    my parents dies and i have to take over family business) and I usually dont get what I

    expected from my employs or different situations but I have learned to take the best from

    the worst situation and move on trying to do a good job for my clients. But there is one

    important thing, I have to have faith and believe that I will do the task at hand, no matter

    the problem or incovinience, I have to believe that I will overcome to deliver and God has

    been always my strength to overcome adversity and accomplish my goals. If we loose interest

    on what we are doing, we lose it all cause every detail, every circunstances would take the

    best of us and will be considering tha situation we got into a hopeless case.

    So my

    final advice:

    @the 8 people at meeting: no matter what happen at the meeting, those

    8 people who show there, dont lose their faith, lets try to work out a solution and still

    helping this server the best way each one of you know of.

    @OP: you create you this

    mod. If for some circunstances, you feel annoying by thinking: people dont care. you have

    several options, but i will stay the 2 more positive:
    1.- Get back on your feet and dont

    lose your faith and the interest to this community so we can evolve from our

    2.- If your angry is greater than your faith in the community, delegate to

    someone else to lay out meetings, etc to help the future of CF to develop. Of course, you

    will brief this delegate of what is need it and how you think it should be done.


    hope this could enlight a little bit everyone minds and have given you any




    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Hi Guys,

    RG said it all. I would like to be involved in all the aspects of

    keeping this server running and building. My only issue is my time zone. Since I live in

    the US, est...I'm getting home usually as the events are I'm between a rock

    and a hard place.

    If there is something I can do administratively to assist, that can

    be completed in my time zone, let me know.

    @OP....I have been a Senior Managing

    Executive (VP of Operations) for several years. Managing people, time and administrative

    responsibilities can be a daunting task. Many times my staff cannot make the posted

    meetings or budget discussions due to personal or corporate related duties. You have to

    find a way to work with them or around them.

    I choose to work with my staff. This in

    turn has rewarded me with solid loyalty and dedication from the men & women under my

    direction. However, many times, they direct me.

    Let some of the individuals here

    take a role to assist you. In turn, once they volunteer, those people need to follow through

    with their responsibilities.

    Leadership is about accountability, not




    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • 1. ive asked to create an event plan... i got

    nothing... and i mean it this way... what has been posted on the forum is pure shit...

    nothing worth to be used
    i asked for something i could put to the CF page... with

    rules... times... eventmanagers... but nothing has been done
    only shit like "i can do

    this... i can do that..."
    rules still seem to change from week to week... times seem to

    change... even the managers dont show up (have seen it several times)

    2. ive

    asked for information about SL.... what did i get? a message that i can get a copy of the

    english version of SL
    really great... as the riddle that is running shows it seems like

    im talking against a wall

    3. ive asked ppl to contact me via mail if there are

    requests... weird... didnt get any mails but more than 20 pms and other shit here on the

    forum threads

    4. ive asked for help with FL-Stats... and i know for sure that

    there are ppl here that have the knownledge to do the coding... not a single guy contacted


    5. ive asked to help me with the CF database and to come to me to coordinate

    which parts will be done.... nothing ... no response

    6. ive asked for newsposters

    in different cathegories... again 0 replies

    7. ive asked the clans to give me a

    clanprofile... the link to the clanpage... a logo... and the name of the SP
    im still

    waiting for the information

    8. ive asked ppl to come to the meeting but you know

    the result...

    9. ive asked the community to push the server.... result was a

    single news on LR (how great)

    10. ive asked ppl to think about asf and csf....

    besides a few posts.... nothing

    11. ive asked ppl to find out things about new

    clans that show up on the server... all i know about them is what i have found out


    12. i have asked for help with php.... and if i remember right there are

    ppl here with scripting experience... but again no help

    13. i have asked ppl to

    help me to build up a SL Community again... looks like this will never happen coz ppl just

    dont want to take over some responsibility

    14. i have asked ppl to create new

    sections for new games.... but it seems like you guys just want to sit around and watch FL

    dying and at the moment this will happen you will see that this community will die

    you dont even think about to give this place a future... you all just sit here and

    wait for the end... and then you all will go different ways because you dont have created

    something that can hold back the worst...
    instead of taking responsibility and say "hey

    i like this community and i want to create a future after FL so we all can stay here and

    have fun even in 10 years" you just say "hmm i just go any play different games somewhere

    else... maybe when i come back this place is still here"

    15. you want me to

    delegate something... you say im responsible for this coz i dont delegate...
    well here is




    16. and now to give you an overview about what i as single person have

    to do here
    - keep the server up (check it every single day)
    - talk to clanleaders

    talk to other serveradmins (this week ive already spoken to 5 of them)
    - update the whole

    SWAT-Portal (with a few hundred pages every year)
    - moderate the forums (even if i

    originally gave moderator rights to some other ppl which dont do their jobs)
    - search for

    UR lost MP-IDs
    - answer up to 30 emails and PMs everyday
    - code the mods (CF 1.53, CF

    1.6, SL-R 1.02)
    - help ppl on the server
    - lead meeting where ppl dont appear
    - get

    information about new clans on the server
    - lead BG
    - give help to other mod

    - check chars
    - play serveradmin (kick, ban, check chars.... any many other

    - get information about other servers
    - check 4 different forums

    and many other things that i as a single person have to do and nobody is asking

    me if i need help or if it is too much

    do i get something for all the things

    i do? no
    did i ever asked you to do something for my personal pleasure? no
    and now ppl

    come and try to give me good advices... tell me that im arrogant... tell me that they dont

    want to do something for free.... or that things already have been done while i never got

    those things

    guys go on like you did in the past... watch how the server gets more

    and more empty... watch how ur clans fall appart... and watch this community dying
    i dont

    really need you... i can go anywhere and start again... maybe i go to eve where my name

    seems to be worth something (at least many old jg-players seem to remember me and the old

    but dont blame me when the death of this place is near coz its only ur fucking


    i already have asked you guys to work together with me (for free) i

    will not do this a 2nd time



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Op,

    I am not

    arguing your point about your requests for help, because I've seen them all. So I know they


    And I have answered to some as well.

    I'd like to see everyone here

    assume a task and help move this server and it's projects forward.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • @ op i know for a fat that i have asked you about the SP for DC coz i have all

    conversations copied from msn its part of the upgrade. and i have been told not to worry

    about it. i even asked you last night when you and my clan was having a pvp match but still

    i got no answer.


    ive asked to create an event plan

    i have

    been running the smugglers event for 2 weeks and i think ive done a good job so far yes i

    have changed a few things but that makes it easier on me


    ive asked for

    information about SL

    talk to wolf he has just finished the SL game he might

    be able to hel you in what you are looking for


    ive asked ppl to find out

    things about new clans that show up on the server... all i know about them is what i have

    found out myself

    ive enven tried this one and when i try talking to new

    clans they just dont reply to me i can see the frustraion here

    other than this im not

    sure what else i can do coz i dont


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME