Freelancer and Crossfire

There are 12 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by RayOK.

  • I would like to know how I can set up 2 separate folders of Freelancer so that I can play normal Freelancer when I want to and then switch to the other folder and play Crossfire 1.9 without ruining the first folder with my saved positions. Is this even remotely possible and if so, how? Any suggestions? Much Thanks

  • yes it is definitely possible. I have friends who have several different mods on their computer. they have tried to explain it to me, but with my advanced age I didn't really understand how.

    someone here will know, I am sure, keep checking the forum.


    Ray OK

    ps if no other positive reply comes your way, I will ask my friends to write a how to guide and post it on the forum for everyone

  • Thanks for the step by step procedure. Now my next question will be dealing with the saved game folder. Do you need to create a backup folder so that you can store your save games and then when you switch out to the new folder, you need to copy and paste your saved game files into the right folder or do they stay there?

  • Use backup folder (or rename) is "safe" way. You can try to do first only backup and see if things works for you or not ... still for play CF and vanilla I rly recommend keep saves on two separate folders and rename them when want switch "mods".

  • Silverfox,

    I looked at the step by step link you sent me and I checked my registry thru "regedit" and I have no listing for Freelancer Mod Manager under Software in the registry. I tried to activate a mod and then check the registry and there is no listing for the FLMM section. What should I do next? Will I still be able to have more than 1 folder of Freelancer to use for different mods?

  • You need to have original vanilla installation saved as copy on "backup" destination. For install and activate mod like is Crossfire you need to have installed Freelancer mod manager version 1.31.

    In your registry try search in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Wow6432Node -> Freelancer Mod Manager. You can try also search for entry

    1. mods\Crossfire1.9

    if you had previously activated Crossfire 1.9 mod

  • Everything works like you said. Thanks. But now I have a new problem. I want to play Freelancer from the beginning and use some of the mods in the FLMM and I can't because now it has a problem installing the different mods. And they wont load. So I am stuck. Any suggestions as to how to fix this issue? Thanks in advance....

  • when CF is active all other mods are inactive... they are incompatible and would only crash the game



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  • What I mean is: I have 2 separate folders (1 for CF 1.9) and (1 for normal Freelancer). I followed the advice of Silverfox and now when I want to play normal Freelancer, I cannot activate some of the mods in FLMM. It gives me an error message:

    Error: FLMM has determined that 'Speed mod won't properly activate. This was only a test run, so no files were changed (besides being decompressed). Look in the log for more details.

    What do I do about that? I have tried to reinstall Freelancer from scratch and that does not resolve it. Any suggestions or ideas? Thanks

  • seriously, after playing CF SP storyline, you won't want the vanilla freelancer again. but if you do, just uninstall CF and do another clean install of freelancer.

    just try the CF mod first, and if you want any help you can PM me for hints and tips on how to get thru the first couple of missions. you are probably used to the Titan being the top class ship, well in CF it is pretty useless, u can buy far better after completing the first mission.

    give it a try, plenty of people on this forum are more than willing to help you.


    Ray OK