Chaos Clan Looking for Recruits / Special Offer

There are 186 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Baldwin.

  • well, guys

    i'll be back in

    a week

    july 2nd

    missed the first weeks of 1.5 and i'll be a little behind,

    but i'm lookin' forward to flyin' with the best of the best again....

    btw, i

    miss danger

    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.


  • A big Chaos welcome to Seif3r who is

    the newest member of our Clan. He has already distinguished himself has a raider

    extrordinaire and is a great addition to our authority-flaunting team; dedicated to the

    downfall of the statis quo.

    Train jockies: If u see us in ur system: Prepare to pay

    or die. None are immune. Don't take it personal, it's our RP job afterall, lol.

  • in which clan was he before?
    i know

    this name....



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • hey cool now you

    are on 2 KOS lists ^^



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Nah, Baldy u ain't on our

    KOS (... not yet anyway, lol).

    We only do that for really serious stuff like

    accidentally coming into Casius and then not immediatly begging for forgiveness, confusing

    [Chaos]_mech with [Chaos]_Merc, or getting to the DV data disk before me after a re-boot.

  • I'm sick of ppl saying pirates arn't doing their jobs around

    here... Then whining about it when we do. So heres what im doing about it.. Its not


    Chaos' Train-Jocky's Bill of Rights

    Chapter One Paragraph

    Our price for one day (24 hrs) Protection for trains is 500k.. very reasonable, we're

    not greedy. If u refuse or have an escort attk us, the price is then 1 mil. plus expenses

    the first time, 2 mil the second, to a max of 5 mil for the third time (...and of course we

    then kill u all we want). NOTE: Prices are subject to change, but with public notice and

    everyone is charged the same amount unless bound by previous weekly/monthly contract.

    Paragraph B
    Guys in Droms or other regular freighters are usually safe from Chaos

    unless they are uber-rich lvl 75 or over(or unless we don't like u for some previous

    reason... if we know ur another char). BTW: Chaos will allow u to trade in Casius with a

    freighter for 2 mil @ 1 day, or 10 mil @1 week... Our route is as profitable as any in Cust.

    Paragraph C
    A weekly or monthly contract for Protection can be made, by separate

    negotiation. This Service Contract will gain the Train operator a nice discount and peace of

    mind (i recommend it).

    Paragraph D
    If u pay us on a certain day, and one of the

    non-CSF freelancing "pirates" attk u, let us know and we will kill them for poaching (or at

    least hunt them later). So if u are bothered, contact one of us and offer to pay and u will

    get Protection (non-refundable, but with 25% rebate/discount on next purchase if u are

    killed by some1 else). But if we are forced to make multiple kills of the poachers, u must

    pay expenses (... our missile bill..); another 200-300k, usually. Max is another 500k.

    Paragraph E
    Since Chaos are the only organized CSF Pirates on CF right now, we

    claim exclusive rights for train "Protection". Those CSF clans wishing to negotiate for a

    share of the loot, contact us, we are willing to share times/days or locations. Free agent

    Pirates can sub-contract through Chaos for a hefty share (60% of the take per "protection"

    contract) to do the attk looting or escort; which also insures u won't be hunted as

    poachers. Contact me for details.

    Paragraph F:
    Chaos only claims exclusivity on

    the train pirating, of course freelancers and mercs can compete for the protection/escort

    work. CSF-licenced mercs should contact us when a train protection job is taken so there are

    no conflicts. Non CSF licenced escorts are fair game, don't complain if we kill u on sight

    (... as we expect to be attked on sight). You must be in a CSF clan to get a licence (.... a

    few special exceptions may be made for event battles but not for these reasons).

    Paragraph G
    KOS and Bounties put on Chaos members or subcontracting Pirates over

    incidents made during the persuance of their normal pirating duties while following the

    above rulz will be met with very serious consequences for the person or clan that posted

    them... meaning they will receive Counter-Bounties, go on KOS, escallating all the way up to

    total war if need-be. We pledge to abide by the above rulz... But those who dont like it

    will incur our wrath.

    It's a fair

    and balanced means of insuring stability in a turbulent universe... And a way of giving ppl

    jobs. We are doing this for altruistic reasons, lol.

  • good speech

    again, Jib

    that's why i thought the whole BG/Chaos war was dumb
    that's kinda'

    the point of BG and Chaos... aren't they exteme enemies? but i don't wanna' get back

    into that and start something

    in short, don't complain if us

    pirates attack you if you refuse to pay us :D

    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.


  • Pls join me in welcoming Pancake to our Band of Badass


    Looking forward to flying with u! heres a little advice:


    forget watch yer screenies
    To always be warry of ASF weenies.
    Should bold battle brew

    in treacherous Sirius,
    Fight to THEIR death...... and buy us the beer'us.

  • omg, i think i cried a little

    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.


  • in his wonderously vast mind

    "It's all in the mind"..

    george harrison

    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.


  • hey m8 if i didnt know any better you

    just took out all of the fun for my clan and that aint fair and i think as being the bounty

    hunter clan on cf then we i think we resolve the exclusive rights for protection and hunting

    on any one that asks for it. yes that conflicts with our part in csf but this is only

    during non asf csf matches

    p.s. to all BG how did you guys get those kick ass

    pictures under your signature i liike them i would like to get some made for my clan m8s so

    if you can please tell me :D


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • who knows

    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.


  • A big Welcome to our newest Chaos Clan

    Member, Suyeon. Glad to have u with us, m8!

    Battling our enemies with courage and

    We crush their will, and force them to kneel
    To beg the bold Chaos wraiths of the

    "Spare our retch'd lives, we give up the


    @ Dragon good to see u back. Ur guys

    can take all the protection work they can get, let us know and we wont attk your

    "customers". As CSF leader i want to avoid any possible probs between our clans; and i cant

    stop u from taking bounties against Chaos. But remember that it is always a risky

    proposition... and u cant expect us not to fight back so i recommend u charge a hellova lot

    for them if u do. But i think this is a non-issue, if it comes up we can solve it


  • welcome to the Chaos Clan suyeon!!

    lol jib, another

    speech/poem ^.^

    I'm baaaaaaack......time to find a group to fly with.

  • @ jib hi m8 i was just

    being funny but ok if the event happens we will discuss it


    from the depths of the unknown the blackdragon returns with fury! and from this day on he is now known as the CRYMSON DRAGON

    Rank + Codename: commanding officer DragonWarrior
    Wing: all wings are my responsibility
    Organisation + Leader: DragonCorp - ME

  • welcome, suy..

    nice to meet ya, dude

    Your fate is always at your heels. That bleeding feeling when you run into the night from it, it will remain. On your endless run from that one thing that you know will catch up.

    You will be delivered.
