Free energy?

There are 29 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • I was looking at my iPod mirror when an idea came to my head. I dont know how practical this may seem... but here goes:

    Suppose we were to take a closed cube. All the inner sides of the cube are mirrors. Inside the cube is not vacuum.

    And we were to let some light into the box.

    The light will reflect off the mirrors forever and the air inside the box will heat up, ultimately heating the box itself.

    We could extract this energy and heat water or something that could drive a turbine and produce electricity. Maybe if this works out, it could solve the world's energy crisis once and forever.

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  • Here is one simple example, you build the room and build in the walls as many refrigerators as u can with doors open to the outside and with rear side in this room. you can heat the room without additional energy. More is cold, temperature is lower outside the better u will warm the room.

  • I thought about this years ago!

    The solution I came up with was.. It needs to be a perfect sphere on the inside, and it would need to be built around the light source. Such as a star. This would produce the energy/heat even after the star has expired, if the theory works.

    Note/theory: heat is a loss of energy. so it would fade in time.

  • Something a bit similar but realistic model of that idea is what real solar power plants use somewhere in USA, there are more models of power plants, he ones with photovoltaic surfaces that directly convert light to energy or something similar to your box, concentrating the sun light from an entire zone to 1 place.

    But Mr Tesla Version 2, you missed a point:

    Where that infinite heat comes from ? From a limited ammount of energy, for being inside a box ?

    But better explained:

    1. There are no perfect mirrors created, that reflect 100 % of the light, they really tried to build a perfect mirror on any material as in this way they could use the solar winds to travel trough space(that's another story).
    Result of 1. You will keep wasting/losing light beams on each reflection.

    2. That light is a limited ammount of energy, let's say a huge ammount of 100 Joules (joules are in what you count energy), let's say on each minute, the light beams give 10 Joules to the exterior converted into a bit of heat.
    Result of 2. In 10 minutes there'll be no light beams ^^

    3. The light beams only heat up things they touch, that's why the earth/materials on the planet are warm, but upper in the athmosphere it's freezing. IF there would be a perfect mirror that reflect 100 % of the energy, that means the light don't pass any energy to the mirror as it doesn't touch it, just reflects over it.
    Result of 3. The mirrors would never heat up, so no heat for the exterior at all.

    4. Again coming to something similar to point 1 and 2 together, the light beams have to touch and penetrate the mirrors (focus on your idea boy ! nothing else! ) to pass over energy from the light beam.
    Result of 4. The light beam will simply get consumed, no matter it's a closed box.

    But hey, you though of this idea 1 year before me(at 13 yo), but I had no iphone neither internet :P Still, maybe you will be a Tesla V 2 mad scientist some day :P

    But give up on this idea, know when to admit you failed ! :D

    p0x idea is just for not giving up on it at the facts, but arrived to the same place :P

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Hmm in theory it sounds great but the costs and ressources that would be required, and it must be beneficial somehow (since heat is a loss of energy it would require MASSIVE amounts of energy), are the main hurdle -- and I guess it would require an exorbitant amount of money for such a proejct. Which is sadly almost always the case for anything scientific.

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • MASSIVE ammount of energy give more heat, but fades faster than less energy ^^

    So as more energy you put in, more energy you waste.

    And by "energy" I hope you mean "light beams", natural source, as normal energy is already made by centrals, from the heat of sun power plants, of burning junk/carbon or controlled exploding of nuclear particles in the nuclear reactors.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • The Only way I see of having perpetual energy is going to come from The colliders or (death machines :p )
    Like CERN for example. The smashing of matter into other types of matter is bringing in some interesting results.
    As far as the physics of this happening? Well..if they smash stuff around alot they might just find they can make or force new particles into existence..which means possibly new elements. When this happens all the mathmatical stuff involved has to be changed to incorporate said elements.

    Thats where it gets interesting :)


  • no free lunch and no free 2012-2050 sry guys we need to rule world.

    Where is GrandA? to suport my theory :)

  • Tezz, search for TR BR3 on the internet :P There is some crap about it, but something is actually interesting, the part of how it works.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • TR BR3..? Isnt it something to do with photosynthesis?

    Plants can take light from the sun and convert it into energy with ease, Yes we have solar panals, but the process is not the same at all.
    If we could figure out exactly how photosynthesis works, and replicate it..then we could make energy, alot of it, and much cheaper.

    Yes its not free energy, but it also wont impact the earth in the same way using fossil fuels does.


  • Heating something by light (air inside the box or its walls or whatever) means that each atom of the object absorbs photons and, as a result, the intrinsic energy of the object increases (and so does its temperature). The photons inside your box are not infinite, so the light will fade quite soon. One can even measure the amount of heat produced to see how many photons were there initially. Like any other engine, this one can only convert one kind of energy to another, but can't produce any.
    That's nothing else than physics. I'm sorry to disappoint you, Vishnu. :(

    Edited once, last by Cresthen ().

  • Lets talk physics on a quantum level for a moment,

    It is a fact that electrons that inhabit the sphere of atoms can disappear and reappear from existence..seemingly at random. When scientists can control that..were laughing.
    There are many applications. They never thought that we could change the building blocks of DNA..and control living cells...but we have and its common practice now.

    Working on things at a quantum level is difficult yes, but these things are now a possibility, we are infact closer than you think to doing some remarkable things.
