Clan Management and Award system

There are 39 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SA_ARROW.

  • I honestly don't feel like I'm experienced enough to really consider a clan. In any case, at least for right now, some forum RP I'm involved in would make it very awkward if I joined a clan. I know you guys will do some great things with the mod because, well, you already have. I just wanted to make sure there was something left for the people outside of clans. The game is great as is, and no matter what I'll keep playing and enjoy it. THis thread is about clans though. If I've got another idea, I'll start a new thread, or find an appropriate one. Keep up the good work, guys.

  • No it is about clan management and award system. That is clan management on one side and award system on the other side. That again maintains the option for non clan members to also get awards as well as for clans to be properly managed to have some more and proper RP and the server at all. Populate it - so there is something for everyone ;)


  • I misunderstood. In that case, I will continue :-D

    I could see customizable ships for clans only making freelancers feel ostracized. I know there may be a monetary issue, paying extra on system rental, but new players won't see it that way.

  • It was just an idea - tho what would a freelancer want with a clan colored ship. Nothing. So why would someone be mad not having something that wouldnt have any benefits for him? Or do you like to have your own colored ship? Dont think so. Anyway that would a feature that would mean to spend another 25 hours a day just so everyone can get his own colored ship. See it from this side. You are freelancer - you can try to achieve the awards for them. As clans are paying the fees for this server (mostly besides of OP himself) its only logical to have some benefits for them extra. If you wanna have them - join a clan. If you dont want to join a clan - be happy with what you get. Simple as that.

    :) Dont think that negative - there is enough to play, explore, trade whatever you want - even without customized ships. And on a further side note - this was requested already several years ago and we didnt gave it a go. So assume the customized ships something that is at the very end of the list.


  • Oh, don't get me wrong, I don't want a clan ship, and I understand the effort that goes into something like that. Customizable ships for everyone would be psychotically hard to implement. There just has to be something that the Freelancers can access that is equivalent.

    Quite unfortunately, I'm still wracking my brain figuring out what that could be...

  • As mentioned by Huor, while the clans new system would bring up more competition between them
    (and if it can attract more people to join clans that will be more support for the server as well),
    the award system discussed is meant for every one.

    As far as I understand anyway ...

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    Silver Arrows Head of Justice and Investigations Department
    Silver Arrows Galaxy Ranger

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    SA_FAABY, SA_FAABY[ASF], SA_bomber_FAABY, SA_Judicator_FAABY

  • besides what we are willing to give to freelancers ... I see no need to put them on an equal lvl to clan members

    the freelancers are not the ones supporting the server with money and actually also have not much influence on the mod development or the server roleplay
    our motivation should be to keep the clans strong and convince players to join clans because that is what keeps everything running



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Op, I understand entirely that it is the clans that are helping to maintain the server, and that they should receive boons for their dedication. They pay for it, they should get it, plain and simple. However, freelancer awards might draw new players, especially ones not accustomed to being in or dealing with clans. Nothing on the scale of customization ships or system acquisition, but simply something to, well, give them a taste.
    Alternatively, there could be a way that freelancers who do support the server with donations (hopefully me soon, just gotta beat down the bill monster a bit) could receive something closer to level with the clans. This would appeal to those who tend towards the currently-popular free-to-play MMORPGs that have a cash-shop, where real money gets you in-game bonuses. Nothing as obscene, mind you, but something, all the same.
    An easy to implement idea to encourage roleplay, however, could be thrown in without changing code at all. Have a monthly server vote for which clan, or even which individual, implemented and furthered roleplay the most the previous month. Most people wouldn't even need a prize for this one. Winning the vote would be enough.

  • browse the Forum Corbin these contest was already here and can be initiated by everyone who wants, you for example.

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • np - hope you was reading it, it was realy cool stuff those days :)

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • I think DW is referring to this post here: Your turn
    Have thought about it - but wasnt sure you meant this. Well we didnt had something in place to measure it. But now we have - just at the beginning. So we have to develop that system. But principal is trading to earn systems. That eventually will make clans fighting for something - not just only their clan system. Because actually most of them are dead systems anyway...
