Clan foundation and recruitment: [Battle Command]

There are 143 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Duck_Dodgers (SA_SCORPION).

  • I didnt contact him as I was eating dinner :) sorry I didnt realise that you had been here awhile
    Next time ill just pm saves cluttering up your board :)

  • Aww... you too... welcome to CF. And if you speak eng. too hard :) I say it straight : привет Вам наш, с кисточкой :) А если серьезно, учите правила клановых систем. Здесь это не любят делать многие, за что потом попадают в нелепые ситуации :) (Hello, long time not see :) Seriously - read the clan system rules. Noobs don`t like to do this, and disappointed after :)

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Maxbur:
    На правах схождения на родной:

    Нафига их учить? Можно просто найти и посмотреть, когда они нужны. Главное знать - где они ЕСТЬ. А не прятать где-то в глубинках форума.
    Если бы я хотел учить законы - я бы просто пошел в юристы.

    А вообще, в русском языке слово "ты" отличвается от слова "вы". "Учите" означает, что ты обратился не персонально к Каелису, а к клану. А в клане далеко не все нубы
    Лучше бы просто дал нужные ссылки челвоеку. Хоть доброе дело сделал бы.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • привет Вам наш, с кисточкой :) А если серьезно, учите правила клановых систем. Здесь это не любят делать многие, за что потом попадают в нелепые ситуации :) (Hello, long time not see :) Seriously - read the clan system rules. Noobs don`t like to do this, and disappointed after :)

    some comments: underlined phrases differ. you say in russian 'most of the community does not like to do it' and translates as 'Noobs don't like'. who are noobs?

    if someone very like rules I would ask to speak more accurately.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 2nd Founder
    [BattleCommand] Head Administrator
    In game signatures:
    [BC]Ender and only [BC]Ender.

  • Maxbur:
    На правах схождения на родной:

    Нафига их учить? Можно просто найти и посмотреть, когда они нужны. Главное знать - где они ЕСТЬ. А не прятать где-то в глубинках форума.
    Если бы я хотел учить законы - я бы просто пошел в юристы.

    А вообще, в русском языке слово "ты" отличвается от слова "вы". "Учите" означает, что ты обратился не персонально к Каелису, а к клану. А в клане далеко не все нубы
    Лучше бы просто дал нужные ссылки челвоеку. Хоть доброе дело сделал бы.

    Ok. You got a PM.

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • well, mates, I see here a little misanderstanding. not only higher in the tread but also in other.

    There is some symbol that was firstly seen in serial Jericho: Godsden flag. I do not talk for the whole Russia I talk about my clan. This may be a symbol of Good Old America will understand us. Oh, we are not revolutionaries. just dont tread on us -)

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 2nd Founder
    [BattleCommand] Head Administrator
    In game signatures:
    [BC]Ender and only [BC]Ender.

  • Both recipients got my answers. I see this matter as off.
    Ender - If you have a questions to me, PM.

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Both recipients got my answers. I see this matter as off.
    Ender - If you have a questions to me, PM.

    agree. no questions.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 2nd Founder
    [BattleCommand] Head Administrator
    In game signatures:
    [BC]Ender and only [BC]Ender.

  • Well, after recent and not-so the incidents, I think it's time to make some traditions on this topic.

    According to reasons below what sometimes make misunderstandings and the conflict zones:
    1. Our clan has non English speaking people (russian - english language barriers)
    2. Presence of context distorsions through the translation (If dual language-speaking used)
    3. Frequent talking\asking to one person but not to clan
    4. Frequent talking\asking AS a person, while being as clan or GR member.
    5. Presence of the discussions in Russian.

    Make next traditions:
    1. In what language the question was asked, in that language the answer will be (russian or english)
    2. If someone writed something in the russuan, then, if he would like, he can translate it in to the english language. But he can not be forced to do that.
    3. If you have the questions to the person, then ask it through PM.
    4. The discussions about our clan in english may be on this topic or in our clan forum (Main Clan Hall is for english speaking).
    5. The discussions about our clan in russian must be only in our clan hall after the registration and accepting the clan's web-sertificate. Also, the Freelancer CH subforum is available for registered users.
    6. Questions about some things on this topic may also be in russian.
    7. If you asking as clan\GR\adm. representative, then please, specify it and keep your behavior properly. No matter of what is happening.

    I think that is all for now. May be it would be also added in the first topic.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

    Edited once, last by [BC]afGun: edit ().

  • Quote

    2. If someone writed something in the russuan, then, if he would like, he can translate it in to the english language. But he can not be forced to do that.

    4. The discussions about our clan in english may be on this topic or in our clan forum (Main Clan Hall is for english speaking).
    5. The discussions about our clan in russian must be only in our clan hall

    The 2. is correct Only while counting the 4th and 5th point, as on this board, somebody can/may be forced to translate it if there's some problem arround.

    Good set of traditions then :)

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Well, I had enough time to think about some things... So I decided not to create a new topic but write right here.

    The first is that I must to do is apologize. Apologize to the community who became an involuntary witness of recent incident and to the man whom I did not understand.
    Unfortunately, I am very emotional. It is my main engine for creativity aswel as my any activity. But it's also my worst course in communications with the others. Well, I just a human - not a machine. And sometimes, i'm losing all the control. And only the logical warning and someone friendly is usually can stop me.
    Becouse i will never hurt my friends.
    Why that was happend - it's very complicated. I can only try to analyze, learn and avoid the same situations in the future... as always. But I'm also hope that not only me wil try to understand and some day the sticking point will be found and all sides will conclude to terms. In my mind a lot of enemies were become to our friends.
    So, I'm sorry about that. I hope I'm not screwed it up so much.

    But enough of lyrics. There is the second thing - many people here are even don't know who we are and what to expect from us.
    There is some document that i want to put here. The detailed information about us. With all the history, bad or not, and with all the explanations of our structure, how it works, how you could communicate with them and so on. The document was created not only by me. And I was rather a translator than author.


    I hope it would help someone.

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!

  • Good luck

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Putting that document into a spoiler was very considered from you, well done (as it was too big for a normal post).

    Now, will we see any alliances and clan agreements coming soon ?

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Quote

    Now, will we see any alliances and clan agreements coming soon ?

    "Coming" - yes. "Soon" - I can't say anything.

    This document is need to be as most well translated as possible becouse of "juristic language". The members, who know the english better than me were already tried to translate, but it's only the try.
    A can't count only myself, so, i still searching for anyone who can help with this...

    [BattleCommand] InterGame Clan 1-st Founder

    In game signatures:
    [BC]afGun, [BC]Ksygon-Geleon (battleship)

    This dream is a universe
    And every soul shines
    Where the darkness turns into light.
    I take you to fly with me
    And follow the way
    There will always be a new day!