Server Commands

There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by wonko.

  • Hello, first of all let me introduce myself! Im Portuguese, so you all will excuse my English! I've got 35 y.o. and i play Freelancer since 2003! But only this year i discovered the online community. And i started (you must forgive me for the plubicity) with Discovery mod, and got tired of the lack of respect and massive rules that, to me, it takes all the joy of the game! We're players not bots, and we should have the ship/equipment/ID/RP we choose. But fortunatly, i found, just out of curiosity, Crossfire! An the game reborn to me! :love: I think i dont need to explain my feelings, right? Now to the post itself.

    I know that the mod developers are tired of all people asking this and that but, could you make an effort to add more server commands that i find (and i think everyone else will) useful in order to make gameplay easier? Why do i ask? For ex. while in a character and we need money that's on other character, we need to execute a panoply of actions in order to transfer the money (ex. need to go to the same system, enter with character, ask someone to receive the money, change character and receive it back, and then we must go into the place where we first need it).

    And for example, change character name! Let's imagine, i've developed a character, with hard work and then im invited to participate in a clan! Bumm, all for nothing!

    Therefor i will put to your criterium the following commands as an example;

    ex. /changemyname

    ex. /setchar password <*****>

    ex. /drawcash <charname> <password> <amount>

    ex. /givecash <charname> <amount>

    ex. /showcash <charname> <password>

    ex. /setmsgslot 1 (this will have the number of slots you'll consider useful, ex 10)

    That is all i can think of, but don't take me wrong, im just asking not telling you how to do it!

    yours truly,

    The Elusive One :thumbsup:

    'I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant' - Robert McCloskey

    Edited once, last by The Elusive One ().

  • Thanks for your message.
    Doing transfers with other strenghten the community feeling - especially in game ;) I dont find it wrong in first place. Other than that i understand that it might be kinda too hard just to change a name or doing such transfers.

    Let you suprise yourself with the next version where we are currently working on. Maybe the one or another feature gets introduced ;)


  • Well nice to see another portuguese in the server besides me :D

    These are the Standard Console Commands:

    /invite [player] -> invites a player to your group
    /i [player] -> invites a player to your group
    /group [message] -> sends a message to the group you are in
    /g [message] -> sends a message to the group you are in
    /system [message] -> sends a message to the system you are in
    /s [message] -> sends a message to the system you are in
    /help [topic] -> Show in-game help about FLShell commands.
    /? [topic] -> Show in-game help about FLShell commands.
    /list -> Show players list along with their slot number, factions and ships
    /list 2 -> Show 2nd page of the list
    /list [pageNo] -> Show the whole list.
    /dots -> Show list of templates for /restart command
    /frags -> Show info about players' kills and deathes.
    /frags 2 -> Shows the 2nd page of kills and deathes.
    /frags [pageNo] -> Show the whole list.
    /restart [template] -> Let you choose your start conditions (you need to be below rank 20)
    /cargo [player_name] -> Show cargo that player holds. Useful for pirates (only freighters and trains can be scanned)
    /set diemsg xxx
    while xxx must be one of the following values:
    - all = all deaths will be displayed
    - system = only display deaths occuring in the system you are currently in
    - self = only display deaths the player is involved in(either as victim or killer)
    - none = don't show any death-messages
    /set chatfont [size] [style]
    [size]: small, default or big
    [style]: default, bold, italic or underline

    Se precisares de ajuda podes falar comigo ;)

  • Howdy Everyone!

    Just dropped by to say hi,

    Miss our arguments OP

    yours truly,

    The Elusive One :thumbsup:

    'I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant' - Robert McCloskey

  • A ghost from the past.

    Welcome back.

    Let me guess, you still "love" cops?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!