I want to know you !

There are 90 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Bond.

  • The biggest douchebag just called...

    Shouldn't you have a license for being such a douchebag btw?

    PS: oh and ... here's the girl which had some nasty clutches from that night, which accidentally of course, left me a scar on the head:

    I suppouse I was too good for her ;o

    100% natural --> Tested.

    Edited 2 times, last by I1ian ().

  • Impressive, Crysis, impressive

    "The objective of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
    "As I walk through the valley of the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil because I am the baddest mother fucker in the valley"

  • 100% no brain --> proven

    id like to comment the sunglasses with:




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • don't see any pic

    I think my firefox is broken... youtube videos don't show up anymore on forums nor can I watch those via other sites (other than youtube)

    and lol crysis, buahhahaha you possibly cannot comprehend what a douchebag is

    I live in holland, surrounded by dutchfags that put 1kg of gel into their hairs every morning

    I LIVE in the country of DOUCHEBAGS

    and interesting development regarding your assessment of your physical appearance... you either got laid for the first time in your life somewhen in the the past few weeks or some girl told you (for the first time) that you are not that bad looking

    of course you are now the king of the world

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • correction spiky : a guy doesn't even need the opinion (so thin it might be) of a girl to believe he's looking great.... We're just meant that awesome way :P

    On the contrary, even hot girls will complain they don't like themselves...

    I'm sure you all know what i'm talking about....

  • they do because they want you to say 'oh no no, you look great!'

    I never do that, then girls usually give me an evil look

    Like a baws.

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • Just a big LAL at all of ya

    First of all , no , I haven't got laid. This girl is just somewhere from the net , so I can mess up with ya
    Second of all, the sunglasses were just for the picture I took when I was in a friend's home and I am not crazy to wear sunglasses at night.. (nor that I wear glasses too much)
    And third ... you gotta understand the bulgarian humour. It seems like ARROW , Gunny and a few more understands it.

    Spiky - No. ( as usual)

  • Yeah, very sad that you don't understand the bulgarian humour.

  • Spiky mate, don't be mean...how can you say that ALL the people wearing glasses inside the house are douchebags?!?!?

    Crysis, I know that you're a good sport but please belive me when I say that...the less you act like you have something to prove, the more chances you have to impress and get noticed by the people you will actually need. when you are attracting attention on yourself by acting in the above-mentioned way, the chances of attracting negative criticism are just as high as the ones atrracting useless (and often times worthless) people. + you get to observe people more and use that to your advantage.

    P.S If you want to get the girls (and get a big advantage over others), forget the glasses, the money, the bling or the attitude. Read THIS and THIS. You can get them and alot of other books for free HERE.

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • Well, it's Spiky, don't expect much

    And it looks nice, thank you mate

  • Your humor reflects the humor of an entire nation?

    so is that your humor?

    humor and the ability to comprehend its complexity reflects one's intellectual

    believe me when I tell you that the majority of the world's population does not 'understand' cynisism (which is ultimately, in my opinion, a form of irony; thus falls within the category of 'humor')

    and Crysis, you do not grasp cynisism or you wouldn't always be so butthurt about everything I write

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • By " bulgarian humour " I meant that we use different stuffs to joke with and it seems like you don't understand it.

    And I get hurt by your writings? When did you dreamed that?

  • maybe you two should go get a tent and a pipe :P...figuratively speaking of course, because drugs are illegal :D

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...

  • ah this nice moral speech of "looks is not the important" :D you'll find soon enough that it holds way more importance in ppl's opinion that you may believe.

    but well nature's has always been this way : the most colurful butterfly will be the prime male to mate for a female, the stronger lion is king of the group....

    Although i admit the human moral trying to lower the importance of physical appearence is commandable (putting forward equality between persons), it remains that it will never be preveiling. And even more in this century, like Spiky said...

  • ...while looks are important, they're not as important as you may think. While we perceive simetrical faces and bodies to be beautiful, there's more to it than that...there's a lot of pheromone stuff and most of all psychological stuff involved. Here are some examples of people known to be geniuses of manipulation despite their looks:

    Giacomo Cassanova -> famous womanizer, he was chubby, bald and not known for his good looks but for his great understanding (and use) of norms and customs of the European social life in the 18th Century (which is a fancy way of saying that he pretty much had almost all of the people around him in his pocket, especially the women).

    Adolf Hitler -> famous speaker (there are accounts of women having spontaneous orgasms during his speaches), he had neither good looks nor health on his side but he manipulated alot of people (including Neville Chamberline)

    Look at every politician (successful politicians...and definitely not Romanian ones :) ) how they behave and how they pay special attention to their gestures. Behind their behavior there is a group of people that teaches them how to behave and that analyse their behavior and try to optimise it (from things like how do you approach a man to shake his hand in order to look superior to him to things like how to better modulate your voice in order to create an impression on the audience). Politicians that are good looking (ex. Clinton, JFK, Reagan) have more chances to win but that does not guarantee a success, it is only a bonus.

    P.S Arrow - "the fittest" does not always mean the one which is the strongest or that has the qualities that are most desired. The fittest can be one that better understands the way his mates perceive one another and how to best take advantage of that in order to "artificially" maximize his qualities. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/f…alth&spon=&pagewanted=all

    Voila, in view a humble vaudevillian veteran...cast vicariously as both victim and villain, by the vicissitudes of fate...