
There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SA_ARROW.

  • I was thinking if it's possible to create a station like the Admin one but for clans only. Of course in order to do so, it would require a lot of money for creating a strategic outpost and use it for clan wars. And perhaps in that outpost , you can store weapons , upgrades and any sort of equipment. And if you need equipment , you can get it from that outpost in your clan system and if you're running out of supplies, you can refill eventually. Creating an outpost or multiple outposts for RP usage would really require a lot of resources and I guess it will need a little exploit(sorry if you dislike it , but this exploit can be used for a 24/7 RP and Clan Wars). A real clan war without banning anyone(as it used to be in the past). That war can represent the Destructible Universe with those creative outposts in your clan system and eventually cause a real war in which your goal is to destroy these outposts , once this is done, the war is finished and the clan responsible for this is a winner. That's also a risk if you're storing any equipment in that outpost. Except storing any equipment in this outpost , you can also store any information about a race(+ pictures too) or disks or also licenses (such as Police, Smuggler , Pirate , Mercenary , ASF and CSF) and many more. These outposts could also be used for strategic goals(about strikes against npcs , or an intrussion defence and so on...).

    Sorry if you think this is a bad idea or something like that, I just couldn't resist.

    PS: There's a problem if the Destructible Universe is turned on , the outposts will be vaneruble to any attack from players(even if the clan isn't in a war) and the clan can lose them very easily and all of of the hard way of getting them , would be throwed to the wind. That's why I need your help here if you think that this can be avoided.

  • I think if will be possible in any way destroy such station, then it will not be usable (gathering now resources is much slower as when started CF 1.8 ). And this "victory" can achieved only one player who can play in not common time and therefore he will not have any opponents who will defend such bases(/generators ..see below).

    Idea: "victory" condition can be done via destructible shield generators for such base (as is shielded Nomad city in Dyson Sphere) but base itself will be indestructible. (It will be really great if such bases can be used for store money and change equip between one player chars ... dream :) )

    How avoid "alone attacker" condition: ... If will be possible start event(clan war) type: destroy enemy depot in selected server time.

    p.s.: @Crysis: very nice idea! :)

  • The most easiest way would be to make small movable Stations (like Ainu) buyable at a Station in the Clan System like a ship and to alow the User Account to be shared within the clan - This way it would be all in as requested and their would be no additional work to do than placing the stations to the clan system. Unfortunal you would have to change it everytime a Clan would decide to vanish and you would have to prevent the Gate docking and buying these Stations by FLs and and and.

    Atm. you can do this with a Battleship for example, just challenge an other Clan, place a BS to each Clans System and start fighting each other. :)

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Yeah we got battleships... we can have the same kind of fun with a simple player BS blockade at the entry gate...

    We don't need a destructable structure to launch an invasion... simply being better than your opponent will make that in the end they lose more of their money due to repairs/ammo... If you attack without insufficient forces, you are the one who looses money/time....

    EDIT : a certain Gunny recently said soemthing like : The game is not even played as it should now (too peaceful between opposite RPs, everyone helps each other to get gun shipments, trading is no more monitored by Cops...) Everyone is trying to get money to make PvP practice/evetns in Arena instead of actually PvPing in RP for their clans superiority/defence !!! Not a single time since the release of 1.82 have I been challenged to PvP in an RP situation.... The last one was a freelancer hiring a PX to kill me michael and forlon i think it was in june or something....

    I say we drop a bit the practice guys and we start playing cause in a way, Gunny was not wrong about the fact that we dont play enough...

    You can continue practicing amongst your own clans/allies while doing RP training sessions, they are not forbidden. But when you're a cop and you tell your pirate friend to come to arena for duels, sorry i just don't get it.... Shot yourselves wherever you are !


  • Yeah, since the " legal " trading began to suck , everybody is wasting his money in PvP so he can do something in the game(as I am one of them). I did and do some patrols from times to times and I don't trade anymore as it's pointless for us the legal traders. It would of been great if 5000 of cargo be sold for like 10-15 millions in 30-40 minutes of trade route or so...

    Anyway, this place isn't for spamming .. so, let's not spam here