What the Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There are 19 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • I have wasted the last two days trying to get this mod to work, it sounds like a good one and all however after hours of downloading and stalling and downloading and stalling 1.3 gigs of worthless data for a day, I finially got the wonderful data, yay, well you would think. After trying to install the mod just like all the other mods out there, many times over, with fresh installs of all the programs, and downloading from different sites just incase the download was bad, which none of them were cause I can install any other mod just fine. Still no progress, so I decide its time to ask for some help and go on the offical crossfire forums. Not really to my surprise I find the entire forums is filled with problems of this or that nature with the mod. With no real answers of fixes to any of the problems other then the people saying "nevermind I fixed it", I go to the offical guide, looking at all the faq nothing pertains to my problems so its completely useless much like the 1.3 gigs ive been downloading the last two fucking days. I follow the guide word for word, as a matter of fucking fact I even take the time to write it all down so that I dont miss anything. And what is the results????? It still will not work, no dll present, after moving dlls from the mod to the fl directory still nothing, nothing I have tried has worked at all, the best I got is downloading the patches and clicking on either single player or multiplayer does nothing at all. I followed, searched, reinstalled, redownloaded, re every fucking thing said in the forums and more, so back to the title WHAT THE HELL????????

  • Are you sure you've removed the Freelancer Folder in the My Documents Directory?... because if you used another mod and if you didn't delete it after reinstalling that mod, this folder remains with the stuffs from the other mod and it makes conflicts with CF. So you need to remove it manually after every reinstall. Plus, did you waited the ( Not Responding ) message correctly while activating the mod?.. by correctly I mean , without doing anything.. .listening to music, browsing in the internet etc?

  • I am amused to see how people spend soo many times on installing this mod as i really never had any problems so far. But it seems to be obvious a vary of people run into problems.

    Nevertheless - i read your post and even could not figure out where you problem is. The conclusion just stated that its not working - but what especially is not working? Does the mod crash if you start, do you see the launcher that download the daily updates? Does the mod activate without problems? If not what are the logging outputs from FLMM?

    Considered Crysis hints? Whats your Operating System? What do you mean with dll missing? What dlls? Moving files manually from the mod folder to the FL directory results in other problems. So you should avoid doing it manually. The install script works perfectly.

    Just a few questions m8 - of course to limit possible problems and answer you and probably the correct solution will be presented.
    So please dont mind to take your time to answer those questions.



  • I see you say soemthing about patches, there's no patch needed for CF 1.81, and tehre are some possible issues with teh antivirus, also some with windows vista or 7, as you have to run it as admin... there must be some hint somewhere which makes you problems.

    Huor, yeah, just installing it normally worked, the only bug I got(not after the install, later) was the IDS missing lol. Windows XP and Avast rocks !! wtf compatible with everything.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • IF you would have followed the instruction word by word THEN THE MOD WOULD RUN.

    Do you actually expect help here after showing such an terrible attitude in your very first post?
    Right now I am not sure if I should consider to ask you which problem you have and direct you to the guides again where the solution can be found OR if I should throw you out of the Portal because I doubt that my mod, my server and my community need players which can't control themself.
    Fortunatly its late and I am tired so I will sleep a night over this and see if your behaviour is better tomorrow.

    Its your choice... .... oh and I would suggest that you start to read the rules



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • you said you put the .dlls in the freelancer folder?

    shouldn't they go in the system folder under C:\windows with the rest of the system .dlls?

    not positive...but if that's where you're getting errors: "unable to find required .dll" then i'd try that first.

  • Yeah, I kinda had a little rant there, after two and a half days of
    screwing around with the mod starting with getting the download I just
    had enough. I realized that if I am having this much problems with it
    and judging from the forums here I am still not the only one, then it
    would be best to go with a more workable mod, thanks and good luck.

    I was going to try to be nice about it all but some dev had to be a smart ass.

    Edited once, last by fixxxer ().

  • IF you would have followed the instruction word by word THEN THE MOD WOULD RUN.

    Do you actually expect help here after showing such an terrible attitude in your very first post?
    Right now I am not sure if I should consider to ask you which problem you have and direct you to the guides again where the solution can be found OR if I should throw you out of the Portal because I doubt that my mod, my server and my community need players which can't control themself.
    Fortunatly its late and I am tired so I will sleep a night over this and see if your behaviour is better tomorrow.

    Its your choice... .... oh and I would suggest that you start to read the rules

    I did follow your guide WORD FOR WORD, and I did even write it all down as well, so dont start out by calling me a liar, thanks. Also you can keep your mod, community, and your server all to yourself because the more I look the more I realize this is not the mod or anything close to what I would want for a playerbase, since it cannot even be installed without almost formating your harddrive. Your attitude sucks just like your mod, I have seen your high and mighty attitude with many other mods and servers so this is not something new to me and I have a good way of dealing with dev members like you and thats to tell you to go screw yourself and your work, sorry bud but you did not win here, I did because I found the truth before I wasted anymore of my time. Good day and ban my ass cause it will make you feel better and keep your high and might attitude infront of your brown nosers, even though I will never be back on these forums...Crossfire....DELETED................

  • WOW!!!...

    Someone should first point him in the direction of the Punani forum, that's a lot of stress to get rid of.

    I experience the same level of frustration with the on-going AV issue, and when I first entered the Inner Core systems, but you just have to deal with it.

    I just hope that more ppl aren't having the same issues...at least he let us know. :huh:

  • Whatever, coming and telling nothing works, you read all the instructions and nothing works won't fix anything.

    Maybe youy just don't deserve the mod, or you simply don't even know how to install it as exception of your AV. It's your fail, not anyone's else.

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Quote

    I have seen your high and mighty attitude with many other mods and servers so this is not something new to me and I have a good way of dealing with dev members like you and thats to tell you to go screw yourself and your work, sorry bud but you did not win here, I did because I found the truth before I wasted anymore of my time

    My high and mighty attitude (based on my "high and mighty" skills and my "high and mighty" influence on the entire lancer community over the past decade) just tells me that Ive a pretty good way dealing with jerks like you.
    I am really glad that (unlike all the players which downloaded and installed my work without any problems) YOU ran into mysterious problems that you obviously could not even explain to us. Yes, I am really glad about it because otherwise you would poison my community with your "low and pitiful" attitude.
    Oh and i dont think that ive lost something.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • You know... I must say Fixxxer's situation was unfortunate. However, like most here, I don't want waste my time or energy with someone who irrationally comes to this forum, immediately starts condemning/attacking it, lashing out against it and Crossfire's mod author because they cannot get the mod to install correctly due to thier own incompetence. That smacks of both arrogance, ignorance and a lack of patience... Something that has no place here IMHO or wouldn't be tolerated for long. If I was in Fixxxer's shoes, I'd say learning to troubleshoot, research the forums here, learning some paticence and not be afraid to ask others how to overcome a problem when it becomes over your head would have been my first actions, not choices of last resort when you're already exhausted mentally to deal with a frustrating situation as he described.

    In light of this situation, there is something I've noticed or observed over the years with Crossfire that I'm really liking interestingly enough though.

    It's due to either it's software or the community itself, or both, but the mod seems to generally weed out the immature, impatient and childish individuals that show up from time to time.(well, most of the them anyway! :D )

    The complexity of the mod and advanced difficulty of it seems to challenge most "Freelancers" with not only the install process sometimes, but with the mod itself as well, as it really pushes you to learn and develop your skills beyond the realm of the vanillia Freelancer game mechanics and techniques to overcome the steep obstacles of the mod.

    I've also noticed most of the server goers here are well into their 20s, some into thier 30s and even have folks older than that who are regulars here from what I understand. Therefore the Crossfire community seems to be much more laid back, calm and understanding of situations and circumstances as a result.

    Regardless, a little kindness goes a long way towards dealing with people in such situations, but alas, dear Fixxxer chose to give up altogether, therefore making him a quitter... And you know what they say about winners and losers... The only difference between them is that winners never QUIT OR GAVE UP, UNTIL THEY WON.

  • Orion...you should of been a psychologist...very nice post above...even I feel better.

    Fixxxer's post gives us all a fine example of what a 2yr old's behavior is like. :#cry

    Don't you think it's time to move on, this bird has flown.

  • Everything is reported, just to take an action soon (at least giving a day of response just in case xD )

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • [threadclosed]no need for further discussions here[/threadclosed]



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!