Clans, roleplay and mutiplayer stuff

There are 37 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • question's:

    Clan's... What are they?

    What do they do?

    what's their advantages and dissadvantages?

    How do I make one?

    Will it cost me?

    To be honest, I don't know anything about multiplayer at all. But the other day some one offered to form a clan with me. But I had no idea what they were talking about. I knew that they were a group but that's about it.


    I'm so stuck with this... I don't even know what to ask. Could you just tell me the lot?

    Thanks for reading

  • Clan's... What are they?

    An occasion of building a strong and united family of players sharing the same ideals you have (the clan's ideals are mostly the same as its members')

    What do they do?

    They allow members to share knowledge amongst their clans members, money and equipment.

    what's their advantages and dissadvantages?

    The advantage of clans i pretty simple : it allows you to have allies wherever you go and if you pay a rent (20EUR/month) you may have a clan system where YOU set the rules. Its optionnal to rent a system, you can be a "minor" clan without an home.

    EDIT : forgot the disadvantage : When you are part of a clan you need discipline to follow the clan rules and prevent anarchy in your ranks. You cannot change your mind about what you do everyday like if you were freelancer. Once you chosse a clan RP you need to stick to it (or change it definitely without turn back if it didn't pleased you) SMG was merc before (Sirius Mercenary's Group) but changed to pirates later (Sirius Marauder's Gang)... Preferably, you remain what you were at the start, you jsut improve in that direction...

    How do I make one?

    Pretty simple : You need a name, a tag, a RP (Cops, Pirate, Smuggler, Merc) and a nice reputation to recruit freelancers into your clan and forge alliances with other clans.

    Will it cost me?

    Money : only if you rent a clan system (20 euros / month). In time : leading a successful clan requires much commitment and time to organize, manage and train your troops. Be sure yo uare ready to lose some player time to do diplomacy, recruitment and management.

    To be honest, I don't know anything about multiplayer at all. But the other day some one offered to form a clan with me. But I had no idea what they were talking about. I knew that they were a group but that's about it.

    I suggest you first join a clan as a regular member to learn clan life. Since you're pretty blue on MP, you might find it pretty hard to build a successful business and learning MP at once but you can try if you got ambition.... :D

    EDIT : Don't be fooled tho... many new clan leaders fail in their 1st or 2nd attemps whatever the game, whatever the community.... Sometimes a slight mistake breaks it all down, but that's why you need to learn :) I don't want to demoralize you, in fact i encouyrage you to try because the thrill of leadign a clan is greater than the fall when you fail...

    Roleplay. I'm so stuck with this... I don't even know what to ask. Could you just tell me the lot?

    Crossfire has 4 of what we call Roleplays. Its simply a way of acting, who you pretend to be as a character. The 4 roles are pretty simple :
    Cops : enforcing the law, watching pirates, chasing smugglers...
    Pirates : taxing and hijacking other players for gold and rhum !
    Smugglers : make money by trading Black Market Goods (BMGs). its illegal, but pay much (profit up to 8000$ per item if yo ufind the best BMGs route !)
    Mercs : Pilot for hire. Everyone who has money can pay a merc either to assasinate, watch, escort, inform.... Trust is hard to give to them since they follow the higher bidder and care less about alliances...

    When you make a clan you choose one of those 4 RP or (do like the SA) divert a little from one of them to make it very original. For example, official SA RP is exploring and defender human vs aliens, it a "cops" way of thinking but we changed the common pirate target for aliens NPCs. It allowed us to get one of the most original RP out there, we organize expeditions, counsel about alien tech, etc...

    The Silver Arrows are always looking for new talents and our clan offers good career advancement to those who participate and involve much in clan projects :) If you wanna talk more just pm me or visit our forum:

    Edited once, last by SA_ARROW ().

  • Well, Arrow explained most of what was needed for a beggining ^^ gj

    And goodluck Fuffud :) whatever you choose

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I've read all about the SA and I tried Posting a new thread to say I would like to join but It said that I need to login. Firstly Do I use the same login on swat portal forum?

    Then I tried creating a new login user, but it said that it would not let me and I would have to contact the admin... But how can I do that if I can't log in?

    Could you help me out here?

  • All the problems Fuffud had in his way to SA might want to show something, a sign ? :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Daywalker (and Fuffud) : That is right... My invation was to be evaluated and not followed blindly. Do look around, if you wish, you can remain Freelancer and tag along differents clans for a few days then go see something different...

    Fuffud : About registering on the SA forum : its not the same login than SWAT. You need to go to the register page then fill in the form. You should be able to post after that :)

  • But everytime I register, something goes wrong and It says I need to talk with the admin... Maybe your right and It is a sign. I should start a new clan. It'll really Help me along abit. I'm just worryed about being put off or going so far and then have to do something I don't really want to do... Like paying

    And above all that! What should the name be?

    Once I have a name I'll be able to go a bit further.

    Will I have to make a forum and all that?

    What about asking permission? Who do I ask?Who do I ask to become allies with other Clans?

    AHHHH! So many questions! Brain overload. @_______________@

  • The name should be related to your activity or your origins may be. Find what you want to be first, it really is the first step.

    You will need a platform to communicate with your clan because you won't be able to pass information and orders to your clan members if you don't have a way of communicating with them. A forum is probably the best thign because it allwos members to chat together, visitors and future prospects can read the general discussions and you can set rights only to your clan memebrs in the private section to discuss about internal affairs. Some others have a blog, Facebook or myspace may be basic tools as well. You pick the one you prefer (btw learning how to make a forum is really simple.... May be pay a visit on, its a free hosting forum service with hundreds of themes and very user-friendly)

    When you start a clan you also need to start a list of contacts. if you got a good memory of names you can keep it in your head but to be sure you might wanna write it down. Ask clan members who are their leaders and diplomats. Try to talk with many people to know them, establish relationships with others, do adventures together.... Once you find who is a good potential ally, send a pm or email and make a nice request of formal alliance :) Just be sure you have something to give in return, its natural to be reluctant to side with someone who brings you nothing in the end...

    If your brain gets overloaded, remember its normal and it'll be like this for the weeks to come if you want it to work and learn the business :D Tylenols should do the work to keep your headache tolerable (kidding, it sounds worse than it is...)

  • YOUR A KID FUFFUD !!!!! That's why you could not register !! Forum doesn't take members below 15 years old and you're 13 ^^

    I changed it to 13 you should be able to register now !!!

    EDIT : i have no problem with you being 13, please don't take the term kid badly....

    Edited once, last by SA_ARROW ().

  • LoL Arrow :D

    Fuffud, maybe you're interested in making a Fun Faction ? with the only purpose to have fun :D With a RP of .... Mercs ? :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • I think it's fun with any RP, as long as people stick to it. :D

    Mercs just have flexible fun, ehehe

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • Maybe there should be a "Freelancer" clan ? with no RP restrictions ? xD hmm, that's illegal for now :D

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Heh, but what would they do?

    Cops keep order.
    Pirates make disorder by pillage and destruction!
    Mercs do everything else.
    Smugglers move shady goods around.

    Freelancers do... politics? :D

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • YOUR A KID FUFFUD !!!!! That's why you could not register !! Forum doesn't take members below 15 years old and you're 13 ^^ I changed it to 13 you should be able to register now !!! EDIT : i have no problem with you being 13, please don't take the term kid badly....

    Just for your all information: People below the age of 13 are protected by a law called COPPA - CHILDREN'S ONLINE PRIVACY PROTECTION. There is a reason for having restrictions for forum users. Mostly this applies to children in the USA - but there are several other countries who have this law also confirmed. The hoster of the site is responsible to abide these regulations - you shouldnt just simply elude this law by allowing him in. Normally you need the confirmation of his parents. As for SWAT - COPPA - must not be followed - as Germany did not yet confirmed to this law from the US - neverthemind the initial reason for this law is more than justified and i personally would abide to it.


  • Well.. i didn't knew about this legal one... sad. At the beginning there was not even a restriction on my generated forum ( I personnally set the age to 15 once to prevent unmature and annoying kids to register and mess up on my forum (when it was serving as a D&D forum). Now i lowered it to give the chance to youngsters to participate in the SA forum. ALthough your rules says belwo 13 so Fuffud should be good, right ? I reset the mimimum age to 13, i didn't removed it compeltely.

  • Well I was thinking maybe a trading clan... Like "Synth foods" and "universal shipping." Because most of the people I know on the game trade alot, and It's more of an open clan for newbe's just to let them see what it's like in a clan.

    I thought of a name for it already. Either the "AT" Or the "UCT" Both of which mean the same thing so It dosen't really matter. I'd like you guy's to choose which sounds the best.

    But which lisence would be for it? I know the clan will be ASF but that's about ti so far.

    What do you think?

    What should I think about doing next?

  • what AT & UCT represent ? have you only got the tags or is there a name behind this ?

    I could propose to you :

    UE - Universal Exports

    That's James Bond 007's covert job in mostly all his movies ^^

    i'm not too serious about this suggestion but who knows... may be it'll trigger something in your mind ;)

    For the RP, being traders-only might end up being a little dull... I explain : trading is yes, lucrative and unavoidable, but its is not touching all the parts of the game. You guys will need to develop good fighters to escort your cargos and i don't know how freighters and transports will be usefull in ASF business so you won't escape the PvP & fighting part of the game for long... You guys could keep for main activity to trade and build an escort service along side. Doing so opens you to the RP of Mercs (escorting other ppl who pay you for your services) and if you want to be unlawful you can make a concealed smuggling ring. We never got some kind of mafia i think so it would be nice :) You guys wouldn't tax or anythign jsut try to act in full day without being caught :) Its up to you to be wise enough to avoid cops attention on what you transport...