Where are my credits?

There are 64 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • i believe i did

    - reason for the server crashes = players which didnt shut down FL after the last update (this afternoon)

    - reason for the missing equipment = a tool which removed it automatically (dunno yet why)

    - reason for the lost money = an admin which got pissed after finding out that the players which lost money abused a bug to make this money and did not tell me about this issue
    you all knew that those ships were not meant to dock at stations and you all knew that the use of bugs/exploits is a violation of serverrules



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I did not abuse anything at all. I only traded between stutgart and berlin. Just because I worked hard does not mean I cheated. Why is it that it is always assumed you are cheating or abusing the system. Everyone who knows me can vouch for the fact that I only traded in this way.

  • Is there an ETA for the server being back up?

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  • I knew it I was fined by OP. I at least wanna know why the heck did you fined me for, I haven't done anything wrong and I even had to reinstall my f*cking game long ago for the F1 Option in space.

    @ OP thinks that we cheated somehow to get the trains so fast and make money. You think we are noobs ?

  • as much as I love the fact that those who exploited the bug got their money deleted, I don't think its fair (I know 100% that vyss and crysis only traded Berlin -> Stutt, no idea about the others) to punish everyone who seemed to have made a shit load of money

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • The image points at you, and me, and everyone else who sees it. So everyone is the most awesome person today. \o/

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    When you want to curse and swear, don't despair, use some flair. Be creative with your words, and enjoy the whole affair!

  • Ive not owned a train, or any cap ship for that matter. I've just had an Eagle, an APC a Warblade and a Bastard, so i couldnt exploit that, if that the docking with train thing were talking about. perhaps i did mistake in my calculations and i didnt loose the money then, or perhaps some money given to me was dirty cash?

    I made my money with an APC standard dock to dock on the BMG run that i learned by watching PX clan. I've logged 20 hours more than my char shows because i had to delete and remake {LP}Saxon{X} after the reps got messed up. I've been online pretty much 24/7 so to be level 75 on 1 char and 65 on another i wouldnt call a miracle of trading.

  • -.-

    Since Im working 6 days a week I can only play saturday evening and sunday morning..
    The last weekend I managed to get me a train and 80m from which I yet have to payback 60m
    to a kind person lending it to me to get the train.
    Now Im logging in and see that I only have 10m left? Like the whole past weekend for nothing?
    I actually wanted to buy me a fighter and start exploring/betatesting now but guess
    I'll have to trade for another weekend which is my only f*cking free time in my life right now.

    Btw no f*cking clue what bug you are talking about.. I did stuttgart-new berlin like
    all DC.

  • fair?
    we are talking about fair?

    fair would have been to report this problem with the ships long ago instead keep using them
    fair would have been to let me do my work

    no i have no idea how you made that money... ive just selected all chars above lvl 70 checked which ship they use and removed 90% of the money
    is that fair? probably not... in the same way it is not fair that ppl used these ships to gain an advantage over others... if you want to blame somebody then blame them
    If you think that playing a game and making money there is hard work then step forward and do my job... for 6 weeks i do nothing but working for this damn mod and this damn server trying to give you a stable environment to play while the players actually do exactly the opposite... they disturb my work

    fair is an expression you should not even think to use



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!