Starport + ReactorForge

There are 78 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by BG_Slayer.

  • This thread has the one and only purpose to defend SWAT from the attacks which happened at two other FL communities. Starport and ReactorForge.

    Most of you know how much I tried to support other FL communities no matter if it was TLR, Starport or other small server communities. Now this support has been re-paid with attacks against me, my work, this community and even its members.
    False claims, insults, threats, sick jokes, broken rules, lies and assumption based on rumours and false facts... this has happened in the past few days. Target of those attacks was SWAT. Yet it is interesting to see how the admins of those communities have done a good job to remove posts of SWAT members from their forum eventhough these did not in any way violate the forum rules just to create wrong impressions of what did happen. More interesting it is that the attacks against SWAT, the insults, the false claims and all the poor behaviour eventhough it violates the forum rules has been kept on those two forums in order to discredit me, SWAT and its members.

    Not alone that members of those communities were involved, admins and moderators took the chance to bash another FL community which even went so far that members of SWAT have been directly been threatened and insulted by those staff members.

    This thread will be used to show the truth. The truth about how everything started. The truth about background discussions. The truth about the false claims. The truth about achievements and how they were abused. The truth about administrational abuse. The truth about the misery in Freelancer and how it was caused.

    Many screenshots and logs will be used to prove my words and nothing remains hidden. I have been way too long in a Freelancer community which does background discussions and decisions for the Freelancer community without that the members of that community actually know something about it. I am way too long in a Freelancer community which is ruled by intrigues and unfair actions.

    If neccessary I will reveal every that has happened behind the scenes to show how certain people have acted and tried to manipulate the situation.

    Why do i do it here and not at those 2 communities?
    Because for them it is allowed to attack others and break rules but for us it is not allowed to defend ourself there. Many of our threads have been removed while their claims, accusations and even their insults remained public. Every defending action, no matter if it was that we explained why stuff happened or that we proved that our actions had only positive nature and effect, was answered my more accusations, lies and attacks.

    This is a direct attack against SWAT and since they didnt want to stop it we will respond now in the appropiate way.

    I will use the following days that I am on my business meeting to write down what happened and then it is pay day.
    I served the lancer community for more than 9 long years and never in that time I asked something in return. Now I ask... no - I demand to read and to understand.

    I want to use the chance to thank the members of the SWAT community. For staying calm, for not breaking any rules, for staying objective and for the loyality and the trust that we have on this site. I am proud of how SWAT developed.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Do what you will OP, nobody will stop you. Just remember you're fueling the dissensions by posting things that probably were expected to be kept private.

    I'd also like to point out that we have never deleted any post from OP or from anyone at SWAT on The Starport. We did lock threads that went too far, but we have not deleted anything.

    I'd also like to thank Huor for the good discussion we've had through PMs; it was a refreshing take on the relations between our two communities.

  • Will be an intriguing read I'm sure, but this has happened so many times now that it's starting to wear a little thin.

    Every time it results in the same "revelation" type posts, yet you keep returning to them only to fall out, and then end up doing this once more.

    Either there's more to this from your side than meets the eye (or the claimed viewpoint), or its time you stopped going elsewhere and stuck here for good.

  • I posted this thread knowing to receive some responses and I am not surprise about the nature of those responses.

    Obviously we are the ones fueling something here while the people on TSP and RF are allowed to do whatever they want. I wonder why we are not allowed to defend ourself when those communities attacked us (and that was not the first time that we got attacked).
    It looks like for those communities it is ok to do everything that pleases them, even to break rules, to lie and to damage other FL communities. It is ok to hold back important information from the FL community for some people, it is ok to do all those background talks and intrigues, it is ok not to say the truth about what happened and to blame those which could release that info.

    That no posts have been deleted is not true. Not just alone my reply to YellowEagles so called "appology" is missing ... others are missing too.

    And I also have to point out that no matter what talks you had with Huor the situation is not cleared no matter what you people try to claim at TSP. To say that everything was just a joke is no solution for what happened... it is a damn stupid excuse. Up to now nobody from TSP and RF did any tries to solve this mess.



    So what did happen at TSP?
    A few months I proposed that the FL communities should work together with some project... I got ignored. Then I proposed that the Save FL stuff that has been done over there should be and some other projects should be done on all FL communities... again ignorance.
    Then some guy came up with the idea to create a FL movie. When I pointed out that the creation of that movie would take years, that there is no real concept behind it and the fact that the movie is actually based on discovery and not on FL certain people at TSP took the chance to personally attack me for stating plain simple facts. It didnt really matter that many others shared that oppinion. The insults that have been thrown at me as result of just saying "the project is not realistic" of course stayed unpunished at TSP. It looks like it is ok to break rules as long only people from SWAT get attacked.

    As result I left TSP. Posting a final suggestion to re-think the meaning of community.

    When the TSP admins posted the "open letter" to say "we dont have the time and the motivation to run TSP any longer" I offered my help... which got ignored (again).
    To be exact I wrote a single post over there to point out some structural problems and the lack of communication between the communities. That post which clearly was written with the intention to help TSP has been replied with insults by some TSP members (it is not neccessary to name them now). Again this attack against me, SWAT and my work was permitted. That means it was permitted until the point when a member of SWAT tried to defend me.... because then the topic was locked and I got blamed by a TSP admin to have started a flame war. That admin btw. was Friendlyfire.
    That incident showed once more that attacks against SWAT and its members are permitted while defending SWAT and its members is being considered and act of "terrorism".

    Meanwhile SWAT received several attacks from communities which are present at TSP. Also the incident at moddb where somebody claimed that the content of Crossfire is stolen showed that people at TSP spread lies about SWAT and our work. I wonder how much of this shit is being said on the TSP internal boards where only admins have access. I gave back my access rights to these boards when I left TSP a few months ago. And I can assure you that the topics which were discussed up to that point of time were not nice.
    There were even discussions about the destruction of entire Freeelancer Communities -> TLR. Very likely that is what those people fear most. That the Freelancer community... the members finally find out what is going on behind the scenes. Decisions are being done on behalf of the FL community without asking the other sites or the ordinary players. Everything is about control.
    My previous proposals to work together, to do decisions together, to discuss stuff openly, to support the special abilities and features of the different FL sites have been turned down.

    Best example is the mod spotlight.
    Instead of turning it into a Freelancer wide project like i proposed it has to be a TSP project. Other communities are not involved. Others have no say. Eventhough SWAT already has a basic version of that and is working on a full spotlight with all the neccessary features. It looks like it is not imaginable to work together with other communities. Every idea has to be a TSP idea no matter if these guys can realize it or not.
    Teamplay -> no, Fairplay -> no
    Its all about control... just like on the FL community network. The TSP admins decide who is allowed to be part of it and in order to join it you have to join TSP. I simply ignore that fact now that the FLCN is completly ineffective. The FL players dont really use them.

    But ok lets go on.
    A few days ago a new TSP member requested help. Help that he obviously could get here at SWAT. One of the TSP members was fair enough to direct him to SWAT in order to help that guy.
    Soon after that was done certain TSP members and admins took the chance to tell that guy not to visit SWAT. Furthermore weird comments appeared about SWAT and our relation towards other FL communities. I replied there:

    that obviously was reason enough for tons of insults, claims against SWAT, personal attacks against me and SWAT members, threats on the TSP forum and threats via mail.
    No sight of an appology. No even more claims... often from members of a different Server but also from TSP admins.

    Meanwhile at Reactorforge.
    After BP came to me "RF got hacked, I got hacked, Turion is in hospital and we can not fix the site" I went there to offer my help. Soon after that offer has been made I was able to read a thread on the RF admin area which originaly was meant to be locked (but due to failure of administrative skills was still open to everyone) I was able to read a nice post that has been written by RooAvery which is admin on TSP.
    In that post he asked the other RF admins not to listen to my suggestions and that I have caused so much damage for the FL community. There we are again at the topic "background talks and intrigues". When i said on the RF forum that this kind of posts is not ok the flames started. Also there at Reactorforge the Admins pretty much decided that every claim and insult against SWAT and its members is a tolerable matter which became pretty clear when YellowEagle started his insults. It became even more clear that every try to defend SWAT is not permitted which got shown by the massive administrative actions that have been used to move thread, close them, open them, editing posts and deleting them.
    Other members which posted offending pictures at RF were not punished while it was not ok when I said that this is against the rules. Also no admin which violated any rules was punished, obviously because admins stand above the "laws".
    Finally I received threats and was asked to apologize... apologize for being attacked by those people.
    Even my so called "friend" bakedpotato showed once more how important friendship is by insulting me and making claims which are not true.
    His initial claim simply was that I have said "RF is crap". The truth is that while i discussed about how negative critics are the best critics because you can do neccessary changes and create something good out of them I have said "If i would say that the downloads area is crap".
    To my understanding the word "if" is still important in order to understand the real message and the previously said sentences also have their value in order to understand the real meaning.
    Just to rip of a statement... let some words drop and not to say anything about the previous statements is a really nice method to make claims and discredit someone who just wanted to help.
    That much about their reasons and their truth behind their actions.

    But on the other site what should I expect from a community full of so called admins which are allowed to break rules and punish others that have not broken any rules. A community with almost 20 admins while the only real admin is in hospital while all others have no administrative knowledge and in my definition are nothing but simple forum moderators. Even the great BP was never anything else than a moderator. That is what he did at TLR... he published the news. He was no leader, he was no admin and for sure he didnt build up the old TLR. That was bargib, just for the record.
    I also should mention that those RF "admins" such as yelloweagle and finalday were the ones which protected MentalChaos, Azza and Knife for almost 2 years at TLR. Because those guys have defended the hacking crew over there many FL communities paid a high prize. Much trouble could have been avoided if we would have been able to show the truth about azza, knife and mental but that was prohibited by finalday and those others. So can imagine now that Reactorforge got target of those hacking attacks and those which colaborated with the hackers get hit by the attacks I think it hit the right guys this time. Now they see how it is being under attack like all the other sites out there.

    After I left Reactorforge the admin which has abused his powers most and which has used the most insults, Yellow Eagle, went straight to TSP to open 2 threads there to apologize to TSP (for whatever) and to start attacking SWAT there.

    In the past weeks and months I have learned something.

    At these communities everybody is allowed to attack SWAT even if that means to break the rules.
    But SWAT is not allowed to defend.
    We are not allowed to post something about TLR... all others are.
    We are not allowed to say "no" to a project or idea... all others are.
    We always fuel discussions... while all others dont.
    We are the ones with the bad "tone" while others use insults and we not.
    When others post shit about us then it is considered a "joke" when we post the truth about it then we are the bad boys.
    When others post about their achievements then its phantastic news... when we do its called "self praising" even if that info was previously requested.
    When others attack us then its ok... when the members of SWAT defend each other then they are fanboys and trouble makers.
    You guys are not allowed anymore to write OP-R8R and god in the same sentence. That is blasphemy eventhough they have no idea where such statements originally come from and what is really meant. No its obviously not even a joke.
    Oh and not to forget that it is ok that the SWAT staff get blamed for treating other peoples property by legit principles and laws.

    Finished with that?... No I just started with a short overview and will write more in the next few weeks. Details, logs, screenshots... all that is still missing.
    And for sure the FL community will be interested in who did decisions which in the end did lead to some heavy damages for servers and mods. There is much that the people out there dont know yet.

    to be continued (if someone wants to talk about what happened... well you know how to contact me)...



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    And for sure the FL community will be interested in who did decisions which in the end did lead to some heavy damages for servers and mods. There is much that the people out there dont know yet.

    You know, I dont think "the FL Community" is really interested.. your "scandal" posts are getting really old (since you do them every ~4 months and they are always about how SWAT is attacked, while they never solve anything) and you have lost a lot of respect on various other communities by doing so.
    Also, it would help your credibility a lot if you would stop using faked forum accounts to push your point.

    So what I want to say is: Lighten up or you will eventually be very isolated within the overall FL community. This is not a threat btw. as you surely see it as another "attack", just a friendly advice.

  • question: what have you solved?
    you and your stupid non-sence accusations.... now i am faking accounts? more lies to come up with?

    such as this one:
    Quote from: w0dk4 on May 30, 2009, 06:26:58 pm


    There are some very bright lights in this community and if its all that bad, why are there still as many people playing this game as back in ~2006?

    still as many players as in 2006? where have you been the past 3 years? or is this just another try to blend the community with an illusion?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Its pretty easy to spot your faked forum accounts by what they post and how they post.. but other than that I had and have some more strong indications that you used fakes, such as IP adress matches and logical errors in the personalities you made up. No, not gonna elaborate on this, the same way you dont elaborate on certain things.

    Players in 2006.. yes I do know about the actual amount of people playing Freelancer online since I actually run a FLServer statistics page.. so you'd think that I rather have more precise numbers than anybody else, or not?
    But you know what, who cares? What if I do want to blend the community with an illusion, what would be the advantage for me in that specific case?
    That doesnt even make sense. You are so taken by your hatred that you dont even think about what is important and what is not. You divide the people into "communities" whereas the reality shows that most people cannot be tied to any specific community.
    You know, Im not even a "true" TSP member myself. I feel more attached to Hamburg City, for example, rather than to TSP.
    So consider this a "Hamburg City" attack, if you consider it any attack at all. :rolleyes:

  • As far as i know HC was not involved into what happened there at TSP and especially not what happened there at RF. So we consider your post not as an attack - at least not me.

    Fact is - that OP got harsh feedback as he was stating his opinion about several projects. Fact is that there were several others who posted their minds - also not positives. Anyway in the end OP was the evil man.
    I can assure that there were deleted posts on TSP and moved and closed topics at RF at that time. I was following the discussions.

    I have to add that we surely have made no solutions with my PMs to FriendlyFire. My intention was to explain why we acted like we did and to try to calm down the stuff a bit there. My PM to Fir is still unanswered but i wont comment that here as it was private.

    It was not the first time OP was treated in that way on TSP. I don't know how more he got from other communities and for sure i don't really know about the TLR times. And i wont comment this. But for sure I cant understand that he is always treated and accused. And what wonders me more - only a few seems to recognize that he is "attacked". Some may look away - kind of non-moral-courage in the inet.

    I also don't see why we start with the troubles ever ~4 month so far. And if then maybe its a good time to figure out why...

  • right - lol
    empty claims

    2006 the GLS was still online and the player number did drop by almost 30% until the end of 2007.
    Around the same time TLR had a 40% loss of visitors.
    During that time (end of 2007 beginning of 2008) the global list server was still online and this loss of players could easily be observed. This matter was even discussed on the community at that time.
    At the end of 2007 the gls went offline and players stopped playing coz they didnt know how to connect to their servers.
    Since that dozents of servers closed due to the lack of players.
    Modding teams had to merge because of that aswell.
    New Scifi games got released.
    In the past 2 years 5 FL server communities compeletly closed.. many others are inactive meanwhile.
    And when you look at many of the servers today they are almost empty. Even the big servers lost players.
    Who ever that has a sence of logical thinking and is not blind can tell you that there was a massive loss of players in the past years.
    I leave it to the people if they trust your numbers or what they have observed with their own eyes.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • you Go OP

    this fellow thats talking hear i dont know you but if you cant show proof please keep mouth shut ... we need ppl of Ops quality to keep Fl running and hopefully get microsoft to finally get of their buts and finish the one they promised to .Ops ideas of putting communities is a damn good idea it gets ppl involved allows for more ideas to be put in play and i thought hmm that was the idea to keep the community alive ..corect me if im wrong but when communityies join together theres more things to pull from more ideas to play with so please lets let fl servive we got a good community we can have a great community if some would get off collective butts and help things move forward not back then perhaps things in the future would be for the better instead of trying to destroy things cause you cant agree to be cival!!! my mother once said if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything there are some that should realy head that advice

  • Yeah, Im specifically talking about Op here and his vendetta-style rage posts where he declares everybody non-SWAT guilty, yet usually theres a lot more to it.
    I see that the joke on TSP was handled rather unprofessionally, indeed. Yet, to say that this was an attack on the overall Swat community is somewhat over the top. It seems that Op actually wants to provoke drama posts which is my point. Also, its not "you" that starts the trouble, but rather in most cases directly related to Ops behaviour outside of Swat. And that is not an attack, but rahter an observation. Why does OP get attacked by different and many people outside of Swat a lot of times while other modders get along very nicely and even actively share their knowledge?
    Does it have to do with the group/community dynamics (TSP vs TLR vs SWAT vs etc..) and the importance these communities is given?
    What Im saying is, its easy to blame whole communities and to make generalizations, but its hard to accept that there is more to it than only your own view of good and bad.


    Who ever that has a sence of logical thinking and is not blind can tell you that there was a massive loss of players in the past years. I leave it to the people if they trust your numbers or what they have observed with their own eyes

    You know, for a start you still didnt answer me why this is so important to you.
    Anyways, contrary to you, I dont trust in "feelings" but rather rely on hard facts, aka plain numbers of ppl playing Freelancer.
    And these numbers didnt even significantly drop when the GLS went down - this is a fact. Most servers had their server mods already equipped with direct connect utilities so it didnt really have such an impact.
    Also, you only talk about how servers and communities have vanished, disregarding the many start-ups that have build new fl communities out of nowhere.
    This is btw. exactly the kind of re-newing the fl community needs.


    my mother once said if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything there are some that should realy head that advice

    Funny you say that, OP does not agree with you I think ;)
    Or at least he doesnt agree to this statement when he's not on Swat Forums.

  • @ Mr. w0dk4,

    1st thing: please understand that nothing in this post is intended to be disrespectful or negative in any fashion. This is only my personal opinion. It is not a SWAT opinion nor an SMG opinion.

    I have not read anything on TSP. I stopped reading outside of SWAT after what I saw on TLR. I saw OP ganked on TLR several times for offering oppinions when questions were asked.

    I truely believe we have a genuine communications disconnection at play in the CF community at large. This communication problem seems to be at the root of the bad feelings.

    Example: I recall one thread where someone at TLR was asking in an open thread a question about a certain modding technique. Some folks at TLR suggested some hex coding thingy ( I really didnt understand it because I dont know much about modding). OP responded in that thread that the hex solution was not the ideal solution. At that point, OP was ganked by some dude called Chips and another dude called Strail.
    They seemed extremely upset for what I thought was an honest opinion from OP. (Whether or not if OP's opinion on the hex solution was correct or not, is not the point.)
    The point is the anger and insults that someone what "dare" disagree was shocking.
    While insulting OP they demanded to know what was wrong with the hex solution and what OP thought was better.

    Now I don't know if you, Mr. w0kd4, would give them any explaination if you were treated the same way, but.....

    OP responded to tell them in his opinion the hex solution would lead to many mod errors and problems later on in the modding process. OP suggested a different approach for the solution( I dont remember exactly the method because again I dont know much about modding). But I do remember Chips and Strail didnt dispute the method so it may have had some merit.
    Again, it doesnt matter if OP was correct or not about the best solution to be used. It matters that he got ganked for posting an opposing thought.
    Once Chips and Strail read OP's solution the gank turned to OP didnt express himself in the correct manner. ROFL
    OP responded that he didnt want to just give a complete solution without giving the asking-party the time to figure it out for him/herself. OP seemed to feel hints were better. An attitude something akin to "dont give a man a fish, give him a fishingpole" Confusius, as Im sure you all ready know.

    Even after all of that Chips and Strail refused the logic and accused OP of trying to be superior, etc.....

    Needless to say I was shocked and dumbfounded.

    This episode shows a glaring lack of communication and lack of any attempt to understand what someone else is attempting to communicate.

    One of the main problems from my view is that people expect OP to be perfect. OP, speak perfectly as I understand it so I dont have to use any of my own intellect to discern meaning and intention. OP always speak sweetly so as not to hurt my feelings. OP please please tell me each time that I am worthy. etc, etc....

    Well guess what? Noone else is held to those insane standards.

    @Everyone who reads this post

    To be perfectly clear, I am not kissing OP's ass. I only responded to what I see as an injustice.

    -edit- I corrected the above post. I remembered today the 2nd person is called Strail.

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

    SMG Forums

  • I wonder which rage posts... as i recall it everybody from SWAT used a normal way to express themself... no insults... no personal attacks... nothing going into the direction of "rage posts"
    not on the recent threads and not on other threads

    I also fail to see where such incidents happen every 4 months or where I have said anything that can be considered a direct attack against TSP, RF, its members or anybody else. The only thing you can blame me is for directly pointing out problems in the FL community. That those problems exist is a fact, at least nobody was able to prove the opposite. Well nobody even tried as the people over there were way too busy playing their intrigues and starting to insult me or other SWAT members.
    Question remains who the ones are which run a vendetta...



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Again, it doesnt matter if OP was correct or not about the best solution to be used. It matters that he got ganked for posting an opposing thought.

    Without knowing which thread you are talking about, Im sure he didnt got ganked because he posted an opposing thought. I do think he got ganked because of the way _how_ he presented the opposing thought.


    This episode shows a glaring lack of communication and lack of any attempt to understand what someone else is attempting to communicate.

    You should really tell this Op, since its not only an episode, but an ongoing thing in Ops mind that he thinks everybody wants to destroy the holy Swat Portal. Seriously, dont you think he should lighten up a bit?
    I mean, I dont see any other Swat member than Op write pages of accusations against who attacked the Swat Portal this and that time.
    Also, if you criticize Op in the slightest on non-Swat forums, its always considered as an attack on the Swat Portal rather than an attack on him personally. That always leads to a drama as in "this is how Swat members are treated in this forum".

    Anyways, I see that there is a different perspective if you watch all this from within the Swat community and dont really understand the connections and the events in the past. I had my conflict with OP already about the Working Cloak Mod, so Im also a little prestressed about all this.

  • Quote

    Question remains who the ones are which run a vendetta...

    Did you happen to think about that TSP and/or Reactorforge simply dont want your help?
    If a co-operation doesnt work out because of personal problems, why is it so hard to just accept that rather than to make a drama out of it?

  • ok
    So i go to RF to offer my help after i was invited there by BP
    first reaction i get from a TSP admin there is that he opened a thread to discredit me (unprovoked)
    hmmm .... what to think?

    i went to TSP to see a thread where TSP members suddenly tell a player not to visit SWAT
    hmmm... what to think?

    previously at the TSP "open letter" thread where I offered my help and pointed out some problems in the FL community... all of a sudden I receive personal attacks (unprovoked)
    hmmm.... what to think?

    at moddb... somebody starts to attack my work and makes claims... then he tells me that those claims originally come from TSP
    hmmm.... what to think?

    another guy which is present at TSP makes similar claims against my work
    hmmm... what to think?

    you dont see other SWAT members which post accusations against TSP... well then you didnt read the "hi all" threat coz there were enough SWAT members which considered such treatment by your community as an attack against SWAT

    And you have the nerves to come where to make such claims that such stuff happened in the past? What do you know about the past?
    The only times I started to make claims against others where:

    1. when another server stole my work (and I had every right to make claims of this kind)
    2. when TLR did fall into the hands of jerks (and after the hacking I had every right to make this claims)
    3. when you claimed your cloak would be 100% secure (which was not the case and you had the nerves to come here to demand that I hand over my work to you -> there you can see how you did act towards others)
    4. I made claims against Discovery members (which in the end has lead to good changes in the server policies)
    5. the ongoing TSP crap

    In every case i made claims I was right... that is the only thing that matters.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by w0dk4

    Did you happen to think about that TSP and/or Reactorforge simply dont want your help?
    If a co-operation doesnt work out because of personal problems, why is it so hard to just accept that rather than to make a drama out of it?

    Did you think about to contact me and simply tell me about that instead of allowing that your members start to attack me or my members (and yes also my members have been attacked and therefore SWAT).
    If you would have done your job as admin all this mess wouldnt have started. And in case of Reactorforge I doubt that you can speak for them... especially since it was BP who came to me and invited me to that place. It also was BP who came to me "RF got hacked and i got hacked too - can you help me?"

    Not that in any way I expected from you to accept my offer for help or my suggestions. That is why it is called "offer" and "suggestion".

    "thx for the offer but we already have what we need"
    "thx for that suggestion - we will think about but cant promise anything"
    "thx but there are other plans"
    ... half a million possibilies to say it without using the insults and personal attacks I received at your site.

    At least THAT is how WE treat people which make suggestions and offers.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • The point of view. Ha
    It is not about the point of view but about what you consider moraly right. That is why I am here now and not at Starport. From my point of view nobody from SWAT used unfair methods and defence is justified. You can prove me wrong but this has not happened yet.

  • Very negative and depressive reading .... this is sure to boost FL population numbers ... Well Done All!!!! ( I can see why Microsoft have never given FL a 2nd look)

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

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  • *edit*

    I prefer knowing the truth... No matter how depressive it may be.

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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