a good day

There are 16 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by {LP}Canoso{X}.

  • alot have noticed i havent been around for the past month or so.i have been in court battles and today 8-4-2008 ay 3pm i got the verdict handed down and got FULL custody of my little girl.

    was a great day those of u that know the story know how greAt of a day it was.

    i am very happy wanted to share my happeness with all of u.

    hope to be back ingame soon all.

  • Thats great news man really happy for you..... and WB look forward to some fun times ahead:)

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

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  • Even if i don't know anything of this story at all ir sure sounds great.
    I wish you calmer days to come and lots of great moments with your daughter.

  • Congratz Mate, good to know :]

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    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • congratulations m8 :)

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
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    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • congratulation

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

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    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • Congratulations, and all good to you!

    CF chars - Maxbur and derivatives
    Roleplay on server: Merc/Smuggler
    You can hire me for all sort of job: dirty and not so - but I`ll make it clean. It will cost you :)

    "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

  • Well done, Sleepy! It's always good to have independent corroboration of what we already knew was good character on your part :D

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    Character names: Centaurian_Alpha & CA derivatives
    Founder: Independent Operators' Consortium (established 2006)

  • Congrats mate. We are also happy for you ;).

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    SMG Forums

  • very good news



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Congratulations Buddy! I know how much this means to you.. and Im glad your daughter will have the stable and loving environment she deserves.. :]

    SMG_Mizibelle, SMG_Spellcaster, SMG_Hellcat

    “Being a mercenary... Hey, we just go wherever there's a mixture of money and trouble, and everyone in the galaxy is a potential customer."

  • Congratulations M8 :) Now you all can relax and have a well deserved good night sleep. As Mizi said "Im glad your daughter will have the stable and loving environment she deserves..".

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

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