My Resignation as SP

There are 52 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by privateer.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Centaurian

    goodone: every server clan is allotted one (1) Server Police representative. This means pirates, police, mercs, traders, all of whom share the responsibility for eliminating cheats, bullying, poor sportsmanship, and verbal abuse by players on the server. All of whom have VOLUNTEERED to serve the community, to make CF a fun place for ALL players. For you to insinuate that just because a player has taken this responsibility, that they DESERVE to be abused, indicates that you are probably one of those heaping abuse on him.

    Server Police are essential, and they sacrifice a great measure of gameplay just to make CF playable. If players cannot allow SP's to have some game fun, then they do not deserve to be on this server, IMO, and that would include YOU. Server Police are approved by OP himself, and any conflict you have with the SP's is disrespect not only for them, but for OP himself. You are walking on very thin ice, indeed, making these kinds of comments, and I recommend you reconsider your attitude, before it gets you banned... [3]

    1. i never said - DESERVE. plz do not put stuff in my lock. i said CONSEQUENCES. in addition, i guess everybody else can agree on that, as i explained what it means.
    2. i never had any disputes with gunny. moreover, he can confirm this. therefore, there is not a single reason to defend him from me, because i am not attacking him in the 1st place.
    3. i don't know what ur reasons r for saying u would like seeing me out of here, but i can only guess this is SMG tags related, as u seem obsessed with them; even when it comes to me - being just a newbie and not familiar with all the politics around here. i can only imagine there are many ppl who could have stayed on cf server, but left, because of this kind of treatment.
    4. i do not need lectures. i know what SPs r and what is their role. i am not a noob. thank u for respecting a not-noob-newbie.

    u may be out of line here much more than me.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • Goodone - you statement even though it was misunderstood - certainly stands out in this thread and can easily be misinterpreted.

    SPs should be very easily be able to wear diff hats without any consequences - most of us that play any online game would know their is a difference.

    The SPs themselves have said more than a million times that their roles are indeed seperate - but have a difficult time doing so due to the childish and stupid actions of the rest of us.

    Their roles are completely different, they have said so, they make it so, there should be no consequences.

    If there are - it is from people in this community that cant tell the difference between roleplay and protection of the server rules - which are completely different.

    Anyway Goodone - forgive us - as you see we can be quite protective of the people that protect us :-)

  • I think the difference with most games, is that on other games, the people that do the "Policing" aren't players. Or, in the situations where they *are* players, they are often banned from revealing who they are.

    On Anarchy Online for example, they have ARK's. The ARK's are players, but they are not allowed to tell people (when in their "game" characters) they they are an ARK. Those that do are removed from their position. In FL, that's not so easy, because you can tell when someone switches character. And we all know already who they are anyway.

    So it's down to the players to treat the SP fairly, as the SP treat them fairly.

    May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won't.
    - General George Patton Jr

    "No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country.
    He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."
    - Attributed to General George Patton Jr

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Azadur
    Goodone - you statement even though it was misunderstood - certainly stands out in this thread and can easily be misinterpreted.
    The SPs themselves have said more than a million times that their roles are indeed seperate - but have a difficult time doing so due to the childish and stupid actions of the rest of us.

    i agree.

    anyway, i have to add: as much as my post can be easily misinterpreted, so can player with both SP and clan roles, from time to time.

    we cannot make a utopian world for humans and expect they will act accordingly. maybe there will b some ppl saying we still lack the appropriate programming language, but i think matrix fest already dealt with that one too. :) ppl r ppl, and SP player could face themselves with bunch of bounties on their clan char (not that i have ever placed one). SP should deal with it, or consider it a special add to their position.

    don't make ppl for the system, make a system for the ppl.

    one must have a great deal of patience to b a good SP and a clan player, growing as time passes by. not everyone can accomplish that, and i think gunny, for the sake of his own nerves, should give it a rest, for some time at least, or he will just get angry and leave this place. that would b a bad thing to happen, imo.

    therefore, i hope to see gunny doing some good rps, just as i stated on my openning post. :)

    goodone's out.

    We sit together,
    The mountain and I,
    Until only the mountain remains.

    - Li Po

  • @Dopple
    you are right.

    you´ve got a pm about responsibilities for example ^^. One more chance to stop it and try to listen what ppl say about the topic!

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  • Quote

    On Anarchy Online for example, they have ARK's. The ARK's are players, but they are not allowed to tell people (when in their "game" characters) they they are an ARK. Those that do are removed from their position. In FL, that's not so easy, because you can tell when someone switches character. And we all know already who they are anyway.


    ppl - stop discussing about stuff that you cant change... including how the perfect world should b
    a perfect world is simply a world without oppinions and morale - a state we will never reach



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    ppl - stop discussing about stuff that you cant change... including how the perfect world should b
    a perfect world is simply a world without oppinions and morale - a state we will never reach

    Who knows ? :P:D


  • Gunny m8 i know how you allways put up with all the problems on cf hell you even helped me getting my real life back on the rails by talking to me same counts for other people on here i'm talking of the people of IOC, UAC and SMG. Gunny allways did what he tought was the best for the server that's how I allways felt before i left CF I left for personal reasons but i still visit from time to time cause i have my friends here.

    Gunny, m8 i wish you goodluck with everything you do Cyb3r out

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    Mess With The Best ........................................ Die Like The Rest ........................................

    Chief Information Officer of IOC

    "We've come a long way since then - We have grown, we have prospered, we have flourished. But we will never forget." - Independent Operators' Consortium

  • Quote

    You were responsible for my clan having next to no members when we were possibly going to be a server clan by November.

    For clarification: Your two members left you because you were not online to lead them and you had no RP position at all.

    We did not recruit your members, they came to us.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • Very sad to see this shit happen again to those that continue to insult and abuse Gunny keep this in mind.....there is many people out there that do like and do respect Gunny and i for one will now reinstall FL and personally kick anyones ass that feels the need to abuse this very respected member of the community so watch out.

    Civility is not a sign of weakness , Sincerity is always subject to proof

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    In Game Chars

  • Words of wisdom from OP about the main problems happening in CF. I agreed with him a 100%. I asked OPs opinions and help a few times and he had been there for my clan and me. Thanks again OP.

    Also, I agree with Dopples statement about us SPs. Gunny had always been my mentor, he taught me what I know, and I consider him also the senior SP.

    I deeply regret Gunny resigning as SP. For the last months, Gunny and Huor had been the most actives SPs on the server, and Gunny the essential one.

    I hope he reconsider his decision, we need him as SP.

    But, I also have to say that Gunny sometimes take some issues very personal. Right now the problem with cops is that they are mostly outnumber in battles, at least for the ones I participated recently.
    We pirates had that problem for a long time, every time a pirate came online he was pursue by cops and military, my clan was always outnumber on battles and we were drive out. We never had a big problem with the bounties, but we also had a lot of them. And I have to admit that I my clan had never suffer for my actions as SP, but I had to ban members of my clan and supported decisions from others SP's about the ban of some of my members. You guys can see that my clan is dying, and the main problem had been the persecutions of other clans against my clan.
    For example in the last two Top Gun Events I participated and I have been killed very fast. I remembered in the one after the last one a freelancer told me that in the first round I had 3 on top of me and in the second one four. And in the last Top Gun event, I died second in the first round and first in the second round.
    I never take that seriously, I just keep coming back to play and have fun, no matter that I get kill constantly.