Getting Excited About Mods

Today we have a new poll that asks which game engines you're most excited about on the modding scene. Fan Projects have been reaching back further than ever lately and doing some



things with classic Wing Commander game engines. There's a lot of ways you can group these, so we went with the general way that projects have been getting managed lately. Yes, technically Privateer is a spinoff of the original WC1/2 engine, and technically Armada is a prototype of the RealSpace engine popularized by Wing Commanders 3 and 4, but we usually see projects sorted out by the options as we have them depicted here. And while I would absolutely love to see SWC or Arena on this list, due to platform limitations, there's very little action going on with these at this time. Hopefully talented Wingnuts can change this in the future though!

wc_toolbox5t.gifwc1_rehsinmod15t.jpghcl_academy_import5t.jpghcl_academy_import11t.jpgwc_toolbox8t.jpgarmadamultiplayer01t.giflars_p2render_1t.jpgwcso_shipupgrade238t.jpgOur annual birthday poll showed similar, yet still impressive, results to previous years. A surprising 1 in 6 visitors appear to be relatively new transplants while nearly half date back to the late '90s. Pretty nice spread!