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    has done quite a bit of work with his WC

    tabletop game

    . One focus has been the creation of quite a few new ship cards. Each one has a snappy header graphic, and he's created numerous variants to add additional flavor. A neat focus will be the interoperability of ships from different eras without the artificial constraints that each game's specific stat ranges bring. He's working on normalizing the specs now so there's a reasonable comparison of each craft regardless of when we see them in the games. You can see this detail and help provide feedback at the CIC Forums




    One of the things I want to do with this game is to have a 'complete universe', by that I mean while it can have expansions that introduce new figthers and new group, it won't get new rules to segment it. Wing Commander 1 figthers should be able to operate in the same system as Wing Commander Prophecy ships. I can
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    When it rains, it pours! We've got a second exciting tabletop style fan project to share today. Throughout 2019, we reported on various aspects of Adm_Maverick's tabletop WC game. It was coming along quite well until the coronavirus interrupted his plans. He's now in the process of tweaking the ruleset to work better in a virtual online environment. There's some neat preview images - and a video! - below to give you a taste. Stay tuned for more news when he's ready for some test runs. In the mean time, you can learn more about the project here.


    When the pandemic started, I was just moving into serious playtesting of the Star Fighter tabletop game. And that curb-stomped my playtesting efforts. So with all of that, I put work on the game on the shelf for the time being. So with a little looking, I'm gonna use Tabletop Simulator to facilitate playtesting and development. Once I do some review and
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    There's been a lot of discussion on the various Wing Commander forums and Discord chat rooms about tabletop games recently, so today we'd like to share the first glimpse at some of the exciting progress that's been made in this area over the last month. DefianceIndustries is working on a digital recreation of the popular Tactical Operations fan game. It was a big hit about ten years ago, so a new iteration would be very welcome. The early work on this looks like a ton of fun, and we're eager to see how things come together! Check out some gorgeous sample shots below:


    I figured I'd catch folks up on all the WC stuff I've been doing. Aside from working on the WC4 remake which is still plugging along, I recently started doing a version of the fan hex-game Wing Commander TacOps using table top simulator.

    I'm making custom figurines and tiles, as well as fighter punch cards to help keep your stats

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    Last month we posted about Rear Admiral Tarsus' new tablet and the impressionistic Wing Commander sketches he was teaching himself to create. Fast forward to today and he's been busy! He's continued to pump out stylized WC-inspired drawings to accompany the fan fiction associated with his role in Iceblade's WC RPG. There are even simple briefings and intermission videos using these elements. I've often said that fan project content doesn't need to be advanced if the creators are clever about what they're doing. This seems like a fun way to spice up an otherwise old school text RPG. You can read up on the role playing game at the CIC Forums.

    I bought a graphics tablet a month ago, been drawing many #wingcommander drawing. I've been progressing well I think. This is after drawing for like 2 weeks. ;)


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    PSA: there are only seven days left in Mike Winterbauer's Wing Commander Art Portfolio crowd funding campaign. Mr. Winterbauer is the artist behind the iconic Wing Commander SNES cover painting and he's collected his sketches and images of his work in use in a special printed portfolio. It would make a great gift for any Wing Commander fan in your life! You can learn more and pledge here.


    This Kickstarter is all about celebrating Wing Commander and it's cool fans! In 1992, I said, "I can't believe I get to paint Wing Commander"

    I have put together this campaign to get Wing Commander fans a super cool collectible signed art book and awesome signed print rewards. This is a wonderful opportunity to pick up some fantastic Wing Commander collectibles all signed from the artist Mike Winterbauer.

    The Wing Commander Art Portfolio is a beautiful 30 page hardback book, 11 x 9 inches, featuring the process of

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    Symphonic Remakes has masterfully remixed the music of Wing Commanders 1, 2 and 3, and their next project is to take on Privateer! Their first track is an energetic yet mysterious take on the game's introduction. It's a beautiful rendition, but it almost sounds weird to listen to without hearing the pirate say, "Who are you that flies so good? Are you insane!?" I would describe the Oxford background music as cutesy and pastoral while the New Constaninople tune is serious and profound. It's all good stuff! Listen below:

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    LeHah tipped us off about the news that legendary visual futurist Syd Mead will be receiving a highly prestigious William Cameron Menzies Art Director's Guild at the organization's upcoming annual event. Mr. Mead is mostly known for his work on the original Star Trek movie, Blade Runner, Tron and Aliens, but he's actually had his hand in a wide range of products. These include Wing Commander Prophecy where he was responsible for a couple of the new ship designs as well as the Nephilim themselves!

    mead1-1t.jpgmead1-2t.jpgmead2-1t.jpgmead2-2t.jpgmead3-1t.jpgmead3-2t.jpgalfghtr3t.jpgalfghtr4t.jpgalcpshp2t.jpgMost recently, it's been reported that he's enamored with the new Tesla Cybertruck, saying it's "stylistically breathtaking" and "has completely changed the vocabulary of the personal truck market design."

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    We've just released another patch on Switch, here's the list of changes:


    • Added support for Simplified and Traditional Chinese

    • Show energy allocation of passive devices in ship stats screen

    • Fixed using Drone Disassembler on own drones not decreasing current drone count
    • Fixed a handful of hardcore mode handicaps carrying over from sector 6 to sector 7
    • Fixed splitter glyph additional projectiles having incorrect range/lifetime
    • Fixed nano injectors not working while emergency shield is active
    • Fixed enemy sentinel sometimes still firing discharger while dying/already dead
    • Fixed life support damage sound still playing during game credits when winning a run with damaged life support system
    • Fixed that the scatter gun didn't have additional projectiles on max. charge
    • Fixed a bug where ore from mining drills would fly away out of reach right after being spawned when having tractor
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    We have just released another small patch, which mainly prepares the game for its release on physical cartridges, but also fixes the following two issues:

    • Don't offer additional primary weapon slot at tuning stations when having ancient weapon glyph equipped
    • Fixed deadlock when a progress bar success type message was removed from viewport while equipment selection wheel was opened

    Note that we don't have a definitive date for the physical release yet, but we'll announce it shortly! Have fun playing!

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    We have just released a new patch for Nintendo Switch, bringing you the following changes:

    • Fixed being able to use drones while "no consumables" hardcore mode handicap was active
    • Fixed drone counter not decreasing when player controlled drones are destroyed
    • Fixed UI navigation issues in ship repair service station repair screens
    • Fixed that when winning a hardcore run, the game over screen would show zeroed-out stats

    Have fun playing!

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    With a small delay, we've just released the second patch for Nintendo Switch, which brings a couple of bug fixes involving UI navigation and gameplay issues.


    • Fixed UI navigation issues in the repair, upgrade and crafting screens
    • Fixed that a new run couldn't be started in the hangar, if the player was on the codex tab
    • Fixed frame rate dependant issues with black holes & tweaked their strength
    • Fixed that the health of the player's drones could go above 100%, and that they sometimes weren't spawning again when loading a savegame
    • Fixed several issues where loot containers were inaccessible
    • Fixed that rotating the ship in the color selection screen would also change the color
    • Fixed that in hardcore mode, perks would stay unlocked after death
    • Make sure Okkar Gunships don't flee outside of level area
    • Fixed localization issues of some ship wreck logbooks
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    We've just released the first patch for Nintendo Switch, bringing some new options settings, performance improvements and bugfixes. Have fun playing!

    New Features

    • Added Korean language support
    • Added special "retro graphics" option that is unlocked after finishing a hardcore mode run
    • Added an option to adjust the HUD marker size, and increased the default size of the HUD markers
    • Improved performance e.g. when flying through asteroids and colonial stations
    • Improved texture quality of explosions and the trading vessel
    • Fixed time speedup bug that occured when having Time Extender activated and either destroying Okkar frigate turrets or Outlaw Snipers or scrapping a Shock Rifle Pro that is floating in space
    • Fixed no manufacturer being set for Plasma Powered Jump and Destabilizer Missile
    • Fixed that the labels for Use Consumable and Confirm were switched in the Gamepad Schemes menu