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    As promised, a second Wing Commander Academy episode is now available! Today's script covers episode nine, "Walking Wounded." The episode starts with a cut scene that was intended to better establish Maniac's character for the episode, a scene taken from Wing Commander IV where he uncomfortably hits on a new Tiger's Claw bridge officer. You'll find everything from confirmation that the long-suspected captured Confederation ship design is intended to be a Sabre to the names of the doctors and nurses aboard the hospital ship! You can download the script in PDF form here.


  • 04


    We have an exciting new addition to the archives today: a script for the third episode of Wing Commander Academy, "The Most Delicate Instrument." Over the years we've preserved shooting scripts (and a number of drafts) for all of the Wing Commander games and the 1999 film... but tracking down Wing Commander Academy teleplays has proven much more difficult. Until today, only two of the thirteen episodes were represented in the archive. These documents are especially fascinating for hardcore Wing Commander fans as they include not only scenes cut for time but also names of characters, places and ships in stage directions which were never spoken in the aired episode. You can download the The Most Delicate Instrument script in PDF form here. Stay tuned, two more episode scripts and several treatments will be added in the coming days.


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    FekLeyrTarg has a beautiful remaster to share with fellow Wingnuts today. He's gone through the Wing Commander Academy game soundtrack and overhauled it with an SC-55 sound font. This is described as giving the game the "Kilrathi Saga treatment" based on the digital audio enhancements that those games received. He's matched up the new tracks with the appropriate in-game clips in a wonderful YouTube vid below. You can also separately download the new album in MP3 (18 meg zip) or WAV (131 meg zip).

    Happy 25th Birthday Wing Commander CIC!

    What if the PC game "Wing Commander Academy" (not to be confused with the animated TV-series) received a Windows port like the "Kilrathi Saga" version of "Wing Commander I" and "Wing Commander II - Vengeance of the Kilrathi" and George Oldziey re-orchestrated the music again? Find out in this video.

    To render each music track with Patch93's Roland SC-55 soundfont in

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    academy6t.jpgThe NBC streaming platform Peacock launches tomorrow, July 15, and with it comes Wing Commander Academy streaming for the first time. All thirteen episodes of our favorite television show will be available sandwiched between Will & Grace and World of Dance. It's normally $5 a month, but if you preorder it tonight it comes to just $30 for the first year, which is quite a markdown. An ad-free version is $80 for the year. Additionally, Comcast Xfinity customers get free access to Peacock via Flex or X1, so it's worth getting the right setup. We have no kind of advertising or affiliate sponsorship with anyone - we're just trying to find fellow Wingnuts the cheapest ways to experience Wing Commander! The series is still available on DVD for $8, but I'm excited to rewatch the show in a new way. Just seeing the thumbnail on a modern interface like that is cool! And there are likely to be slight

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    wca_dvd1t.jpgPC Gamer is now rerunning celebrated articles from a decade ago, so I guess that means we can rereport on them! Up on deck today is Richard Cobbett's big retrospective on the Wing Commander Academy animated series. It was part of his original Crapshoot column and delves into the history of the franchise with a focus on the show. He walks through the pilot and gives a number of examples that illustrate what made the cartoon stand out in the crowd. I don't recall his scorn for certain products like WC Prophecy, but that's beside the point. The one inaccuracy that does need to be pointed out is that the show is available on DVD now. This piece was written in April 2011, and in September 2011 we found out the series was to be released on disc. Amazingly, it's still in print, and Amazon carries it for just $8. I guess they'll keep making it if we keep buying it. If you don't have a copy in your

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    Prolific YouTuber Zaranyzerek has posted an in-depth “Closer Look” video at the Wing Commander Academy series on DVD. He shares with viewers a nice overview of what the show was about, the voice actors and how it fits into the Wing Commander universe. This actually isn’t the first time Zarany’s done a video on WCA. You can find the first in our archives back in 2014. As he’s mentioned before, not enough people know about Academy, so we love to see it get the extra visibility! Here we also get a nice and detailed tear down of the box and its contents from slip cover to disc art. Check the video out below and be sure to grab a copy of the season on DVD for just $8. You can also stream it on Peacock.

  • 13


    Milquetoast Gaming has been steadily progressing through the WC series in a livestreaming adventure dubbed 'Wing Commander-thon'. There's lots of people out there broadcasting playthroughs of WC1, WC3 or even Privateer, but Milquetoast has been hitting them all. This includes games like Academy and Armada. These titles are often overlooked - people today may consider them too simplistic to take up - but they were both quite revolutionary in their own way at the time they were released. They're chronically underappreciated, so we love to see people having fun with them! It's wonderful to see people poke through all the unusual menus and options that each game provides. Academy and Armada are super unique in the franchise, and they hold a special place in our hearts!

    The next stop on our trek down Wing Commandathon we jump into one of the game that lets you manage your own ship, mining planets and
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    DefianceIndustries has yet another hot new capships based on a design from Wing Commander Academy. This one is the Achilles, which is an interesting design that seems to serve several roles in the Confed navy. He's addressed the larger variants by making a nifty modular hull that potentially detaches from the main body. I'm surprised we don't see this concept more often, since it seems so useful. Speaking of Achilles, that underside is sure light on turrets...


    Another WCA ship for your amusement. The Achilles destroyer/transport/fighter carrier (CVE maybe?). It looks like a Durango and a Wake had a naughty, naughty evening; the kind where they both had a bit too much Vak'qu and in the morning the Wake quietly slipped out the back without leaving so much as a piece of dry toast for the poor Durango - and this happened a few months later. Since the carrier is kind of a different bird (but the artists
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    DefianceIndustries has some more gorgeous artwork to share today. In honor of Wing Commander Academy coming to the Peacock streaming service, he's created new versions of the WCA television ships. They even go one step further and have nifty cartoon style textures, despite being traditional three dimensional models underneath. It all comes together in a very cool new wallpaper image that's available in ultrawidescreen. A standard widescreen is also available at the CIC Forums - where you can also let him know what you think!


    Ok so I spent some time devising a proper 90's style toon shader with some pencil lines. I'm oddly pleased with the results. I added an ultrawide render as well for those of you with more monitor than sense. ;)


    I finished "Tooning" up my scimitars...get it? yuk! yuk!...Revel in the pure 90's cheese of it...I think the WCA Scim is probably the best version of it out there. The
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    centaurianmudpig's Wing Commander style shooter Absolute Territory is now 25% off on Steam. That makes it a bit over $11 and a budget-friendly way to expand your space sim diet. The game has been getting steady updated since its release earlier this year, and the game now has enhanced ship and weapon selection. There's also a flashy new trailer that shows the game off nicely. Achievements and other interface improvements were incorporated last month as the game continues to get more polished. It's been a good year for fans going on to published their own professional space games, and Absolute Territory gives Wingnuts another solid option to choose from!

    Update 1.3.0 brings ship and weapon choices throughout the Absolute Territory campaign. Ships and weapons are restricted at first, and as you go through the campaign more will be made available to you. Choose wisely. Players can make use of this
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    centaurianmudpig has announced that his WC-style space sim Absolute Territory is now taking beta signups. More than just flying around in space, the testing here also involves creating your own missions via a neat custom interface. If you'd like to get in early and help positively influence a fellow Wing Commander fan's work, head over to the CIC Forums here.

    Interested in joining the Closed Beta? Fill in this form and you will receive more information closer to the event taking place. The main purpose of the Beta will be to test the in-game level editor for creating your own custom missions.
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    If you're looking for something to help pass the long weekend, the WC-inspired shooter Absolute Territory has gotten a big graphical upgrade and support for VR headsets. On top of the improved visuals, there are also practical improvements to help with travel between waypoints, the user interface and with the simulator. There's a new trailer, and more info can be found at the game's Steam page. centaurianmudpig has the details below!

    Allow me to introduce you to this huge title update bringing all-new VR mode! For those without VR headsets, there is a host of visual improvements and upgrades to pleasure your eyes.

    VR provides a first-person experience piloting every starfighter available to fly. Each fighter has a 3D modeled cockpit to look around for improved situational awareness.

    Warp to new horizons

    • To keep you firmly seated in your cockpit, warp speed has been invented for transitioning to new
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    It's been a couple months since the Wing Commander-inspired space sim Absolute Territory was released. We had fun with it, and developer centaurianmudpig has been steadily making improvements to make it even better. One of the first tweaks was to expand the hit boxes a little to give space combat a bit more punch. The game has also gotten achievements in Steam as well as leaderboards. A handful of other upgrades are listed below, with more to come! You can pick a copy up for yourself for $18.99. I've also included a video of SpaceGameJunkie running the game through its paces to give you an idea of what it's like.

    I'm waiting for someone to knock me off 1st place for Squadron and Gauntlet game modes. Some other notable updates since release include:
    • Additional 3rd person views
    • New HUD art
    • Added controller Shift binding for gamepads (bind all the controls to your controller using combined button
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    DefianceIndustries shared this fun new model with us today. Everyone loves a good Midway megacarrier, but the Flight IIA are much less represented in fan projects. As the story goes, the TCS Port Broughton that we see in Arena was scuttled, abandoned and them brought back to life as a floating outpost by militia forces, so it's very much past its prime. For this particular take on the ship, Defiance sought to imagine what it looked like in its heyday before enduring a decade of hard fighting the Nephilim. It looks super tough!


    Got a bit of time today (for a change) and did some more detailing on the Arena Midway. I wanted to do a version of the "flight 2" Midways as they would've appeared in service. As you can see, it has less structure between the hulls, the engine pods are smaller etc. The original is a peace time design where as the arena version was designed to counter Nephilim swarms.